From our CEO,
Kelly O'Lague Dulka, MSW
“Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero to me. ”
Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers)
On March 3rd, you can be a hero! As an Alameda County voter, you can ensure that all of our children have access to high quality, affordable health care and early education by voting yes on Measure C.
As we've knocked on doors and talked with voters, we've been really heartened by the positive response to Measure C. Not surprisingly, the voters in Alameda County care about kids. They care about the future. They are willing to pay a little more to ensure that every child gets access to a world class trauma center if they need it. They are willing to invest in the early education that will prepare our youngest citizens for success in kindergarten and beyond.
Every day we see the positive things that happen when a community invests in its children and that's why Hively is one of four community organizations who have worked tirelessly to get Measure C on the ballot. We hope you will join us in supporting the Care for our Kids initiative by voting yes on Measure C! You can get more information at
As always, we invite you to be part of our Hively community! We work every day to improve the lives of the children and families in our community. There is so much to do. Will you help us? For more information on how you can get involved, email us at
Our Oakland Office has Moved!
111 Myrtle Street, #102
Oakland, 94607
Hively is excited to announce that we will be moving our Oakland office location. Effective February 1st, 2020, Hively will be located at the above address. Our new space will allow us to have an accessible Community Closet and Diaper Pantry, as well as spacious meeting rooms to serve our families!
Our Oakland office currently does not have an after hours drop box. For those that would like to drop off timesheets during evening hours, please mail or drop them off at our Pleasanton location.
If you have any questions, please contact
your Family Support Specialist or click below!
Community Engagement Survey!
ively's Director of Business Services, Nina Hourel, is conducting a research study on exploring what programs matter most to our community members.
Nina, a current graduate student at Golden Gate University, has worked within the nonprofit sector for over 5 years. While studying for her Masters in Public Administration, Nina has seen firsthand the significant role that nonprofits play in their contribution to a healthy economy.
Nina would like your help to gather data for this capstone project by clicking on the link below and taking 5-10 minutes of your time to complete the survey.
Laptime and Storytime at Hively!
Saturday, February 8th
Family Storytime
10:00am - 10:30am
Thursday, February 13th
Toddler Laptime
(16-36 months)
10:15am - 10:45am
Baby Laptime
(0-15 months)
1:00pm - 1:30pm
Hively is partnering with the City of Pleasanton
to provide Laptime and Storytime!
Stories, music, bounces, finger-plays and more! Introduce your family to the joy of books, music and other fun activities!
Filled with books and songs, our fun activities are designed to help develop your child’s language skills. Children are encouraged to engage with the stories, activities, and their parent/caregiver.
Call Pleasanton Library at 925.931.3400 ext. 3 to register!
(Laptimes and Storytimes are located at Hively, 6601 Owens Drive, Pleasanton)
20th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Fellowship Breakfast
Hively staff and community leaders from throughout the Tri-Valley attended the 20th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Fellowship Breakfast. This year’s keynote speaker, Kym Johnson, Executive Director of
, gave an inspiring message of compassion and community. We are honored to take this message and move it forward with how we treat others and what we can do as a community to ensure everyone has the resources they need to thrive.
Tuesdays & Thursdays | 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Wednesday, February 5th & February 19th
5.00pm - 7.00pm
Our Community Closet has been transformed! Over the past month our amazing volunteers have come in and helped us sort, organize and distribute items to our families.
Did you know that Hively has a Diaper Pantry that families can access every Tuesday and Thursday?
The Hively Diaper Pantry provides low-income families with a one-month supply of diapers, wipes and children's books.
In addition, each family goes home with a children’s book and educational materials to support not only healthy bee-hinds, but healthy minds, too. Visit our Pleasanton location on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9am–5pm. Please bring a valid I.D. and your child's birth certificate with you!
Coming soon...our Hively Diaper Pantry is expanding to our Oakland office! Our families in Oakland will soon be able to pick up diapers, wipes and children's books each month!
