Issue No.  57
Tuesday, December 16, 2014



Last month we contacted you about the need to replenish the USAC war chest as we wrap up at the district court level and look towards the Utah Supreme Court. This Holiday season, we're asking you, those who believe in what we are doing, to show what this stream access fight means to you, your children, and to all future generations of Utahans.


Article XVII of the Utah Constitution states:


All existing rights to the use of any of the waters in this State for any useful or beneficial purpose, are hereby recognized and confirmed.


In recognition of Article XVII USAC has set a fundraising goal of $17,000 by January 1, 2015. We want to exceed this goal and we can only do so with your help. We are asking each and every member to contribute $17 to help replenish our war chest in anticipation of our dual appeals to the Utah Supreme Court.


So far, we have raised $3,600 towards our $17,000 goal. Thank you to everyone who has contributed!


If you want your constitutional rights to use Utah's rivers and streams restored, now is the time to give.


Of course, we understand that Holiday budgets are tight, therefore we will gladly accept whatever you can contribute - $1, $5, or $10 will still help.


Art For Access


We have received some beautiful limited edition artwork as gifts for your donation from top artists including Bern Sundell, Derek DeYoung, Travis Sylvester, MJ Glassworks, as well as custom fly rods from Soul River (+ reel), Fall River (Winston BIIIx + Abel Reel), and RA Smith Custom Bamboo. Head on over to the Art for Access site to check them out. We have more items that we will continue to add to the campaign, so check the site for updates. These items are limited quantity (1 each), so please specify which gift you would like to receive with your donation.



Legal Update


As a reminder, a third court hearing in the Provo (right-to-use) case is scheduled before Judge Derek Pullan on December 22, 2014, 10:00AM at the Provo Courthouse (125 North 100 West, Provo, UT). Depending on the outcome, a short trial before Judge Pullan could soon follow. You are welcome to attend. The Weber (navigable-for-title) case is scheduled for a 4-day trial before Judge Keith Kelly between February 6-11, 2015. 


Thank you for your continued support. Wishing Happy Holidays to you and yours.

Board of Directors

Utah Steam Access Coalition 

$13,400 left to reach our fundraising goal!
The Fight To Reclaim the Great Outdoors

"I just don't want my boys to lose. I don't want those families who have children that run off and play in the streams to lose..." Read more at the Salt Lake Tribune.
Let's Stop Messing Around on Utah

Editor Kirk Deeter addresses the industry, and why Utah's stream access fight matters from Montana to Michigan in the current issue of Angling Trade.

Every penny goes towards restoring stream access. 

Help us fight.


Or by check to:


Utah Stream Access Coalition

P.O. Box 91154

Salt Lake City, UT 84109


Upcoming Events

December 22 - Provo Case Oral Arguments
January 16 - March 12 - 61st General Legislative Session
February 6-11 - Weber Case Trial

Volunteers Wanted 
Do you want to get more involved but don't quite know how? Send us an email. Share your expertise. Help us restore access to Utah's rivers and streams.

Follow Us

  Like us on Facebook   Visit our blog   @utahstreamaccess on Instagram


About Us

The Mission of the Utah Stream Access Coalition is to promote and assist in all aspects of restoring and preserving public access to, and lawful use of, Utah's public waters and streambeds.


The USAC is an all-volunteer, 501(c)4 nonprofit corporation, and while your donations are appreciated, they are NOT tax-deductible.