A Seasonal Newsletter from
Naturopathic Health Care
Amy Rothenberg ND & Paul Herscu ND, MPH

2018: Holiday Times
369 Pleasant Street Northampton, MA 01060
115 Elm Street, Suite 210, Enfield, CT 06082
For new patient appointments in person or via Telemedicine. click here .
Wishing You Healthy & Peaceful 2019
We hope you have a chance to spend time with family and friends, get away from work a bit and welcome in the New Year!

It's been a busy and productive year for us in & out of the office and we're looking forward to taking a little breather, as we pivot a bit to welcome in the New Year.

May love and light fill your heart and home for a peaceful, and healthy 2019.

All the best,
Amy & Paul
2019 Calendar Image
PS. Our 2019 calendar, this year from a photograph I took in our neighborhood, is now available. I enjoy making & sharing these, so if you'd like a hard copy of the calendar printed at your local copy store, get a few & share with friends.
About Naturopathic Health Care
This adorable cozy spot is our new home for our Northampton, Massachusetts Naturopathic Health Care Satellite Clinic slated to open in the new year at 369 Pleasant Street. You can continue to work with us at our Enfield, CT office where we’ve been since 1986. With the issuing of our ND licenses in Massachusetts imminent, we are thrilled to offer natural, integrative medicine to patients in the Pioneer Valley.
The Warming Sock Treatment
This long time naturopathic tried and true home remedy, will knock your socks off - or at least help you or your child knock an acute winter ailment right out of your system.

Although this may sound to some like a form of water torture, nothing could be further from the truth. It is a safe, simple, inexpensive, effective hydrotherapy technique that I’ve been using and recommending for decades.

My patients who try it quickly learn how effective it can be in helping relieve nasal or chest congestion, earaches, sinusitis, and colds or upper respiratory infections. It’s surprisingly pleasant to experience as well. And it works beautifully in conjunction with botanical medicine, homeopathic remedies or other medicines, both natural and conventional.

Click here for detailed instructions . Enjoy this treatment, and use it in good health!
Recipes: Healthy Muffins
Creative Holiday Giving: Muffin of the Month Club - A Baker's Dozen
For full disclosure, you should know I am a excellent cook, I can look in the fridge & the cupboard & whip up a nutritious & appetizing meal for myself, my family & gatherings of friends & students --- but alas, I have been a notoriously terrible baker! I just never got the hang of it.
There were three things I wanted to accomplish with this project in addition to giving creative and appreciated holiday gift:

  • Number #1: I wanted to set a goal for myself, even a small one— of baking a delicious and appreciated batch of muffins each month.
  • Number #2: I wanted to move through what I knew would be the occasional and inevitable muffin flop and not get too deflated---I wanted to learn from my baking mistakes.
  • Number #3: I wanted to have confidence, that I could learn something new & put the product out in the world where they would reflect my positive intention & my new learned skills.

Setting goals, moving through disappointment, and having confidence are all unique parts of what I would call my mental game.

RECOMMENDED: Where each FIELDNOTES we bring to light an organization, business or product we hope will make a positive impact on your community, your world, your life. 
The Integrative Healers Action Network

It seems like every time we turn around there is another emergency situation. The Integrative Healers Action Network is an emergency and disaster response organization comprised of a range of integrative health practitioners. Their Mission is to provide acute and long-term care to communities impacted by emergency situations by providing integrative healing modalities through systems that bridge medicines and organizations. You can read more about this helpful organization here.
Discount on Products from Emerson Ecologics and Natural Partners
Emerson Logo
In an effort to make quality supplements more widely available, we maintain a virtual dispensary through our Naturopathic Health Care clinic featuring products distributed by Emerson Ecologics and Natural Partners.
We trust Emerson and Natural Partners as suppliers for high quality supplements, botanical medicine, and natural health/ beauty products. Wellevate is Emerson's online patient dispensary, and NPScript is Natural Partners'. Products we recommend and use in our clinic are listed, and you also have access to the full inventory of products sold.