From our CEO,
Kelly O'Lague Dulka, MSW
“We rise by lifting others."
Robert Ingersoll
In the past six months we have seen our lives and our "normal" turned upside down. Jobs are different or gone. Schools are scrambling to develop new ways of educating children.
Masks and physical distancing are our new reality. Family and friend gatherings are now discouraged or even prohibited. At Hively, we are seeing how stressful this new "normal" is on children and families, on our child care providers, on our community, and we want you to know that we are here and ready to help.
If you need help figuring out child care, we can help. If you are hungry, we will provide food. If you don't have money for diapers, we've got you covered. If you need someone to talk to, we can help. We, at Hively, are here to help you feel supported and resourced. You are part of the Hively community!
No one should have to face this pandemic alone.
We’re social beings, and we are not meant to live in isolation. We know that community is critical to our mental health and emotional well-being and we need to find new ways to experience it. I want to share with you an example of a community that has formed as a result of the pandemic. On April 3rd we hosted a listening session for child care providers. We just wanted to check in to see how our providers were doing. What started as a one-time check-in, has turned into an amazing community - a community of providers who support each other, who laugh and cry together and who, through their care and compassion, lift each other up and carry each other through. We really do rise by lifting others!
If you would like to be part of the Hively community, we'd love to hear from you! Join a conversation, contribute to the Hively Community Fund, gather with us at a training or workshop. Hopefully, you will find a home in our hive!
For more information on how you can get involved, email us at
From delivering boxes of food to families in need, distributing diapers through our Diaper Pantry, enrolling essential workers to receive child care payment assistance, to providing child care providers with health and safety supplies, our staff and volunteers at Hively have been hard at work to meet the needs of our community! Check out the pictures above to see Hively's COVID-19 response!
There is still time to complete your
Census 2020!
Why is the census so important?
The results will determine how much funding our community receives for key public services and how many seats each state gets in Congress.
I’m just one person. My response won’t make a difference.
Every response matters! When you respond and count
(including children and babies) living at your address, you help maximize the funding our community receives for healthcare, social services, education, transportation, and affordable housing. For every person not counted, our community will lose $10,000 in funding over the next 10 years.
I’m worried about my privacy.
The census asks only basic information like age, sex, and race. It will not ask about citizenship, immigration status, or income. Your responses are protected by strong confidentiality laws and cannot be shared with anyone, including ICE, FBI, IRS, landlords, or employers.
I’ll get around to it later.
By self-responding now, you’ll avoid a potential visit by census takers, who will be conducting non-response follow-ups (the timeline for which is subject to change due to the COVID-19 outbreak).
The census is important and you
make a difference! Let’s focus on our future and BE COUNTED!
Are you in need of child child care?
Hively is available to assist you through the process of finding the perfect fit for you and your family. Contact
and Hively staff will follow up with you and connect you to a child care program in your area.
Hand Sanitizers with Methanol
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning to consumers about hand sanitizer products that are labeled as containing ethanol (also known as ethyl alcohol) but that have tested positive for methanol contamination. Methanol (i.e., methyl alcohol or wood alcohol) is a substance that can be toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested and can be life-threatening when ingested.
Talking to Children about COVID-19
As public conversations around COVID-19 increases, it may bring up feelings of stress and anxiety for young children. They may begin to worry about themselves, family, or friends getting sick.
There are simple ways to talk about COVID-19 with young children.
Click below for helpful tips from Sesame Street.
Emergency Rental Assistance
For our Child Care Providers
Hively Listening Sessions
11:00AM - 12:00PM
Join us for our weekly Listening Session where you can connect with Hively staff and other child care providers! Join us for an open conversation about your needs, challenges, and how we can partner with you. click
1:00PM - 1:30PM
Join us for our weekly child care provider Book Club! Child care providers are invited to join Hively staff and guest readers as we share our children's book library with you! Each week we will read a new book, and each child care provider will receive a copy of the book! Build your children's book library and the tools to implement them into your child care program!
Health and Safety Support
Do you need support
with the new COVID-19 daily health check procedures while screening children coming into your child care?
