December 2020
Wow! You went above and beyond--by the end of Giving Tuesday, you donated $6,790 in support of Brigette Singletary's $5,000 matching grant challenge!

Together, you and Brigette raised $11,790 in a just few days. A special note from Brigette:
"Thank you for your support. Putting my appreciation into words feels impossible. I am so thankful, but saying that alone doesn't feel like enough. What I can say is I know without supporters like you, I certainly would not be in the place I am in today. People took chances on me. Thank you for taking a chance on me and for helping give that chance to other foster youth. Forever Grateful!"
-Brigette Singletary
Your support makes all the difference for children in foster and kinship care. We're so grateful that you are holding our kids safely in your hearts.
Susan Conwell, JD
Executive Director
Managing the Holidays: Tips For Foster and Kinship Youth, Volunteers and Families
Every holiday tradition is changing this year... It can be an even more stressful time for foster and kinship youth who may be spending their first holiday in a new home or new family arrangement. While many enjoy songs about being "home for the holidays," the expectation of celebrating with family may create mixed feelings for foster and kinship youth.   
There are ways to ease some of the anxiety surrounding the many events associated with the holidays. Here are some coping suggestions: 
  1. Ask your youth about the holiday traditions he or she has enjoyed. Perhaps you can incorporate a tradition into a visit, videochat, or create something new together.
  2. Offer your foster and kinship youth a safe and protected environment so that he or she feels comfortable and willing to share his or her frustrations, fears, and expectations about spending their holiday away from their parents or siblings. Even if the current home is the child's safest, happiest home, a child may miss a family member more than usual at the holidays.
  3. If your foster and kinship youth is not able to visit family members over the holidays, help them incorporate their family in another way. They may want to write a card or make a simple gift to send to a parent or sibling. Include an opportunity to make a card or gift for the foster family as well.
  4. Invite your foster and kinship youth to holiday festivities as long as it does not interfere with events or online opportunities he or she has been approved to attend with his or her parents or foster family. 
  5. Encourage your foster and kinship youth to share his or her family traditions with you and/or with their caregivers. Also, let him or her know that it's okay for them to ask their caregiver to try their traditions and for them to be open to trying new traditions as well.
  6. Find out if your foster and kinship youth is participating in any holiday functions through school, a place of worship or in the community that you can join online. It means a lot to children to have someone there for them, even if they don't want to say so.
  7. Find out about the various community resources that offer holiday baskets, gifts, and online events to share with your foster and kinship youth. Make sure that your foster and kinship youth has a chance to attend a holiday parade, tree lighting, or other virtual holiday event. We can help you with this. 
  8. Try a craft together. This can be as simple as coloring a card, drawing a self-portrait to give as a gift, or trying a simple planned craft. You don't need to be Martha or Matt Stewart to give this a try. Kids Matter has materials available for pick-up or delivery as well.
  9. Create a new tradition. From watching a holiday movie together to reading a picture book over Zoom or baking a special treat for dropping off on a doorstep... now is the time to embrace the phrase, "it's the thought that counts"!

FosterClub, a national network for youth in care, also published (pre-pandemic) their own holiday guide. Check out 12 Ideas for Supportive Adults to Help a Young Person in Foster Care Through the Holidays.
National CASA/GAL 2020 Archived Webinars
Exciting news! Every 2020 National CASA/GAL webinar recording is available to watch on demand. All the archived webinars available here count towards continuing education credits.
Congrats New CASA Volunteers
Congratulations to the latest CASA Volunteer Class! A child's voice is lifted up thanks to you. Thank you all for your commitment and welcome to your CASA journey!
Next Virtual Training Class Begins January 27th!
Do you want to make a difference? Kids Matter has all-virtual training for volunteer advocates for local abused and neglected kids. Consider signing up today!

This Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer training will be just six evening sessions. All training sessions will be held via Zoom. You'll need a computer (ideally with a camera) and internet access. The course and all course materials are free.

Winter Training Cycle (virtual training)
Wednesday, January 27, 6:00pm to 9:00pm 
Wednesday, February 3, 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Monday, February 8 – Friday, February 12 – tentative courtroom observations
Wednesday, February 10, 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Wednesday, February 17, 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Wednesday, February 24, 6:00pm to 9:00pm

Applications are now being accepted for a limited number of spaces. Background and reference checks and a personal interview via Zoom are required for all volunteer applicants. If interested, email [email protected] or call 414-344-1220.
Home Is Where the Heart Is
Thanks to Wisconsin’s largest full-service real estate organization and local family-run business, Ogden & Company, for sending a donation to support abused and neglected kids! A special shoutout to the Volunteer Committee, Alaina and Lisa for coordinating this heartwarming donation!
Thanks Old National Bank!
Kids Matter is so grateful for the employees of Old National Bank for donating gift cards for our children and families. Your donation will make the upcoming holiday season a little brighter! Thanks to Kim and Jeff for dropping off the cards!
You can donate to Kids Matter Inc. while doing your shopping! Amazon Smile is the same as Amazon, but 0.5% of your purchases will benefit Kids Matter Inc.! Simply choose Kids Matter Inc. when you sign up for free at!