
   A Seasonal Newsletter from
   Naturopathic Health Care
  Amy Rothenberg  ND & Paul Herscu ND, MPH

    Happy New Year 2018 

   115 Elm Street, Suite 210, Enfield, CT 06082                             1.860.763.1225
In This Issue
New Holiday Traditions
Preventing and Treating Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Recipe: Almond Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies
Recommendation: Movement
Discounted Pharmacy Products
2018 Calendar Gift
Scheduling an Appointment
We are currently accepting new patients.  
Call   860.763.1225, Mon-Thurs to schedule an appointment 

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I am a person who loves traditions. Part of that means creating new ones. So this year, as Paul & I harvest a motherlode of peaches, we start a new tradition. We spend a long weekend alone and together, we are calling  Little House on the Prairie. We do pretty much everything you can do to a peach beyond biting into the fuzzy orb with peach juice running down your chin. We make peach chutney and jam, we make peach sauce and dressing. We try peaches on ice cream and eat peaches with our cereal. I dry peaches and Paul makes peach schnapps.  

Dr. Herscu picking peaches
And most satisfyingly, we put up quart after quart of canned peaches. We marry
that tradition to another: we promise not to open our first jar until Solstice. We prolong the pleasure and have a luscious treat to look forward to.
As the daylight seeps out of the year, the grey days of November slip into December, f inally, the day arrives. The sealed lid is smacked securely to the glass rim.  Using all my strength, the jar ring is surprisingly difficult to budge. With a little more prying, a little more coaxing, I finally hear that satisfying pop, followed almost immediately by the rush of fresh peach perfume, filling my nose and somehow my heart.  
Jars cooling at summers end with a promise for a winter treat
The color of the sun is captured in this jar and pours out into my kitchen , even as the snow and icy sleet hit the bay window. Alive with peach color, the delicate flavor of the fleshy fruit is the long story these peaches tell.

In a troubled world and in uncertain times,  it's never too late to start a new tradition, never too silly to embrace a new idea or to create something you can look forward to, that you can relish or cherish. It never goes out of style to add to our lives small bits of happiness to dot our days and lift our spirits.

Sending along good wishes for health & prosperity in the New Year,

Amy Rothenberg ND & Paul Herscu ND, MPH

Preventing and Treating Seasonal A
ffective Disorder
Beating the winter blahs, feeling happy all year long:
Shining Light on Seasonal Affective Disorder 
by Amy Rothenberg ND
Getting my sunshine on a cold day in the woods
At this time of year many people suffer from the short dark days. What we all need is a good dose of sunshine! Here's a story of a patient of mine who suffered with Seasonal Affective Disorder and the approaches we used to help ease him through winter.

Larry, a happily married man in his 40s, usually juggled his many roles as father, husband, son, and brother with considerable skill. But come Autumn, he would begin a slip into his "long New England winter funk," as he described it-or seasonal affective disorder (SAD), as his doctor had diagnosed. Larry would become irritable, fault-finding, and just plain "down." He would have no energy to get to the gym and no desire to participate in family outings. Even though things were going well in general with his work and his family, the relentless dark winter days coupled with reduced time outdoors would lead to his predictable, seemingly inexorable depression.

Click here to read the full article

Recipe: Almond Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies in a Snap
I'm always looking for healthy treats for my family & friends as well as my patients. These are so quick and so yummy, and freeze well, too!
1 large egg
2 tablespoons solid coconut oil or butter or half of each
3 tablespoons maple syrup 
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups almond flour   or almond meal
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon fine-grain sea salt
½ cup mini semi-sweet chocolate chips or chocolate chunks of your choice
Mix the dry stuff together in one bowl . Mix the liquid stuff together in another. Then stir in together. Drop with a tablespoon into round mounds on an oiled cookie sheet or onto parchment paper. THEY COOK FAST - check in 5 minutes, surely done in 7! Oven at 350.

Recommended Organization, Business or Product: things we are excited about, related to our lives or our work or both!
At the risk of over-sharing, let me mention here that Paul just does not enjoy exercise! I am a gym rat & pretty much thrive of every kind of movement possible. Thank goodness, some years back, we landed on ballroom dance as something we could do together and get some exercise at the same time.

Some people don't enjoy the traditional gym experience of getting on a treadmill or lifting weights. Trying something new to you, like GeoCaching or fencing or curling might just be the thing. At this time of New Year's Resolutions, as all year long, let's underline the essential need for exercise AND how it's sometimes good to mix it up. 
Another activity drawing people in is Circus Arts. The Commonwealth Circus Center opened this fall. It is a venture our daughter Sophia Herscu began with a number of colleagues. Another way to get your exercise!

Discount on Products from Emerson Ecologics and Natural Partners

In an effort to make quality supplements more widely available, we maintain a virtual dispensary through our office  featuring products distributed by Emerson Ecologics and Natural Partners.
We trust Emerson and Natural Partners as suppliers for high quality supplements, herbs, and natural health and beauty products. Wellevate is Emerson's online patient dispensary, and NPScript is Natural Partners'. Products we r ecommend and use in our clinic are listed, and you also have access to the full inventory of products sold.


Our Calendar Gift:
Best Wishes for 2018

Dr Rotheberg enjoys making & sharing these calendars. If you'd like a hard copy of the calendar printed at your local copy store, get a few & share with friends.
Please click here to download 

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In health & vitality,
Amy Rothenberg ND & Paul Herscu ND, MPH
Naturopathic Health Care