Holy Faith Weekly Update - January 21, 2025 | |
It’s a Great Time to Be Alive!
Meditation by the Rev. Canon Leonard L. Hamlin, Sr.
In a Service of Morning Prayer
at the Washington National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
Here we are on January 20th –an intersection of time, place, and history — [and] we recognize on this day that it is the Martin Luther King holiday, remembering his life and his values.... We’re also meeting on this day when, here in the United States, we move from one [presidential] administration to another, what is often termed as that peaceful transfer of power: where one will stand and take the oath.
We’ll be looking at traditions, we’ll be looking at history. Time and place and culture: all are intersecting in the same moment....in this moment, are we mindful of the important things? ....Often we miss what is most important...Dr. King helped us to see what we needed to see and helped us to wrestle with the values that would be needed for even future
days. It is out of one of his quotes that I challenge and encourage us today, when he said that “an individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”
This is what Jesus [also] was trying to get us to see. That it’s not just about seeing
ourselves. But we are to rise above – to rise above so that we might be more mindful of the concerns of all humanity....In the midst of transitions, in the midst of culture, in the midst of all things that are meeting in this moment, King’s life is still speaking today.
He asked this one question that I leave you with today. King said,
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?”
And that is what Jesus prepared us to do. Certainly on this day – as Harry Emerson Fosdick titled one of his books years ago – I remind all of us: “It’s a great time to be alive.”
Indeed, it is a great time to be alive and to give our witness, and a great time to join together, that we might set in place a future and also be witnesses in the present.
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Episcopal Bishop of Washington, DC Appeals to President Trump to Be Merciful to Immigrants in Her Homily at Today's National Prayer Service | |
With President Donald Trump in attendance, the Right Rev. Mariann Budde, the Episcopal bishop of Washington, gave a sermon at a prayer service this morning at Washington National Cathedral focused on national unity.
She said they gathered “to pray for unity as a people and a nation — not for agreement, political or otherwise — but for the kind of unity that fosters community across diversity and division.”
She ended her sermon with a direct appeal to Trump, to have mercy on LGBTQ+ people and undocumented migrant workers: “You have felt the providential hand of a loving God. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy on the people in our country who are scared now.”
To watch her full homily, click here.
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Martin Luther King, Jr. Kids’ Workshop | |
At Yesterday’s MLK, Jr. Workshop for Kids, We:
- Packed 100 sack lunches for Hope Clinic (APPLAUSE FOR EVERYONE WHO DONATED DRINKS & FOOD)
- Welcomed 18 children, ranging in age 1 – 12
- Heard a story of MLK’s Life & Ministry
- Simulated riding a segregated bus (children had to give up their seats for adults)
- With cardboard, duct tape, construction paper, etc., we made replicas of Rosa Park’s bus
- Children articulated their own dreams for making the world a better place
- Ate pizza and watched a movie about MLK
Thank you to Holy Faith’s amazing people who made the day possible: Outreach Coordinator Janet Cook, Jim
Mangi, Carolyn Schneider, Carol Preston, Church Musician Joy Morin, Barbara Arnold, and Kelsey Keyes.
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Death & Dying Discussion Group, Wednesday, January 22nd, 10:30 am | |
There will be a Death & Dying discussion group meeting on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 10:30 am with Bill Knight, DDS, MS presenting to us on Medical Aid in Dying. All are welcome.
Questions should be directed to Janet Cook, Outreach Coordinator at janet.cook114@gmail.com
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Bring Food to Share for Sunday's Potluck Lunch after the Annual Meeting | |
If Your Last Name Begins with:
A to I – Please bring salads, appetizers and bread
J to S – Please bring entrees, sides, or and vegetables
T to Z – Please bring desserts and beverages
Buffet tables will be set up in the Narthex/Lobby area.
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Also, Bring our Dishcloths and Towels Back
After Sunday's and yesterday's MLK activities at church we find we have very few clean dishcloths and towels. With a huge potluck this next Sunday we need to have them returned, washed and ready to use. Thanks!
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Celebrate Holy Faith’s 20th Anniversary | |
January 23rd, 2025 will mark the 20th anniversary of the federation of Faith Lutheran & Holy Cross Episcopal. Mark your calendars for celebration events which will highlight ministry milestones of the past 20 years and honor past leaders.
Saturday, January 25th, 3-5 pm
Gemini will play a concert to celebrate two decades of journeying in faith and serving neighbors. We are offering this concert for ourselves, and as a free gift to the community. Please invite friends. A cake and coffee reception will follow.
Click here for a flyer on to share with family and friends.
Plan to Join Sunday Worship the Next Day, Sunday, January 26th, 10 AM
We will reflect on the past 20 years, dream about the future, elect leaders to the Parish Leadership Team, approve a 2025 budget, receive reports and conduct other parish business.
During the meeting, we will vote on nominations for the
Parish Leadership Team. The slate of nominations is as follows for the class of 2028:
Audrey Altman
Charlie Jacobs
Christen Mitchell
Representatives to SEMI Synod Assembly:
Andy Amstutz and Wendy Amstutz
Alternates to SEMI Synod Assembly:
Bob Kullberg and Judy Kullberg
Delegates to Diocesan Convention:
Diane Jacobs, Teri Kollath, and Lisa Reifert
Alternates to Convention:
Tracy Gilmore and Susan Wehinger
A Potluck Lunch will follow the meeting. We will continue festivities and enjoy an archival exhibit of ministry milestones. Childcare will be provided.