Would you like help keeping up with the
changing CDC and County Public Health guidelines for
child care centers and family child care?
The Alameda County Child Care Emergency Response Team has worked with Samuel Merritt University (SMU) School of Nursing to offer health and safety support to open and planned reopening licensed centers and family child care providers.
SMU student nurses will support child care providers and staff with current best practices regarding: infection control, CDC and Public Health guidelines, social distancing, and health practices.
Click below to request health and safety support.
COVID-19 Informational Webinars
Hively and our community partners have been working around the clock to bring you the most up to date information regarding COVID-19 and its impact of child care programs in Alameda County.
Community Care Licensing:
PIN 20-15
PIN 20-15-CCP provides current Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance from the Governor’s Office for all child care settings and providers.
This PIN and the updated statewide COVID-19 guidance supersedes PIN 20-06-CCP that expired June 30, and PIN 20-04-CCP, as it pertains to the staff to child ratio requirements.
Upcoming Virtual Training at Hively!
Until further notice,
Hively will be hosting all
training virtually.
August 4th & 11th
Hands on Virtual Learning
6.300PM - 7.30PM
13 de agosto
La nueva Normal: Ajustar su programa de cuidado infantil familiar para cumplir con las nuevas pautas de licencia
6.30PM - 8.30PM
**CCIP Training Hours Available**
August 17th
Supporting Children with Socially Engaging Learning Materials
6.30PM - 8.30PM
**CCIP Training Hours Available**
August 20th
Financial Vitality Parent Cafe
6.30PM - 7.30PM
August 25th
How to Keep Calm When you Can't Comfort Baby
6.30PM - 8.30PM
**CCIP Training Hours Available**
August 27th
Designing your
Learning Environment
and keep children healthy and
socially involved
6.30PM - 8.30PM
**CCIP Training Hours Available**
August 31st
Community Care Licensing Child Care Advocate Program with
Tawny Grossman and Natalie Dunaway
6.30PM - 8.00PM
**CCIP Training Hours Available**
Thanks to the incredible generosity of our Hively Heroes, we have raised over $200,000 and received over $50,000 in in-kind donations (diapers, books, cereal, and other food) for the Hively Emergency Fund!
Every day, because of YOU, we are able to feed hungry families, provide diapers, distribute cleaning supplies and personal protective equipment to child care providers, help with emergency situations and be the safety net families in our community need so desperately.
Be a Hively Hero! Donate today!
Lara Terzis Abreu
Karelyn Penrod Adams
Afsheen Afzal
Albertsons Companies Foundation
Glen and Joyce Alcorn
Erin Cass Allen
Robert and Erin Alley
Becky Altman
Amador Valley HS PTA
Lynn Amundsen
Anne and Rod Andrade
Deborah Ansley
Brian and Valerie Arkin
Mary Armanuse
Carol Bonini Armstrong
Mary Arnerich-King
Julie and John Ashmore
Cheryl Atkins
Colleen Atkinson
Mona Attia-Shirk
Kelly Bair
Jack Balch
