Do you have headshots for your upcoming program?
You must have a PROFESSIONAL headshot or the agents, managers, and casting directors will NOT take you seriously. Adrian organized an amazing price for headshots with a Hollywood photographer at $350 USD.
The photoshoot will take place during the course of your program and exact dates/times will be provided during your orientation. There's no need to arrive before your program date.
Again, we highly recommend taking advantage of this very low-cost deal so you are represented correctly to the agents and managers.
Anyone familiar with Hollywood headshots knows that $500 - $800 is the minimum for a top photographer in Hollywood.
Don't miss out on getting the chance to shoot with an AMAZING professional Hollywood photographer.
EVERYONE MUST HAVE A PROFESSIONAL HEADSHOT FOR THE SHOWCASE. Amateur photos or unprofessional headshots will not be acceptable. I included examples of professional headshots vs. headshots taken by amateur photographers.
Click on the link below to pay and reserve your spot NOW! Space is limited