The federal Consumer Product Safety Commission along with four different companies have recalled more than 165,000 infant incline sleepers due to risk of suffocation.
For our Child Care Providers
Need Help Marketing your Child Care Program to the Community?
Hively serves hundreds of families each month in finding child care. Families seeking child care in Dublin, Pleasanton, Livermore, or Sunol reach out to Hively each day to find the perfect match for their family.
Contact Hively's Resource and Referral Specialist and have your program added to our database of child care programs!
CCLD has released a new Provider Information Notice: PIN 20-01-CCP required lead testing for drinking water in licensed child care centers and the provision of lead exposure information to parents and guardians by all licensed child care facilities.
PIN 20-01-CCP
provides information regarding compliance with the requirement for lead testing of drinking water in child care centers and information that licensed child care facilities must provide to parents and guardians of new enrollees and re-enrollees regarding the dangers of lead exposure.
Upcoming Events & Training
February 4th
Encouraging your Child's Development through Play
6.00PM - 8.00PM
(parents also welcome!)
February 5th
Compassion Fatigue & Trauma Informed Care
6.30PM - 8.30PM
February 6th
Challenging Behavior vs. Behaviors that Challenge Us
6.30PM - 8.30PM
February 12th
Once Upon a Time: Making Stories Come to Life!
11.30AM - 1.00PM
Hively Oakland Office
111 Myrtle Street, #102, Oakland
February 18th
Assessing your Program for Health and Active Living Best Practices
6.30PM - 8.30PM
February 22nd
EMSA CPR and First Aid
9.00AM - 5.30PM
(1/2 hour lunch)
Cost: $90.00
Registration and Pre-Payment Required
February 24th
Mastering Recordkeeping and Tax
6.30PM - 9.30PM
February 27th
Becoming a Licensed Family Home Child Care Provider
6.30PM - 9.30PM
February 29th
DRDP (2015)
Desired Results
Developmental Profile
6.30PM - 9.30PM
Satabhish Aeka ~ Afsheen Afzal ~ Shruti Agarwal ~ Diane Anderson ~ Anne Andrade ~ Salvation Army ~ Julie Ashmore ~ Jane Kraemer Baker ~ Kelly Bair ~ Chaitali Bandyopadhyay ~ Mary Baptist ~ Deborah Barker~ Vince Barletta ~ Jack Bergman ~ Denise Berkowitz ~ Kathy Bernandez
Ashley Blair ~ Blazing Fire Church ~ Colleen Botelho ~ Boys Scouts of America Troop 548~ Boys Team Charity Pleasanton League
Jennifer Bradley ~ Lenisha Brewer ~ Danielle Breeden ~ Nicola Brown ~ Randy Brown ~ Tracy Brown ~ Jill Buck
Sharon Caldeira ~ Julie Camberg ~ Judith Caminiti ~ Diane Carew-Mundschau ~ Amy Carr ~ Eric & Paulette Carr ~ Celebration Church ~ Carrie Chambers ~ Joe Chapman~ Kristen Charlson ~ Sue Cheney ~ Viviana Cherman ~ Jennifer Chin ~ Ann Clark ~ Noelita Conlogue ~ Alice Conover ~ Crosswinds Church
