Jessica DiBattista '22 has written a fictional account about a little girl who was adopted, The Story of Emily Rose. It is based on her actual life. Jessica, who was adopted on July 4, has always celebrated “Gotcha Day” with her mother and godmother. As a little girl, she thought the fireworks were to celebrate her.
She explains not everything about adoption was always easy. She wrote the book to help others who are struggling. “Writing my book has helped me gain a sense of relief and helped me embrace being adopted. Adoption is the most beautiful thing that can happen to someone.”
Jessica, who is now studying communication and media and childhood education at Manhattanville College, is working as an office assistant at the College’s Writing Center. She says none of this would be possible without her St. Catharine’s education. “I will never forget my years at St. Catharine’s,” Jessica says. “SCA really helped mature me and shape me into the young woman that I am today, and I am so grateful for that!”
Jessica credits Sr. Sheila as being her biggest influence. “Sr. Sheila was my guidance counselor for four years and if it weren’t for her, I don’t think I’d be the person I am today. She listened to me every time I came to her and offered me great advice when I asked for it.”