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2023-24 GRACE Academic Calendar

2023-24 Comet Calendar

February 1 HF Booster Club Hydrant Pizza fundraiser orders due

February 2 In-house Spiritus Retreat

Grades 5-6, and Grades 7-8

CSW Carnival


February 5 100th Day of School

PK-Grade 2 dress up day

February 9 No School GRACE In-Service

February 12 NUT Pass Monday

February 13 Panda Express Spirit Day

10 AM - 9 PM (English/Spanish)

February 21 MS Reward Trip to Winter Park

February 24 Father Daughter Dance

February 29 Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences

March 1 - Early Dismissal 11:20 AM

Afternoon Parent-Teacher Conferences

March 4-8 No School – Spring Break

March 17 Meat Raffle

March 29 No School - Good Friday

April 1 No School Easter Monday

April 5 NDA Seventh/Eighth Grade Dance

Hydrant Pizza Order Forms

In celebration of the 100th day of school on Monday, February 5, students in preschool through second grade are invited to dress as centenarians, people who have reached the age of 100 years!

I write to express my deepest appreciation to each family who has entrusted us with the education and spiritual formation of their children. Your decision to choose Catholic education is a testament to your dedication to nurturing not only academic excellence but also moral integrity and spiritual development. Together, we are fostering a community where values such as gratitude, discipleship, and compassion are instilled in our students, guiding them to become loving and understanding citizens.

As we look ahead to the next academic year, I invite you to continue this journey with us by re-enrolling your child at Holy Family. Your ongoing support and partnership are invaluable to us, and we are committed to providing an enriching and nurturing environment where your child can continue to thrive academically, spiritually, and personally.

To re-enroll, please click the link provided in an email sent late last week. You can allwasy contact our dedicated Home and School Liaison, Karlet Negrete, at knegrete@gracesystem.org or (920) 494-1931. Whether you have questions, need assistance, or simply want to discuss your child's educational journey, our team is here to support you every step of the way.

Thank you for choosing Catholic education and entrusting us with the important task of shaping the hearts and minds of our future leaders. Together, let us continue to build a community grounded in faith, excellence, and love.

In faith and unity,

Le escribo para expresar mi más profundo agradecimiento a cada familia que nos ha confiado la educación y formación espiritual de sus hijos. Su decisión de elegir la educación católica es un testimonio de su dedicación a fomentar no sólo la excelencia académica sino también la integridad moral y el desarrollo espiritual. Juntos, estamos fomentando una comunidad donde se inculcan valores como la gratitud, el discipulado y la compasión en nuestros estudiantes, guiándolos a convertirse en ciudadanos amorosos y comprensivos.

Mientras miramos hacia el próximo año académico, los invito a continuar este viaje con nosotros reinscribiendo a su hijo en Holy Family. Su continuo apoyo y asociación son invaluables para nosotros y estamos comprometidos a brindar un ambiente enriquecedor y enriquecedor donde su hijo pueda continuar prosperando académica, espiritual y personalmente.

Para volver a inscribirse, haga clic en el enlace proporcionado en un correo electrónico enviado a fines de la semana pasada. Siempre puede comunicarse con nuestra enlace dedicada entre el hogar y la escuela, Karlet Negrete, en knegrete@gracesystem.org o al (920) 494-1931. Ya sea que tenga preguntas, necesite ayuda o simplemente quiera hablar sobre el viaje educativo de su hijo, nuestro equipo está aquí para apoyarlo en cada paso del camino.

Gracias por elegir la educación católica y confiarnos la importante tarea de moldear los corazones y las mentes de nuestros futuros líderes. Juntos, sigamos construyendo una comunidad basada en la fe, la excelencia y el amor.

En fe y unidad,

Catholic Schools Week

Sunday, January 28 - Friday, February 2

The Holy Family School Community has been participating in a service project to collect much-needed items for Love Life Ministry during Catholic Schools Week. Love Life Ministry helps local families and their children by supplying them with their basic needs. As servants of God, let’s join together with Love Life Ministry to support life and give hope to these families by bringing in the items listed below.

We are delighted by the level of participation and we look forward to a strong finish!

Durante la Semana de las Escuelas Católicas, la Comunidad Escolar de la Sagrada Familia participará en un proyecto de servicio para recolectar artículos muy necesarios para el Ministerio Love Life. Love Life Ministry ayuda a las familias locales y a sus hijos cubriendo sus necesidades básicas. Como siervos de Dios, unámonos a Love Life y ayudemos a apoyar la vida y dar esperanza a estas familias trayendo los siguientes artículos:

Catholic Schools Week Carnival

We are having a Carnival Fundraiser as a culminating activity to Catholic Schools Week. Our Carnival will be held on Friday February 2nd from 12:30-3. This time frame includes setting up and cleaning up. All volunteers would be able to record their hours!

WHAT WE NEED: We need volunteers to help run the games, run a face painting area, a balloon animal area, and the concession stand.

Tickets to the Holy Family Carnival cost $5 per student. This allows each student to have unlimited play at all carnival games. They will also receive popcorn, a small drink, and a goodie bag. Proceeds will go towards our Third Source Funding. 

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Wedan, cwedan@gracesystem.org 

Mark your calendars for the Father Daughter Dance on Saturday, February 24, at 6:30 PM in the Holy Family Gym. Inviations are going home today! Questions about the dance can be directed to Michelle Boland at michelle.boland@ymail.com

Questions can be directed to Courtney Peirce at courtneypeirce@gmail.com.

TSF Hour and scrip updates are going home this week! Site Advisory Council meetings are scheduled for 5:30 PM in the Holy Family Social Hall. Earn volunteer hours by attending meetings! All parents are invited to join us on the following dates:

February 20

March 19

April 1

May 21

Contact Melissa Parker at sachfs@gracesystem.org  with any questions or concerns.

Opportunities to Volunteer

Volunteer Hours

Contact Scrip Coordinator Katy Reynders at HFSScrip@gracesystem.org with any questions.

RaiseRight App

Buying Scrip has never been easier! Click the logos below to download the RaiseRight app in the App Store or get it on Google Play.

Need to Enroll: Join Holy Family Scrip

Enrollment Code: 14566664762


The Winter Edition of the GRACE Newsletter features information about GRACE's budgeting, teacher compensation, tuition affordability, our Finance Committee, and more.

Click to Register

Holy Family's Booster Club fundrasier with Hydrant Pizza is designed to support our student athletes. Orders are due tomorrow!

Click for Order Form
Click to Email Coach Dow

Volunteering at Holy Family

Every adult who volunteers at Holy Family is required to have a current background check on file, complete a VIRTUS training course, and sign a volunteer agreement each year.

Volunteer requirements are mandated by the Diocese of Green Bay, and there are no exceptions.

We strongly encourage all parents to go through this process because opportunities to volunteer will come up quickly, and your name must be on our approved list.

The Diocese of Green Bay requires all volunteers to meet safe environment requirements. All volunteers must complete and have an approved background check every 4 years and complete online safe environment training and sign a Code of Conduct yearly. The Diocese of Green Bay is contracted with VIRTUS to comply with the USCCB Charter for the Protection of Children and Youth requirements in providing safe environments for all children and individuals at risk. 

Please click on the link below to complete the requirements. Parents who are already VIRTUS trained and have a current background check need to log into their VIRTUS account to sign the annual Code of Conduct.


NDA News

Parish Updates

Holy Family is grateful to the parishes that support our students, staff, and school. By supporting these parishes, you’re supporting our school.


St. Agnes

Pancake Breakfast

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Sock Snowball Fight

Quad Parishes

Valentine Breakfast

Fish Bake

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