Upcoming Due Dates
Register Today
2020-2021 Officers
Register for the 2020 virtual national conference online . Each chapter's conference fee covers the cost of five officers and the chapter advisors attendance to conference. Any additional member wanting to attend can register for only $25. Read more about the conference on our website .
Officer Transitions
President's Binder
Each newly elected president must be presented the president's binder at officer transition. If you have not received this resource from your predecessor please contact them today.

May 15
New Officer Report
Once your chapter elects officers for the 2020-21 year submit the new officer report to . Note, chapters may not elect co-officers or officers who will only serve part of a full year term.
September 30
Chapter Action Plan
Begin preparing for the upcoming academic year by starting a draft of the Chapter Action Plan (CAP). Completing a draft before the conference will allow new officers ample time to review the report with your section coordinator.
Welcome all to your first LeadingLeaders! This is a resource for Mortar Board chapters that is sent to chapter officers and advisors. Please take time at the beginning of each month to review this resource and share important news with your members at your next meeting.
New Officers: Congratulations on Your Selection!
Hearty congratulations on being invited to membership in Mortar Board. Ours is the premier national honor society for college seniors. Your selection as a member is a sign of more than just good grades, more than just one type of leadership or service. Your membership means that you present a comprehensive package to the world: a true love of learning, earnest leadership, and profound interest in service. Scholarship, leadership, service—all three. Mortar Board is more.
Check out the Mortar Board store for
great t-shirts and more!
New Mortar Board Officers
Looking for more information? Mortar Board has resources to help you plan your chapter's year, learn more about the Society and clarify what is required of your position. A few great places to started are visiting this library of officer webinars , the Mortar Board website , reading the Bylaws , familiarizing yourself with the handbooks  and getting in contact with your section coordinator .