Beth Barredo
Saundra Ferguson Bauer
Lourdes Beaty
Becky Bellini
Chris Porter Bennett
Bernie Billen
Roma Bishop
Stephanie McConkie Black
Ben Blachnitzky
Mona-Marie Ponce Boboc
Kim Bodell
Kathy Porter Boeschentstein
J Boles
Debbie and Brett Bounds
Summer Jew Bowers
Jenny Bradley
Karen Braga
Lori Plato Brandes
Dawn Brennan
Rebecca Briggs
Heather Walsh Brillhart
Nikki Murray Brown
Jill Buck
Erin Clifton Buick
Carlo and Mary Busby
Angela Butler
Catherine Duterte Byron
Carolyn Caballero
Kathy Ryan Cambruzzi
Eric and Paulette Paulos Carr
Julie Weaver Castillo
Kerrie Maddock Chabot
Mark Chapman
Helene Chatterjee
Amy Chau
Chevron YourCause
Shaun Chilkotowsky
Diana Chou
Amy Chou
Rebecca Choudhry
Ann Clark
Kyle and Christin Clark
Susan K. Colombo
Gallo Communications
East Bay Community Energy
East Bay Community Foundation
Jenna Coop
Cindy Croll
Diana Vukanovich Culmer
Renee Culver
DeDe Curry
Jan D'Ambrosio
Michael D'Ambrosio
and Linda Smith
Louise D'Onofrio Newman
Ian Davidson
Barna DeChris Dean
Shawn Welton Dean
Chuck Deckert
Delia and Charlie DeLaRosa
Anna DeLillo
Jill DeMichiel
Deborah Jaret Denny
Tina DePalma
Shelley Mercer Despotakis
Carolyn Grant DeVault
Liana deWit-Smith
Danielle Diane
Mirjam Dijkxhoom
Shayne DiSorbo Downey
Joy Doyle
Breanda Dubatowka
Arjun Dubbaka
Kate Duggan
Kathy Dulka
Kelly O'Lague Dulka
Christy and Ryan Duncan Anderson
Eddie Papa's American Hangout
Samantha Edelman
Eldercare Resources
David Eshelman
Dominic Esparza
Norma Evans
Tonja Rosendahl Everett
Tag Experts
Liz Eyraud
Molly Falcione
Edward S. and Eleonore M. Aslanian Family Foundation
Tina Faust
Jenn Fei
Melissa Fejarang
Nini Feng
Rene and Nicole Ferland
Diane Chapman Ferrari
Jim and Joanie Fields
Laura Fields
Denise Fisher
Michelle Williams Florkowski
Andrea Foley
Tom and Sue Fox
Kelly Haraughty Francovich
Donnamarie Fuller
Lisa Garcia
Angie Garling
Brian Gentry
Natasha Giannini
Rochelle Hulme Gilmour
Arun Goel
Stacy Golhman
John and Karen Green
Kristie Gross
Brenda Leary
Jan Riker Gurske
Alejanda Hall
Wendy Gerrard Harmon
Jack and Ann Harper
Anthony and Ceri Harris
Mita Hartland
Hilda Hasserjian
Erin Edgerton Haubner
Hearst Elementary School PTA
Jason and Mary Hekl
Gemma Castro Herbert
Diana Gutierrez Hernandez
Monica Torres Hersch
Renee Herzfeld
Hindu Community
and Cultural Center
Naraya and Erick Hockaday
Don Hogue
Angela Ramirez Holmes
Lars Ho-Tseung
Nina Hourel
John and Charlotte Houston
Stanley Husted
Demetra JaffinInge Jechart
Iren Aslanian Jenny
Amy Heigh Johansen
Casey Johnston
Amy Huckabee Jones
Theresa Jones-Heintz
Jean Ingalls Josey
Karen Kallestad-Miller
Shilpa Kapoor
Manoj and Heidi Kashyap
Amy Morth Kelly
Christine Kendall
Julia Kennedy
Tina Khemani
Mathilda Kiesel
Andy Knosp
Steve and Mary Jo Kochly
Hari Kodungallur
Roberta Kreitz
Rachel Kruzner
Denise McGinn Kudale
Merrilee Kupras
Lynette Hernando Kwong
Michelle Nieto Land
Laura Morphis Larsen
LaDonna and Gary Leach
Patty O'Lague Leal
Dawn and Ray Lederer
Yentai Lee
Anneke Leigh
Samuel Li
Darby Limkakeng
Joanna Livingston
Sarah Logan
Jerri Pantages Long
