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2023-24 GRACE Academic Calendar

2023-24 Comet Calendar

January 4 All School Mass

9 AM at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

January 8 NUT Pass Day

January 15 No School - Teacher In-Service

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

January 24 NDA "Annie" Grades 6-8

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

January 28 - February 3 Catholic Schools Week

February 2 100th Day of School

February 24 Father Daughter Dance

March 4-8 No School – Spring Break


Today, I'd like to share some thoughts on an integral aspect of our school's culture that fosters a sense of community, spirituality, and connection: the tradition of attending weekly all school Masses at our supporting parishes. This practice not only aligns with the respective feast days of each parish but also plays a crucial role in strengthening the bonds between our students, their families, and the larger faith community.

One of the most significant benefits of this monthly pilgrimage is the unique opportunity it provides for our students to witness the diversity and richness of our supporting parishes. Seeing the vibrant tapestry of traditions, architectural nuances, and spiritual expressions within the Catholic Mass enriches our students' understanding of their faith and broadens their perspectives.

The connection between our school community and the supporting parishes is a two-way street. Our presence at weekly Mass allows the parishioners to witness the enthusiasm, energy, and genuine reverence that our students bring to the worship experience. This mutual exchange fosters a deep sense of unity and shared purpose that goes beyond the walls of our school and extends into the heart of our supporting parishes.

I encourage all members of our school community to actively participate in these weekly Masses. Embracing this tradition not only strengthens our ties with the supporting parishes but also reinforces the values of compassion, community, and respect that lie at the core of our school's mission. Please join us tomorrow morning at the 9 AM All School Mass at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.

May the blessings of these shared experiences continue to shape us into a community that reflects the love and grace of our Catholic faith.

Wishing you all a blessed and fulfilling academic year.


Hoy, me gustaría compartir algunas ideas sobre un aspecto integral de la cultura de nuestra escuela que fomenta un sentido de comunidad, espiritualidad y conexión: la tradición de asistir semanalmente a todas las misas escolares en nuestras parroquias de apoyo. Esta práctica no solo se alinea con los respectivos días festivos de cada parroquia, sino que también juega un papel crucial en fortalecer los vínculos entre nuestros estudiantes, sus familias y la comunidad religiosa en general.

Uno de los beneficios más importantes de esta peregrinación mensual es la oportunidad única que brinda a nuestros estudiantes de ser testigos de la diversidad y riqueza de las parroquias que nos apoyan. Ver el vibrante tapiz de tradiciones, matices arquitectónicos y expresiones espirituales dentro de la Misa católica enriquece la comprensión de la fe de nuestros estudiantes y amplía sus perspectivas.

La conexión entre nuestra comunidad escolar y las parroquias que la apoyan es una vía de doble sentido. Nuestra presencia en la Misa semanal permite a los feligreses ser testigos del entusiasmo, la energía y la reverencia genuina que nuestros estudiantes aportan a la experiencia de adoración. Este intercambio mutuo fomenta un profundo sentido de unidad y propósito compartido que va más allá de los muros de nuestra escuela y se extiende al corazón de las parroquias que nos apoyan.

Animo a todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad escolar a participar activamente en estas Misas semanales. Aceptar esta tradición no solo fortalece nuestros vínculos con las parroquias que nos apoyan, sino que también refuerza los valores de compasión, comunidad y respeto que se encuentran en el centro de la misión de nuestra escuela. Únase a nosotros mañana por la mañana en la Misa para toda la escuela a las 9 a.m. en St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. 

Que las bendiciones de estas experiencias compartidas continúen transformándonos en una comunidad que refleje el amor y la gracia de nuestra fe católica.

Les deseo a todos un año académico bendecido y satisfactorio.

As we resume our routines after Christmas break, we would like to take a moment to remind everyone of our arrival and dismissal procedures. We are committed to ensuring the safety of our children and ask for your cooperation in exercising patience and caution.

Mientras reanudamos nuestras rutinas después de las vacaciones de Navidad, nos gustaría tomarnos un momento para recordarles a todos nuestros procedimientos de llegada y salida. Estamos comprometidos a garantizar la seguridad de nuestros niños y le pedimos su cooperación para tener paciencia y precaución.