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Some Facts Presented at Holy Faith’s January 14 Forum on Immigration | |
Jessica Beamer, Chair of the SEMI ELCA Immigration & Refugee Task Force shared some interesting information the following (used with permission): Click here to view. | |
Donate Flowers for the Altar in 2025 | |
Sign up on the bulletin board with your name, dedication, and dates requested.
Altar Flowers are $50 for two vases, for two weeks.
Checks to be made out to Holy Faith Church, Memo: Altar Flowers, and prepaid at time order is placed. Envelopes are provided for your convenience at the bulletin board.
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Sign Up to Help with Coffee Hour in 2025, and / or Recycling Drop-Off | |
See the bulletin board for new sign-up sheets for the year. | |
Volunteer Opportunities at the Memory Café | |
Holy Faith parishioners have helped out over the first 4 years of our “Come As You Are” Memory Café and, even though we no longer meet at Holy Faith, we still welcome and appreciate volunteers.
As we enter 2025, we will maintain a list of potential volunteers to tap when we need some extra help. If you’re willing to be included on the list (or for more information), please contact Lori Venable (ltvenable@att.net). NOTE: being on “the list” in no way commits you to volunteering.
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Bring Food for Saline Area Social Service Food Pantry | |
Priorities for this week:
Hamburger Helper
Sloppy Joe Mix or Sauce
Corned Beef Hash.
Place food in collection baskets located inside entry door when you come to church. For more information on donations, click here.
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"The Chosen" Watch Party -- Schedule Change!! | |
Only a couple more episodes of the dramatic season 3!
For those of you who weren’t present for episode 6 last Thursday, we announced the change of date for our next gathering: rather than February 6th, we will be meeting a week earlier: January 30th!! — episode 7
(see attached updated schedule, here)
At that time, we can decide if we want to keep our original date of February 20th for episode 8 or move that up a week also, to February 13th. Let me know if you have a preference, or we can simply discuss/decide on the 30th.
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Little Music Makers classes with Joy Morin | |
Little Music Makers classes with Joy Morin for ages 0-5 and their caregivers will meet weekly in the social hall.
Sing, move, and play with your little one as you engage in delightful music and movement activities designed to tap into the musical mind. Learn more and sign up for a 9-week session on Tuesday evenings at 5:45 pm starting January 14th and running to mid-March at pianostudio.joymorin.com/littles.
Please help spread the word!
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Notice Anything in the Building or on the Grounds that Needs Fixing? | |
For non-emergency issues, record your concern in the white Buildings & Grounds 3-ring binder on the shelf below the bulletin board. For emergencies, please call the Church Office: 734-429-2991. | |
The Holy Faith office is staffed by Office Manager Laurie Tikkanen or Office Volunteer Ann Mayers on Thursdays, 12- 2 PM, or by appointment with Laurie.
Laurie is available to assist you Monday-Friday by phone at (734) 429-2991 or by email at office@holy-faith-church.org.
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For your convenience, Holy Faith's website now has links to multiple information sources. These include:
Because of personal contact information, the Members Only section is password protected. Only Holy Faith members can access this page. Please contact the office for the password.
We invite all parishioners and friends to keep us aware of changes and/or updates they may need.
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Please pray for:
Those Who Are Sick, In Need, or Grieving:
Tish, Tom, Rudy, Charlotte, Cathy, Davina, Mayvis, Harry, Kathy, Bob, Mary Jo N., Sandy, Jordan, Piotr, Randy, David, Midge, Craig, Brenda, John G, Trevor, Janisse, Kirsten L, Steffen, Joe, Robert, Skip, Jackie, Angela, Bruce A, Rick N, Lindsey, Joey, Carol E, Margaret, Stuart, Ezra C, David W, Sam, Charles, Mildred, Pat, Gail, Lee, Sarah G, the family of Casey Horner, and Lawana, that God’s love enfold them.
We give thanks for new members, that God has brought them to us to journey in faith: Arvo Clark; Marilyn Clark; The Hutz Family: Alicia, Alex, Avery, and Auggie; Bill Knight; Donna Porter; and Kathy & Todd Rogers.
We also pray for all those affected by the Los Angeles Wildfires. You can help. Both Episcopal Relief & Development and Lutheran Disaster Response are there providing relief, using local congregations as bases of support, and both organizations are highly rated by Charity Navigator.
For Those Celebrating January Birthdays, especially: Susan Cummings, Patti Giallombardo, Ella O’Malley, Jeff O’Mara, and Susan Wehinger, that they may grow in wisdom and grace.
We pray for those who have died, especially: Peter Garvey, brother to Katie Garvey. May he rest in peace and rise with Christ, and may all who grieve be consoled by God’s Holy Spirit.
Those Serving in the Armed Forces:
Olivia, Joey, and Adam.
Prayer requests may be submitted to the clergy or to Laurie Tikkanen at office@holy-faith-church.org. Names will remain on the prayer list for three weeks unless otherwise requested.
Those Celebrating January Birthdays:
Susan Cummings, Patti Giallombardo, Ella O'Malley, Jeff O'Mara, and Susan Wehinger, that they may grow in grace and wisdom.
If we have missed your birthday, please let Holy Faith’s Office Manager, Laurie Tikkanen, know: office@holy-faith-church.org
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Holy Faith Church
6299 Ann Arbor-Saline Rd
Saline, Michigan 48176
(734) 429-2991
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