October 2020 Newsletter
Uncovering sexual abuse is always a difficult endeavor. The silence and shame of both predators and victims keep the behavior and its consequences out of the public eye. The Corona Virus has added opportunities for abuse to continue in all manners as the population has been subjected to forced seclusion. Abuse always happens in secret and I imagine it has only escalated during the last 10 months. Always, the great frustration is exposing the perpetrators and identifying the victims. With the religious community shut down, schools and activities halted, where do survivors go? The pandemic has only added to the freedom for perpetrators to continue and victims to be exploited.

In my lifetime God’s Design for human sexuality has been attacked, denigrated, and trivialized so as to leave the culture ignorant and confused as to what true sexuality is. It becomes more difficult every day to determine what is sexual abuse. California last month passed SB145. The bill is designed to protect the LGBTQ community from sexual abuse labels if they participate in “consensual” sexual activities of any kind as long as the participants are within ten years of each other in age. The judge determines what consensual is and then applies the law. Until now in California any behavior (sex act) outside of vaginal intercourse between someone and a child under 18 was considered illegal and grounds for having to register as a sex offender. Now, sexual behavior of any kind that is between partners within 10 years of age with consent cannot subject the anyone to sexual offender status. In English that means that a 24 year old may lure a 14 year old into any kind of behavior, call it consensual and there would be no consequences for anyone. Shame, silence, and fear of retaliation always trumps consensus.

Confusing? Not really if you understand the course of the culture the last 50 years. It will get even more complicated as the days go by as the culture continues to attempt to redefine proper Human Sexuality. The more definitions of sexuality that are added to the ever unfolding desire to change the original design the ever more confusing it will grow. The horse is out of the barn as my grandfather used to say. 

It is not only very confusing, it also widens the door and gateway to sexual abuse. If everything is legitimate, then nothing is wrong. The consequences are destroying the fabric of the country. The hatred, the anger, and the destruction that is growing I believe is a direct result of the rebellion of the original design of God for man and woman. Followers of the Divine Design are ridiculed, dismissed, and now confronted with hatred and violence for believing that one man and one woman committed to each other exclusively for life is a danger to the world. It will only get worse.

I am retired from teaching now. I have a beautiful remodeled space in our home where we would be honored to walk with survivors of abuse that are desperate for hope and healing. We are trusting God to lead the broken here. Spread the word that there is a place of hope and healing. 
“Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you
rest. Take my yoke upon you an learn from me for I am
gently and lowly in heart and you will find rest 
for your soul.” 
                    Matthew 11:28 

Holding on to Hope Logo
New Look for Newsletter

The Newsletter has a new look. Part of that is always changing technology and it is time for a new look. I have always loved the logo. It is nice to have it as the centerpiece of the newsletter for while. Please send along the letter to friends. We would love to have them on our list.T
Telling the personal story of sexual abuse is the first step in the healing process. Shattered walks you through Bill Harbeck's personal story of betrayal, brokenness, and shame and encourages others to speak out and move toward hope. Everyone who reads it says it is hard to put down. Order a copy today and share it with a friend. Email [email protected] and request a copy today for $5.00.
Shattered Book Cover
Cover Page
Working on the healing part of abuse recovery is longterm and tedious. You just don't get over this stuff easily. Bill's guide is one you can use on your own as you confront the shame and hurt. It doesn't have a magic cure for the hurt but its a place to start the journey.

The Difficult Journey of Sexual Abuse Healing. $5.00
Love Goes Both Ways - $5.00
The healing journey highlights for survivors the total need we all have for dependence. It is really hard to make progress in the healing journey alone. Dependency on the Lord and others is critical. Love Goes Both Ways highlights what total dependence looks like and why it is so important in the healing journey. When God is all there is, surrender is all there can be.
Contact Holding onto Hope Today
Bill and Jillian Harbeck