Students exit vehicles promptly to keep the line moving and then walk to

their designated entrances. In order to keep this process as

safe as possible while being mindful of

cars behind you, we ask parents with

children requiring assistance getting out

of the car to park near St. Agnes and

escort your child to the designated



Bus riders will be dismissed to the front of the building via announcements first.

Car Riders and Walkers will be dismissed next. Car Riders will meet their parent/pick up person in the parking lot.

Please park your car only in designated parking spots.


Los estudiantes salen de los vehículos rápidamente para mantener la fila en movimiento y luego caminan hasta sus entradas designadas. Para mantener este proceso como lo más seguro posible teniendo en cuenta autos detrás de usted, les pedimos a los padres conniños que requieren ayuda para salir del coche para aparcar cerca de St. Agnes y acompañe a su hijo al lugar designado entrada.


Los pasajeros del autobús serán despedidos al frente del edificio mediante anuncios primero.

Los que viajan en automóvil y los que caminan serán los siguientes en salir. Los que viajan en automóvil se encontrarán con sus padres o la persona que los recogerá en el estacionamiento.

Estacione su automóvil únicamente en los lugares de estacionamiento designados.

Questions can be directed to Courtney Peirce at courtneypeirce@gmail.com .

Site Advisory Council meetings are scheduled for 5:30 PM in the Holy Family Social Hall. Earn volunteer hours by attending meetings! All parents are invited to join us on the following dates:

  • January 16
  • February 20
  • March 19
  • April 1
  • May 21

Contact Melissa Parker at sachfs@gracesystem.org  with any questions or concerns.


Volunteer Hours

Contact Scrip Coordinator Katy Reynders at HFSScrip@gracesystem.org with any questions.

RaiseRight App

Buying Scrip has never been easier! Click the logos below to download the RaiseRight app in the App Store or get it on Google Play.

Need to Enroll: Join Holy Family Scrip

Enrollment Code: 14566664762




Featuring International Speaker, Sister Pat McCormack

Please join us for an engaging and informative presentation on "Raising Resilient and Self-Reliant Children" with International Formation and Education Consultant, Sister Pat McCormack, IHM, EDD. 

This adult event is FREE of charge. Wine and cheese will be served. Please follow the event on Facebook for more specific details. 


Track & Field and Tennis registration is now open for the Spring Season. Sign up today!

Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition

The Knights of Columbus at St. Agnes will be holding our Council level Free Throw Competition on Thursday, January 11th, 2024. The competition will be open to all boys and girls ages 9 to 14 (born from 2009 through 2014). The competition will take place at school during the lunch/recess time period in the HFS gym. Parents who would like to help out should contact Bob Peters by text or phone call at 920-366-5826. 

Volunteering at Holy Family

Every adult who volunteers at Holy Family is required to have a current background check on file, complete a VIRTUS training course, and sign a volunteer agreement each year.

Volunteer requirements are mandated by the Diocese of Green Bay, and there are no exceptions.

We strongly encourage all parents to go through this process because opportunities to volunteer will come up quickly, and your name must be on our approved list.

The Diocese of Green Bay requires all volunteers to meet safe environment requirements. All volunteers must complete and have an approved background check every 4 years and complete online safe environment training and sign a Code of Conduct yearly. The Diocese of Green Bay is contracted with VIRTUS to comply with the USCCB Charter for the Protection of Children and Youth requirements in providing safe environments for all children and individuals at risk. 

Please click on the link below to complete the requirements. Parents who are already VIRTUS trained and have a current background check need to log into their VIRTUS account to sign the annual Code of Conduct.


NDA News
  • Thursday, January 25th at 7:00 PM
  • Friday, January 26th at 7:00 PM
  • Saturday, January 27th at 2:00 PM
  • Saturday, January 27th at 7:00 PM
  • Sunday, January 28th at 2:00 PM

Tickets can be purchased online ($15 for adults and $10 for students and children).There will also be tickets available for purchase at the door one hour before each performance. 

Parish Updates

Holy Family is grateful to the parishes that support our students, staff, and school. By supporting these parishes, you’re supporting our school.


St. Agnes

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Quad Parishes

Contact Us



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