ParkMobile Resident Code Update
As you may know, there is a resident use code for ParkMobile that ensures residents get discounted rate on parking in commercial zones - this code is "PARKHOB." In the transition from 2024 to 2025, this code lapsed temporarily, but as of today should be operational again. Thank you to the many residents who flagged this issue!
Community Meeting on Garage B
The City will host a briefing on a proposed redevelopment of municipal Garage B, located (28 2nd Street) on Tuesday, January 7 at 6pm via Zoom. Garage B is a 40-year-old municipal parking garage in substantial need of repair. The plan seeks to transform the property to a transit-oriented, mixed-used site to include a new state-of-the-art municipal parking garage, active ground-floor retail, and residential housing. The residential portion of the site would include a minimum of 20% affordable housing for low- and moderate-income households and the remaining balance of the residential units would be oriented as workforce housing for teachers, police officers, fire fighters, etc.
This is a project that I'm particularly excited to see move forward and discuss as part of a larger platform to address affordability of housing in Hoboken. I look forward to hearing the community discussion on this proposal.
The next City Council Meeting is Wednesday, January 8 at 7pm. Here are some of the significant items on the agenda (for a full copy of the agenda, click here):
Reorganization: Since this is the first meeting of the session, the first items on the agenda are nominations for Council President, Vice President, and a number of Council roles on related boards. There will also be a set of temporary appropriations proposed for the first quarter or so of the year, until such time that an annual budget is approved. Many of the contracts associated with Resolutions for this meeting are annual contracts for counsel, on-call services, etc.
Resolution CA4: Change order to the contract for construction of the expansion of SW Park. You can click here for more info on this project - Block 10.
Resolution T1: Resolution to enter into agreement with the State Department of Transportation to accept Congressionally mandated funds of $1.8M toward the Sinatra Drive Redesign Project - thank you Rep. Menendez for your advocacy to make this award possible.
County Vision Zero Launch
Hudson County is crafting a Vision Zero Action Plan, which, like Hoboken's, aims to prevent all deaths and serious injuries on roadways to ensure that safe, comfortable transportation is a right for everyone who moves to and through our community. By prioritizing mobility for all roadway users, we can make our streets safer for everyone. This requires partnership from government, law enforcement, community groups, and you - those who use our roads every day! Join Hudson County for this important meeting on Saturday, January 11 at 11am at Hudson County Prep High School in Jersey City. Click here for more info on the County Vision Zero initiative that I am excited to support.
Hoboken High School Info Session
The next information session to learn more about Hoboken High School will be Monday, January 13 at 6pm at the school (9th & Clinton). Come learn about the diverse academic and exciting co-curricular programming being offered! Click here to RSVP.
Community Meeting re: 38 Jackson Street
Residents are invited to a community meeting on Tuesday, January 14 at 7pm at Connors School (201 Monroe) to learn more about proposed changes to the 38 Jackson Street Redevelopment Agreement. This project, which is currently under construction, is scheduled for completion in late 2025. More info here.
COVID & Flu Clinic
The Hoboken Health Division and Hudson Regional Health Commission are hosting a free COVID-19 and flu vaccine clinic on Thursday, January 16 from 2-5:30pm at 124 Grand Street. Walk in appointments are welcome.
Community Lifestyle Grand Opening
The local non-profit organization Community Lifestyle will host an official ribbon cutting for their new space located at 301 Jackson Street on Thursday, January 16 at 4pm. This center will serve as a safe, supportive environment where both youth and teens can feel valued and understood.
Planned Parenthood Fundraiser
Please join me on Monday, January 20 at 7pm at local gem Mile Square Theatre (1400 Clinton) for a presentation of "Destigmatized" where actors will give voice to real stories around abortion, reproductive rights, and more. This event is in partnership and as a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan New Jersey. A $20 donation for your ticket is suggested - to RSVP or otherwise support this critical organization, click here. Thank you to Mile Square Theatre for hosting!
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If you have any questions or concerns, or if I can be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact me at
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Please feel free to share this email with friends and neighbors, or follow along on my social media pages (linked buttons below) for real time info on what's happening in Hoboken! And if you would like to support my work, here is a link to donate! Thank you!
Many thanks,
Emily Jabbour
Councilperson-At-Large, City of Hoboken
Phone: 201-351-8304
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