History Shows That Stock Gains Can Add Up After Big Declines
Markets fall. Markets rise. Thats what they do. Embrace the volatility. Data going back to 1926 show investment returns after markets corrections (falls) and are worth the wait.
The unimportant numbers are the short term performance figures. The important ones are the long term performance figures. Investing in a globally diversified portfolio of 20,000+ stocks and bonds is the antidote for short term investment worries. Obviously if you cannot withstand the short term volatility you should question if you should be investing in the first place and/or your investment philosophy.
This message concerns investing capital in a empirically evidenced globally diversified investment strategy not gambling in crypto, horse number 4 or any other "wonder" investment.

If you are in any doubt check out the very short term performance of Terra Luna, a lauded crypto investment or better still simply down tools (its Friday after all) and enjoy a day out at your local horse racetrack!

Unless you are prepared, and can afford, to lose all your capital I would seriously question any deployment of your capital in crypto just as I would with any novice gambler handing over £500 at the tote (without understanding the risks). Scary stuff when it doesn't have to be.
The real investment markets have delivered for investors, prepared to be disciplined and, that have both eyes on the end prize.

Please get in touch if you have any questions or are interested in investing in your future and not gambling it away.
Remember past performance is no guide to future performance. Your fund value can go down as well as up.