Chris and Julian Lovelock
Anne and Dan Loyola
Gail Lucero
Tanya Ludden
Shelley Lumm
Jenny Mack
Patricia MacLeod
Kara Resch Magaro
Dayna Ritchie Manibusan
Ken and Carolyn Mano
Louis Marcoux
Debbie and Dave Marshall
Helen Martin
Martha Estella Martinez
Bless Arches Marx
Robert and Maria Maselli
Brad Mast
Jennifer Johnson May
Kathryn McCarthy
Meryl Sherman McCormack
Julie O'Keeffe McCormack
Susan McCorriston
Jennifer McCort
Michelle Smith McDonald
Nancy McGhee
Karen McKay
Kimberly McLellan
Laurel M Lang McMahon
Teri Meadows
Olivia Balogh Melaugh
Carmen Rosa Meneses Avila
Hannah Goldie Mestel
Patrick Micali
Sophisti Mickie
Jill Miller
Amy Miller
Mary Hicks Miller
Stacy Miyashiro
Katie Moe and
Arrive Real Estate Group
Rhonda Pierce Moreno
Susan Semenza Morrison
Julie Morsilli
Anne Mitchell Moselle
Jemery Mullen
Nicole Murray
Kathy Reed Narum
National Charity League
Desiree Nicole
Kendra Niedziejko
Leann Klug Nobida
Kim Nolan
Shazia BIllah Nomani
Ingrid Norfleet
Molly Obert
Nelly Olivares
Lynn Olson
Geno Orphanopoulos
Sally Oto
Irene Katinas Padnos
Lena M. Paiva
Marilyn Maiden Palowitch
John Passama
Nancy Pennell
Heather Pereira
Simone Perich
Scott Carmen Phan
Rebecca Phillips-Pietrocini
Pam Kellenberger Picazo
Cindy Pisciotto
Pleasanton North Rotary
Nina Burns Pomeroy
Leslie Portugal
Greg Promes
Colin Proudfoot
Alan Purves
Mae Quan
Sobia Qureshi
Suzie Rafla
Ramya Ramakrishnan
Shannon Ramirez
Marisol Ramos
Donna-Lee Irwin Randhawa
Vikki Ranieri
Tina Razzell
Jenise Reynolds
Tonya Alves Richardson
Sandy Richert
Heather Haugen Rizzoli
John R. Rodriguez
Rotary Club of the
Livermore Valley
Wendy Schukle Rovira
Janeen Rubino-Brumm
Devan Clyde Rudick
Sara Hollison Ruegg
Flora Ruegg
Katrinka Ruk
Sharlene Sabonis
M. Dolores Sanchez
Carol Banigan Satterthwaite
Tim Sbranti
Amy Ringheim Scanlon
Jamie Wolfe Schaible
Renee Schofield
Jan Rapoport Schwartz
Donna Seishas
Pam Seishas
Veronica Seo
Ekta Sethi
Amelia and Travis Shannon
Jennifer Shea
Lysa Cash Siamas
SideTrack Bar + Grill
Lisa Silva
Gilda Smith Simonian
Sapna Singh
Holly Sit
Donna Siu
Jennifer DuPratt Skinner
Tammy Slabaugh
Nic Slavic
Joel Slovania
Carol Smart
Beth Fisher Snow
Caroline Soto
Lori Souza
Nit Sri
Dick Stafford
Pam Stair
Anna Startzeva
Russell Steele
Grant Stickney
Jessica Stillson
Kelly Ely Stone
Carolyn Cicero Studley
Liz Sufit
Shake Sulikyan
Sunlight Giving Foundation
W. Ron Sutton - Make a Difference Today and Always
Cheryl Takens
Krista Werner Taylor
Ann Telles
Vicki Farr Thalman
Kalee Thorne
Diane Zorn Totaro
Matt and Maria Tracy
Beth Trittipo
Rachel Marie Turner
U-Haul Moving & Storage
of Dublin
US Foods
Todd Utikal
Katherine Stutesman Utsumi
Supervisor Richard Valle
Tara Zuber Victoria
Mary Lou Vincent
Deborah Jaret Viso
Erica and Brad Wallace
Jaime Warrender
Mary Garvey Washington
Renee Watson-Winter
Karin Welss
Ed Westoreland
Tracey Galloway Williams
Maria Wilson
Marjorie Wong-Gillmore
Rosalind Wright
Tim and Sue Wright
Lisa Yang
Kathy and Edward Young
Sarah Youngblood-Bates
Ette Yutuc
Jennifer Zacharias
Barbara Field Zischka