The Propers

Collect of the Day: Grant, O merciful God, that your Church, being gathered together in unity by your Holy Spirit, may show forth your power among all peoples, to the glory of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

This week's readings can be found here

Church Schedule

Saturday August 26, 5 pm, Eve of Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Holy Communion / Mass


Sunday August 27, 9:30 am, Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Holy Communion / Mass

Change of 8 AM Service

The 8 AM service returns on Sunday, September 3rd. We invite you to join us in worship at this time or during our other services on Saturday at 5 PM or Sunday at 9:30 AM. All are welcome!


The parish family picnic returns this year. We hope you will join us in this celebration on Sunday, September 10th following the 9:30 AM service. A sign up sheet is available at church or online (see link below). Please contact Roger Perry or the office with any questions.

Please signup online here

Parish Administrator & Bookkeeper

Part-time position available

Holy Apostles is seeking a part-time Administrator to join our team. This is a key role at HA, managing correspondence and supporting the Parish through a variety of administrative functions. 

We are seeking a friendly and welcoming individual with strong organizational and communication skills, as well as basic familiarity with computer technology including database management, bookkeeping skills, and website management. This role also requires discretion to handle confidential Parish matters. Training will be provided.

To apply, please send a resume and an email highlighting your qualifications and interest in the position, and your availability to [email protected].

Please click on the link to view the job description.

Job Description

Gift Card Fundraiser

Our gift card fundraiser event is happening next weekend. Please submit your order form by Sunday, September 3rd. The order form and a list of participating retailers are located in the narthex for your convenience. The gift card order form can also be found online. 

Please contact Curt or Kris Byrnes if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued support in this fundraiser.

Barn Sale reopens this fall

One of our largest fundraisers returns on Saturday, September 9th from 8 AM to 1 PM. Volunteers are needed to make this a successful event so please consider giving some of your time. Sign up sheets are available in the narthex. Donations are always welcome!

Please contact Al Zara or the office with any questions. Please help spread the word and tell your friends to visit the barn this fall!

Holiday Boutique

Our biggest fundraiser of the year is scheduled for Saturday, November 3rd. The committee is redesigning and finalizing the details, and an announcement is expected soon. We will offer auction baskets, soup and baked goods/candy sales, kitchen lunch sale, and vendor tables. This will be an indoor event.

Please contact our chairperson, Claudia Sutton, or the office if you can help volunteer or donate basket or food items. More details to follow very soon!

Food Pantry

We continue to collect food throughout the summer months. Please be mindful that kids are out of school and some are not receiving their school lunch at this time. Food items such as snacks, peanut butter and jelly, or canned meals are appreciated. Items can be placed in the wicker basket, and food will be delivered every Wednesday. Please contact Lynda and George Dickson or Kim Midgett with any questions.

Allentown Food Pantry link

TASK Lunches

Many thanks to all those who have helped make sandwiches, pack lunches, supply food items and funds this summer. On August 21, we prepared 80 meals and sent some extra juice and snacks to the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen. I estimate that we’ve provided over 400 meals these past 3-months.

We will not be continuing this service for the time being. We look forward to resuming this ministry in the future.


Thank you for the continued support over the summer. Your financial gift allows Holy Apostles to continue our weekly services and meet our financial obligations. We offer an online giving option for making regular or one-time offerings. Your gift helps our parish and ministries so we can continue to celebrate our mission. Please feel free to contact the office with any questions or assistance.

Holy Apostles online giving

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