Holmes Camp News
A Little Piece of Holmes
During this period of distancing, staying at home, and isolation, we're going to post a photo a day. We'll alternate between images of the stunning natural beauty that is Holmes Camp, and from the tens of thousands of photos we have of people connecting and enjoying the site as they engage in this ministry of fellowship and reflection. Some will be from recent years, and some will go back a ways. 

It's our hope that we can bring a little sense of the Holmes spirit to your mind and maybe, with a deep breath, into you heart as well. We're all in this together. The daily photos will be posted on both Facebook and Instagram, continuing until we are back open and you can come here and enjoy the camp yourself. Above is our first pic reminiscent of yesterday's snowy Spring morning. 
The next confirmation retreat has been RESCHEDULED to from April to MAY 15 - 16.

As we are all too aware lately, the status of everything is changing daily. As of this email, we have rescheduled our April Confirmation Retreat to May 15 - 16th. All other details have remained the same. We do hope to carry on as planned.

HERE for registration, parent information and agenda.
Summer Camp Registration
We are still accepting registrations for Summer Camp, with the hope that the warmer weather will bring better health and freedom to all. As long as it is safe to do so, we will welcome your campers and let them have some much needed time to run free!
There's something different about the Agape lobby! We've quite literally opened up a new space.

Our new window will serve three functions. First, it will be a welcoming area, so our host can greet you, hand out keys, answer questions and welcome you to camp. Second, it will serve as an office so that there is a good chance your host will be there working if something comes up and you need help. Finally, this former office will do double duty a branch of the Canteen (the camp store) where you can pick up your Holmes Camp swag all year long. 

We think it looks great and is ready to go once we are given the all clear. Can't wait to see you there! 
We are sad to report the passing of the Rev. Richard Avery . Just about anyone who went to any church camp in the 60's and 70's probably sang some of the songs he wrote with his partner Donald Marsh. "Avery and Marsh" songs such as "I Am The Church" permeated throughout the camp culture, touching and educating campers and staff alike.

But there is a special and personal connection to Rev. Avery for those in Hudson Valley and nearby presbyteries because he served First Presbyterian Church of Port Jervis for forty years. He touched many lives directly and indirectly and we are grateful for his time with us and the lasting impact he made. You can read the full obituary HERE . We send our love to his family and friends. 
Join us: Programs & Retreats
Confirmation Retreat
April 3-4, 2020 Confirmation Retreats
Join Rev. Bryan Breault and Rev. Martin McGeachy for our confirmation retreats! Bring your whole Confirmation Class to Holmes for a chance to explore faith and enjoy fellowship with youth from other churches. Retreats will be held in Nunemaker, our youth retreat building with cabin-style rooms of bunk beds and shared bathrooms. Church groups will be split as evenly as possible to create the small groups for the retreat.
May 2, 2020: Spring Work Day
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Spend a day outdoors and help us thrive!
We'll have work for people of every skill level.

We can't do it without your help! 
Lunch will be served (register via phone 845-878-6383) or, bring your own.

Adults, youth, and children 11 years or older. No small children or pets, for safety reasons.
July 25: Friends Day
Enjoy a day at Camp, with friends old and new!
This is a celebration day!! We open our arms in an extravagant welcome. Never been to Holmes? Come on up and see what we’re about. Former camper or staff? We’ll be waiting to welcome you back. We have some fun new things planned for this Friends Day as well as engaging in traditional beloved camp activities. Come up for the summer day to reconnect with old friends, and to meet new ones. Keep checking back as we update our plans!
August 9th-16th:  Bridges to Community Service Trip to the Dominican Republic
We will help change the lives of our partner communities and ourselves, while learning from the rich culture and traditions of everyday life in the country, working with community members to address the real challenges they face. You’ll spend a week living, eating and working in the community that you are supporting on a project of impact.
Adult Programs
Camp's not just for kids. Retreat and re-charge your batteries with a weekend at camp

August 28th - 30th:
Adult Crafting Retreat

November 6th - 8th:
Women's Autumn Retreat

November 13th-15th:
Reiki Level One Certification
Holmes Camp and Retreat Center's is a welcoming Christian community
where, in a natural setting, lives change and faith grows.
There's No Place Like Holmes!

60 Denton Lake Road, Holmes, NY 12531
phone: 845.878.6383