
I’m finally settling in for the holidays. Linda has done most of the shopping, for which I am eternally grateful. Virus exposure risks will, sadly, minimize the scope of our gatherings again this year. But it’s nice, for me anyway, to keep our Chanukah and Christmas celebrations small and cozy here on the home front.

You probably know that Linda produces this newsletter. She got so excited to learn how to do a GIF and wondered why it took her so long to get to this rather ubiquitous way of showing images. Here you have her first effort, a small gathering of images from #hocktools on Instagram. After she showed it to me, I, too, checked out Instagram and the amazing show of self-made tools using Hock blades and kits.

Making things yourself that you will use repeatedly is almost a mantra of mine. These photographs on Instagram reminded me once again that, as a woodworker, you believe in this, too. We’re grateful at Hock Tools that you use our blades and kits!

Here’s hoping your Holidays and New Year are filled with happiness, health, joy, and hope! 

Of course, if there is anything you need from Hock Tools, please let me know.