Holy Faith Weekly Update 11/12/2024

I Have No Idea Where I Am Going

“My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end; nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore will I trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.”

~ Thomas Merton, 1915-1968

“Miracles of Jesus” Bible Study with Pastor Andrea

"Miracles of Jesus" continues this Wednesday, November 13th, 6:30-8 PM. During this study, we’ll take a look at some of Jesus’ most famous miracles with an eye toward what they mean for us today. If you’d like to Zoom, please let Andrea know, so she can send e-materials: andrea@holy-faith-church.org

Holy Faith’s 2025 Pledge Campaign Races to the Finish

Thank you to everyone who has made a pledge of financial support for 2025. As of Sunday, November 3, approximately 65% of parish households had pledged, and of those, 57% were increased.

Holy Faith depends on your generosity to carry out our ministries and to help us meet our goals for next year: Expanding outreach and ministry to families; Enhancing pastoral care to our elders; and Offering music and arts events for the community. THANK YOU!

It is never too late to submit a pledge if you haven’t done so already. Printed pledge cards may be found at Holy Faith, or on HF’s homepage (www.holyfaithsaline.org) by

clicking on the MAKE A PLEDGE button. You may submit a physical pledge card, or you may submit an online pledge through the website.

Autumn Worship Experiment

As a federated ELCA-Episcopal congregation, our Sunday morning worship usually combines elements of both traditions. In response to parishioner requests, the Liturgy Team designated October for Lutheran liturgy, and November for Episcopal liturgy. So instead of a mixture, worship text and service music come from a single denominational source.

What do you notice? What do you appreciate? What challenges you, or makes you think? We’ll have fun reflecting together on the experiment during a future coffee hour.

Worship today comes from the Episcopal Church’s Enriching Our Worship, Holy Eucharist 1, 1997.


Adult Education Class

Our adult education class meets Tuesday mornings at 10:30 am in the Social Hall. Instead of just one subject, this year we are going to study a variety of different topics. We will probably be looking at Dead Sea Scrolls, Walking Along with Jesus (DVD), So You Think You Know The Bible (arcane and little known facts). Reviewing how the Bible was created and books that didn't make it. 

“The Chosen” Watch Parties Have Reconvened with Season 3

Our next episode is November 21. Doors open ~6:00-6:15 for food, etc. We’ll begin the episode ~6:30. Watch with us, or, if you can only join us at ~7:30 for the discussion. If you wish to join via Zoom, please email ltvenable@att.net for the Zoom link.

Questions? contact Lori Venable (ltvenable@att.net) or Chris Martin cmartin127@gmail.com)

Explore the Power of Gratitude, Sun, Nov 24th, 5 - 6:30 PM.

Gather with Pastor Andrea to watch and then discuss a videotaped talk by Dr. Fred Luskin, founder of the Stanford Forgiveness Project.

In this talk, he explores how gratitude can help us experience life in a more positive way, which then enables outward kindness and forgiveness.

An Invitation from Janet Cook, Holy Faith’s Outreach Coordinator

You are invited to join a group discussion on Death &

Dying (an interest many indicated on a Skills & Interests survey) on Wednesday, December 11, 10:30am-12pm.

We look to offer a continued program with choices of a book study, personal sharing, speakers and personal planning of our wishes upon dying.

Also, in response to expressed interest, yellow folders will be available this month in the parish hall with resources for planning one’s own memorial service for those who are interested.


First Fridays Meal Prep and Serve at Hope Clinic

Ask Mary Hogan, Lisa Reifert, Christen Mitchell, Vicki English or Teri Kollath about the fun-work we have serving a meal to our neighbors in Ypsilanti on the first Friday of each month. Or just add your name on the Sign Up Genius and we will show you how in person. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0445AEAC2FAA8-50808546-holy#/

Two Opportunities for Service:

Two long-time leaders of our ministries are ready to pass the torch to new leadership. Maintaining Holy Faith’s Memorial Garden (Christen Mitchell) and Organizing the Paper Pantry (Lisa Reifert). If you are interested or would like to know more about what each ministry entails, Christen and Lisa are available to answer questions and willing to provide transition assistance to new leaders.

Please see descriptions of these ministries in Pathways to Participation on our bulletin board, and in the front pages of our church directory HERE on the website. Contact Office Manager Laurie Tikkanen if you need code to enter the Member's Section.