Kate D'Or ~ Bibek Das ~ Ian Davidson ~ Carolyn Daw ~ Mike and Tammy Dean ~ Chuck Deckert ~ Delia & Charlie DeLaRosa ~ Nicole Denney ~ Camille Denzel ~ Alyssa de Quina ~ Shelley Despotakis ~ Janelle Dietler ~ Steve Dittmann ~ Louise D'Onofrio ~ Dublin Unified School District ~ Annie Dulka ~ Kathy Dulka ~ Kelly O'Lague Dulka ~ Christy Duncan Anderson ~ Ryan Duncan Anderson ~ Captain Craig Eicher ~ Amanda and Victor Ferrer ~ Marilyn Foletta ~ Free to Be Me Child Care ~ Kendra Frerich ~ Helen Fulgado ~ Lisa Garcia ~ Lori and Paul Garcia ~ Marty Garcia-Cotter ~ Rachael Gass ~ Kristen Geller ~ Gingerbread Preschool ~ Erin Green ~ Kristie Gross ~ Charlotte Guinn ~ Mariana Guzzardo ~ Marcus Halluin ~ Noelle Hannula ~ Jim Hanscom ~ Ann Harper ~ Hindu Community and Cultural Center ~ Jamie Yee ~ Angela & Garrett Holmes ~ Becky Hopkins ~ Jennifer Hosterman ~ Bonita F. Hourel ~ Amanda Houston ~ Betty Hudak ~ Tami Ingram ~ John Evans Cellars ~ Avadhani Jonnavithula ~ Meghan Jorgensen ~ Kaiser Livermore Pharmacy Call Center ~ Karen Kallestad-Miller ~ Nikki Kotz ~ Sara Kwan ~ Susan Kuchta ~ Merrilee Kupras ~ Lakeshore Learning ~ Kimberly LaRosa ~ LaDonna and Gary Leach ~ Livermore Area Recreation and Park District - Morale Committee ~ Joanna Livingston ~ Lynnewood United Methodist Church ~ Sisi Mac ~ Theresa Mailander ~ Hena Malik ~ Deene Malone ~ Sarah Mann ~ Ken and Carolyn Mano ~ Marilyn Mattoon ~ Serena Marley ~ Debbie Marshall ~ Helen Martin ~ Clarence Mayott ~ Ruby Metre ~ Kurt McAninch ~Ruth McAninch ~ Michelle McDonald ~ Stephanie McGough ~ Joelle McGlothlin ~ Kimberly McLellan ~ Tiana Megofna
~ Gianna Micali ~ Amy Miller ~ Mary Millet ~ Mollie Molin ~ Wendy Montgomery ~ Kathy Morrison ~ Nancy Mullins ~ Lacey Munson ~ Alice Nakanishi ~ Dorian Nasby ~ National Charity League ~ Debbie Nemecek ~ Diane Nico ~ North Pleasanton Rotary Club ~ Jeremiah Olson ~ Brittany Omphroy ~Renee Palm ~ Paramount Export Company ~ Dezarae Patterson ~ Pleasanton Boys Team Charity ~ Kasia Pozo ~ Colin and Anneke Proudfoot ~ Woody Queen ~ David Quistian ~ Kathleen Redmond ~ Angela Register ~ Tami Resendez ~ Heather Rizzoli ~ Room to Grow Preschool ~ Rotary Club of Pleasanton ~ Bonnie Russell ~ The Safeway Foundation ~ Saint Raymond Catholic Church WINGS Group ~ Gwen Salzborn ~ Lucinda Scanlan ~ Susan Schall ~ Share the Spirit East Bay News Group ~ Laurie Shields ~ Toni Sims ~ Harshmeet Singh ~ Dina Sklovskaya ~ Janel Sloan ~ Linda Smith ~ Jennifer Solari ~ Solid Rock Church of God in Christ ~ St. Clare's Episcopal Church ~ Dick Stafford ~ Marie and Padraig Stapleton ~ Marissa Stein ~ Diane Tamisika ~ Angela Tan ~ Bob Tedrick ~ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ~ Arevik Tigranyan ~ Stefanie Tomlinson ~ Diane Totaro ~ Lori Traverso ~ Tri-Valley Haven ~ Valley Community Church ~ Valley Family Child Care Association ~ Austin Verive ~ Arany Uthayakumar ~ Katherine Wade ~ Walmart Community Grants Team Facility #5426 Fremont - Kelli Walter ~ Albrae St. Location ~ Julie Weber ~ Nafiya Weston ~ Dawn Wilson ~ Marjorie Wong-Gilmore ~ Wood Family Vineyards ~ Carly Yamaichi ~ Lea Yancey ~ Kathy Young