Happiest of holidays to our River Landing residents! Because Christmas and New Year’s each fall on a Monday this year, Tons of Trash has notified us that waste pickup will be changed to Wednesday for the next two weeks. Therefore, waste will be collected on the following schedule:

Wednesday, December 27
Trash & Recycling

Wednesday, January 3
Trash & Recycling | Yard Debris | Christmas Trees
Christmas Tree pickup is in conjunction with the regular monthly yard debris pickup. Simply place your tree by the curb and Tons of Trash will collect it with your other waste material.
A few reminders regarding holiday waste:

  • Please do not dispose of Christmas trees on vacant lots.
  • No dumping is allowed on private property. This includes land owned by the developer or any dumpsters located at any River Landing facility such as the Clubhouse or the Landscape Maintenance area.
  • Dumpsters located on construction job sites are for the sole use of the general contractors for their trash and building materials.
  • If you have disposal needs beyond normal trash pickup, you may contact the POA office at 910-285-1038 to assist you in making arrangements.

Thank you for your cooperation during this holiday season.
Tons of Trash asked us to extend a big thank you to all those who have generously tipped the workers who provide waste removal services to you all year long. In order to ensure that all crew members are included, the POA would be happy to accept any further donations at our office to pass along to the vendor for distribution. Thank you for your thoughtfulness!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
For assistance with trash collection, please contact
the River Landing POA at 910.285.1038