January 2019
The segue to the new year had me remembering a blog that I began, but never finished, four Januaries ago upon learning that my grandmother had suddenly passed. Superficially, the piece is about my relationship with her and its impact on my eating behaviors, but a deeper current runs through it regarding the role that historical influences have had on shaping our current relationships with food and how they must be considered if we want to create change going forward.


It took me years to figure out why I sometimes get anxious eating in restaurants, but through working on my own relationship with food, now I understand that it traces back to my grandparents. Read More
Practice News
Winter Parking

When cleaning up from snowstorms, the town of Needham often piles snow in front of our retaining wall in the area where our patients park. If snow makes parking in this area impossible, please remember that the street on which our practice is located is public, and you can parallel park anywhere on it for free.

Having said that, please remember to be considerate of our neighbors by leaving enough space for them to get in and out of their driveways with ease and remaining relatively quiet, especially at night, when going to and from your vehicles.
Soolman Nutrition LLC | (781) 433-0470 | info@soolmannutrition.com
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