Help Provide Thanksgiving Dinner to Our Neighbors

Sign-up sheets to contribute items for Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets for Saline Area Social Service are posted on the bulletin board, or for online worshipers who wish to help, please contact Liesl Narbut to find out what items are still needed: stevenarbut@comcast.net

Bring Food for Saline Area Social Service Food Pantry

Priorities for this week:


Dry Chili mix seasoning

Soft Tortilla wraps

Corn Beef Hash

Stove Top stuffing

Place food in collection baskets located inside entry door when you come to church. For more information on donations, click here.


New! Little Music Makers Classes with Joy Morin

Little Music Makers classes with Joy Morin for ages 0-5 and their caregivers will meet weekly in the social hall. Sing, move, and play with your little one as you engage in delightful music and movement activities designed to tap into the musical mind. Learn more and sign up for a 6-week session running November 13 through December 18 at pianostudio.joymorin.com/littles.

Please help spread the word! Click here for flyer. 

Advent/Christmas Choir

Join us to learn two anthems for the Advent and Christmas season. All are welcome! Rehearsals start November 17 before church at 9:05am.

Questions? Talk to Joy Morin, Church Musician at: joymorinpiano@gmail.com.

Christmas Day Potluck Dinner Discussion

Anyone interested in assisting with this year’s Christmas dinner, please come to a brief planning meeting during Coffee Hour on Sunday, November 17th. Watch for sign-up sheets to be posted on the bulletin board for ways you can contribute.

Contact Jane Darling jldarling4444@gmail.com, or Norlaine Tinsey tinseyh@comcast.net with questions.

Undue Medical Debt Final Report

We are thrilled to announce that we raised $21,780, which equaled abolishing $2,935,072 of medical debt for 2,381 residents in Washtenaw, Wayne & Jackson counties. We pray that these efforts bring some peace of mind to the recipients. A heartfelt thank you to all who supported this endeavor!

Prayer Shawl Ministry Lives! Pick Up A Prayer Shawl from the Narthex to Take to Someone Who Needs a Reminder of God’s Love

Laura O'Malley and Diane Jacobs thank everyone who has answered the call to revive the prayer shawl ministry. It is exciting that several folks have stepped up to make this ministry a great one. If you have been hesitating -- please join us!

You can get the directions in church on the bulletin board, by emailing Laura (curtiso.lauraj@gmail.com) or Diane (docsjacobs@yahoo.com), by clicking here, or find them on the Holy Faith website by clicking here. 

Notice Anything in the Building or on the Grounds that Needs Fixing?

For non-emergency issues, record your concern in the white Buildings & Grounds 3-ring binder on the shelf below the bulletin board. For emergencies, please call the Church Office: 734-429-2991.

In-Person Office Hours

The Holy Faith office is staffed by Office Manager Laurie Tikkanen or Office Volunteer Ann Mayers on Thursdays, 12- 2 PM, or by appointment with Laurie.

Laurie is available to assist you Monday-Friday by phone at (734) 429-2991 or by email at office@holy-faith-church.org.

Holy Faith Info Links

For your convenience, Holy Faith's website now has links to multiple information sources. These include:

Because of personal contact information, the Members Only section is password protected. Only Holy Faith members can access this page. Please contact the office for the password.

We invite all parishioners and friends to keep us aware of changes and/or updates they may need.

Mark Your Calendar - Celebrate Holy Faith’s 20th Anniversary: Saturday, January 25th, 3-5 pm.


Please pray for:

Those Who Are Sick, In Need, or Grieving:

Tish, Fern, Tom, Rudy, Charlotte, Cathy, Kathleen, Hussein, Davina, Mayvis, Harry, Antoinette, John, Kathy, Bob, Karen, Mary Jo N., Sandy, Marlana, Jordan, Jim, Pamela, Piotr, Randy, David, Midge, Gail, Brenda, John G, Janisse, Trevor, Jude, Steffen, Joe, Robert, Charlie, Skip, Angela, Bruce A, Diane V, Carol, Nancy, Jackie, Bruce A, Rick N, Carol E, Lindsey, Joey, Jess’s Family, Paul and family; and Margaret, that God’s love enfold them.

Those Serving in the Armed Forces:

Olivia, Joey, and Adam.

Prayer requests may be submitted to the clergy or to Laurie Tikkanen at office@holy-faith-church.org. Names will remain on the prayer list for three weeks unless otherwise requested.

Those Celebrating October Birthdays:

Barbara Arnold, Jane Darling, Roxanne Franckowski, and Fritz Reifert, that they may grow in grace and wisdom.

If we have missed your birthday, please let Holy Faith’s Office Manager, Laurie Tikkanen, know: office@holy-faith-church.org

Holy Faith Church

6299 Ann Arbor-Saline Rd

Saline, Michigan 48176

(734) 429-2991


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