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Upcoming Events

2024-25 GRACE Academic Calendar

November 27-29 No School

Thanksgiving Break

December 17 HF Christmas Choir/Band Concert

6 PM at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish

December 23-31 No School

Christmas Break 

January1 No School

New Year’s Day 

January 2 Classes Resume

January 20 No School

Teacher In-Service/MLK Jr Day

January 21 Grades 5-8 field trip to NDA Musical

"Freaky Friday"

May 16 Trivia Night Save the Date!

en Español

Holy Family is hosting a Reverse Advent Calendar Food Drive to support our friends at the Hunger for Heroes Food Pantry located inside Jackson Elementary School. We invite you to participate however you can to help restock their shelves! Donations will be collected outside of the Holy Family Office.

Reverse Advent Calendar

en Español

Quick Links

HF Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

Holy Family Dress Code

GRACE Technology User Agreement

Parent Power School Directions

Medication Consent Form

Anticipated Absence Form

VIRTUS training, background check*

*We strongly encourage all parents to go through this process because opportunities to volunteer

will come up quickly and your name must be on our approvedlist prior to registering for the event.

Questions about VIRTUS training and background checks can be directed to the office.

Lunch payments can be made online through PowerSchool. See the links below for directions.

English Version

Spanish Version

Information about GRACE's Free and Reduced Lunch Program is also available available now. Contact Wendy Gierczak wtih questions.



Every adult who volunteers at Holy Family is required to have a current background check on file, complete a VIRTUS training course, and sign a volunteer agreement each year.

Volunteer requirements are mandated by the Diocese of Green Bay, and there are no exceptions.

We strongly encourage all parents to go through this process because opportunities to volunteer will come up quickly, and your name must be on our approved list in order to participate.

The Diocese of Green Bay requires all volunteers to meet safe environment requirements. All volunteers must complete and have an approved background check every 4 years and complete online safe environment training and sign a Code of Conduct yearly. The Diocese of Green Bay is contracted with VIRTUS to comply with the USCCB Charter for the Protection of Children and Youth requirements in providing safe environments for all children and individuals at risk. 

Please click on the link below to complete the requirements. Parents who are already VIRTUS trained and have a current background check need to log into their VIRTUS account to sign the annual Code of Conduct.


Opportunities to Volunteer

Earn double volunteer hours when you sell Scrip at St. Elizabeth Seton and St. Agnes during November and December!

Please complete the Form linked below to receive credit for hours workedtowards your family's TSFrequirement for the 2024-25 school year. Hours can be accrued between May 1, 2024, and April 30, 2025.

Record Volunteer Hours

Parish Updates

Holy Family is grateful to the parishes that support our students, staff, and school. By supporting these parishes, you’re supporting our school.


St. Agnes

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Quad Parishes

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