Volume 01 | January 2020
Howard County’s Bee City-USA mission is:

  • to raise awareness about the importance of pollinators and their vital role in healthy ecosystems and;
  • to educate communities about how they can create and sustain healthy habitat for pollinators that are rich in a variety of native plants and free to nearly free of pesticides.

Upcoming Events

  • Pollinator Committee Public Meeting
  • March 9, 2020, 6 pm at the George Howard Building

Save the Date!
June 22-28, 2020 is National Pollinator Week and we will be hosting a variety of activities and events in Howard County throughout the week. Stay tuned for more details!
Coming Soon!
Register your Pollinator Habitat
Our Bee City Pollinator Habitat Registration will be up and running this Spring! Check back for updates on how you can register your pollinator habitat to be included in our Howard County total!

Learn more about our 2025 pollinator habitat goal on HoCo DASH!
Pollinator Spotlight
Meet the Pollinators
When it comes to pollinators, many people are familiar with honey bees and butterflies, but you might be surprised to learn that pollinators represent a diverse group of insects. In the US and Canada alone there are over 3,600 species of native bees.

Follow the link below to learn about the five main groups of insect pollinators—including their life cycles, habitat requirements, and conservation needs.

We want to see your Howard County pollinator photos! Send us your pictures with a short description to be featured on our website or an upcoming newsletter! 
The Howard County Bee City Committee represents a partnership between local government, non-profits and businesses. Members include:
  • Audubon Society of Central Maryland
  • Columbia Association
  • Columbia Ecology Institute
  • Edward Jones
  • Howard County Beekeepers Association
  • Howard County Bird Club & Butterfly Survey
  • Howard County Conservancy
  • Howard County Master Gardeners
  • Howard County Office of Community Sustainability
  • Howard County Public Schools
  • Howard County Recreation and Parks
  • Lauren's Garden Service
  • Myrtle Woods Farm
  • Robinson Nature Center