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The holiday season is upon us, and it's come up so quickly that our heads are spinning! Are you on top of it all this year? Modern families are multi-taskers, long-term planners, and fun-lovers, and if there's still some secret stuff to... wrap up, Buddings provides the "me-time" you need to get it all done. 

This month, families can sign up for our Got-You-Covered Childcare packages and save! Think what you could do with guaranteed, easy-to-use, anytime hours in the next 2 weeks. Shopping, wrapping, parties, going to the... (sigh) gym... before the turkey and stuffing onslaught.

If you haven't been in to the centre yet, you should definitely bring your little buddy and come check it out! On Thursday Dec. 22, from 3 - 7pm, we'll be hosting a party with The Green Mama - Manda Gillespie! Everyone who comes by will be entered to win a healthy living prize pack to get the new year off on the right foot. 

This month, we're collecting toys and clothing for the Easter Seals House for Children and Families so if you've got new or gently used items that your little ones won't miss, bring them to the party or anytime, Monday to Friday, from 10am to 7pm. We'll take them to some families who will really appreciate it.


Buddings Happenings

December Specials
Party Time - Dec. 22, 3 - 7pm
Projects Galore
Buddings in the News
Buddings logo
Click here to join our newsletter!


December Specials!

We know how valuable a few hours of free time can be, especially at the busiest time of the year! 
This month, our 10 hour packages are 25% off, meaning you pay just $15/hour for high-quality educational care for your preschooler, anytime. 
A few hours a night, or a whole day to yourself - think of the dent could you make on your to-do list with that! Fill in an application to Become a Buddy today and we'll be sure to have your hours available within the week! 
Buddings Holiday Party is Dec. 22 from 3 - 7pm

Your holiday calendar is getting full, but if you're still in town on Dec. 22, be sure to come by Buddings for our Holiday Party and Toy Drive with The Green Mama. We'll be collecting new and used toys and clothes all month for the Easter Seals House for Children and Families, to deliver on Dec. 23, and would be happy to accept items your little ones have outgrown. 

With or without donations, everyone is welcome to stop in for some warm drinks and treats, and Christmas crafts. The Green Mama will be on hand with great ideas for sustainable family living, and everyone who stops by will be entered to win a Healthy Families Prize Pack, including The Green Mama's Healthy Cooking and Parenting 101 e-books, and a FREE 10 hour daycare voucher - to cover your New Year's "go to the gym," "learn a language," or "take dance classes" resolutions. :)

See you there!
Projects Galore! And Pictures Too!  


It's been so fun to start seeing kids coming into the centre this month! With our license approved, and almost all the finishing touches in place, we've been able to focus on the curriculum and kids! 
The tallest tunnel
The tallest tunnel

Our website's Projects Page is the place for families to find out what's been going on at the centre, with pictures, descriptions and quotes from the kids about the work they've been doing. Jenny will be updating the page regularly (at least once a week) and if your child has been in, the latest project might have been theirs!

With such creative buddies coming through, there's been a lot of artistic creating going as well. Our Home Page feature - Art of the Week - is starting to come online. We'll be taking lots of pictures, and you can find our top picks in the rotating boxes on the left side of the page. Images will be there for a week, and if your child's appears, let them know it's because we think it's super! 


Links on


How It Works  


News - The Buddings Blog  

Become a Buddy 

Spot Light


Many Moms will already know the ladies running, but if you don't, check it out! The post on getting kids into charitable giving is totally inspirational and the ticket to making sure hearts are in the right place for generations to come!        


Buddings in the News - Fulfilling Campaign Promises
In case you didn't notice, part of Mayor Robertson's re-election campaigning was to open more daycare spaces, and we all know how important that is! So when our license was approved just one week after he returned to City Hall, the Vancouver Observer's Green Mama columnist and Buddings wanted to be sure everyone knew about it. 

The article, and a number of other pieces of coverage are all on our Media Page, or you can

Buddings is social!


We want to connect with the families that come to Buddings in anyway they feel comfortable. We're on Twitter, Facebook, and in the blogosphere. Our pages can be found by searching for Buddings Daycare on google, or via the links here. Like our blog, it's a great way to keep up with our progress, recent projects, helpful hints, and more! Check it out. 


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Budding Children's Garden & Daycare / 203 - 950 West Broadway / Vancouver, BC /