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Upcoming Events

2023-24 GRACE Academic Calendar

2023-24 Comet Calendar

October 26 All School Mass at St. Jude at 9 AM

October 26 Half Day/Eary Dismissal 11:20 AM

Afternoon Parent/Teacher Conferences

October 27 No School

October 30 Trunk Or Treat

Lion's Mouth Pop-Up Shop

November 1 All Saints Day

ITWA Meeting at 8:15 AM

All School Mass 9 AM at St. Agnes

November 2 All Souls Day

November 8 All School Mass at SS Peter & Paul

November 17 Muffins with Mom

November 22-24 Thanksgiving Break

November 29 Vision Screening PK4, K, 1, 3, 5

After School Care Update

Principal Sharkey is continuing to pursue options for After School Care. We recognize the importance of having reliable options for families who depend on this service for their children. We are grateful for your patience and support as we work toward finalizing details.

Holy Family students in kindergarten through eighth grade will be traveling to St. Jude Parish on Thursday morning to attend an All School Mass at 9 AM. Universal Permission Forms have been submitted by parents for all students. Please contact the office with any questions. As always, parents are welcome to join us for Mass!

Start planning your trunk for our annual Trunk Or Treat event on Monday, October 30, from 5 PM - 6:30 PM! Participation costs $5 per family whch covers your trick-or-treaters. Dinner will be availalbe to purchase, and the best trunk will win a prize. Our friends from Lion's Mouth Bookstore will be hosting a pop-up shop in the social hall. It's going to be spooktacular!

Register Your Trunk

Lion's Mouth Bookstore Pop-Up Shop

Lion's Mouth Bookstore will have a pop-up shop this year at Trunk or Treat! After you go around to all of the trunks make sure to come into the cafeteria, grab some food, and head over to the shop! They will have books and games for all ages and the best part is that they give a percentage of the sales back to the school! Contact noah@lionsmouthbookstore.com with any questions. See you there!

100 Perfect Patron Saints for Exceptional Catholic Kids

Holy Family's Site Advisory Council is pleased to report that our Pizza and Cookie Dough Fundraiser brought in $2,355. Thank you to everyone that participated!

Volunteer hours and Scrip rebate updates will be coming home with your student(s) tomorrow.

Site Advisory Council meetings are scheduled for 5:30 PM in the Holy Family Social Hall. Earn volunteer hours by attending meetings! All parents are invited to join us on the following dates:

  • November 14
  • January 16
  • February 20
  • March 19
  • April 1
  • May 21

Contact Melissa Parker at sachfs@gracesystem.org  with any questions or concerns.

Opportunities to Volunteer

Volunteer Hours

Orders must be in the office or placed online by 8:30 AM Monday morning to be processed with the weekly orders, if not they will be processed the following Monday. Once orders are processed, they will be sent home on or before Thursday.

Current Scrip balances will be sent home this week. Contact Scrip Coordinator Katy Reynders at HFSScrip@gracesystem.org with any qeustions.

Volunteering at Holy Family

Every adult who volunteers at Holy Family is required to have a current background check on file, complete a VIRTUS training course, and sign a volunteer agreement each year.

Volunteer requirements are mandated by the Diocese of Green Bay, and there are no exceptions.

We strongly encourage all parents to go through this process because opportunities to volunteer will come up quickly, and your name must be on our approved list.

The Diocese of Green Bay requires all volunteers to meet safe environment requirements. All volunteers must complete and have an approved background check every 4 years and complete online safe environment training and sign a Code of Conduct yearly. The Diocese of Green Bay is contracted with VIRTUS to comply with the USCCB Charter for the Protection of Children and Youth requirements in providing safe environments for all children and individuals at risk. 

Please click on the link below to complete the requirements. Parents who are already VIRTUS trained and have a current background check need to log into their VIRTUS account to sign the annual Code of Conduct.


Nominations are now open for the 2024 Golden Apple Awards! The prestigious Golden Apple Award recognizes exceptional Greater Green Bay teachers. Nominations for teachers and teams of teachers who have made a positive impact will be accepted now through October 27, 2023 at 3pm. Please show your support and take some time to nominate our fantastic GRACE teachers at Holy Family Catholic School. 

Golden Apple Nomination Forms



NDA News

Fifth and sixth grade basketball registration closes on October 31.

Basketball Registration

Parish Updates

Holy Family is grateful to the parishes that support our students, staff, and school. By supporting these parishes, you’re supporting our school.


St. Agnes

Fall Calendar

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Quad Parishes

Egg Roll Sale

Contact Us



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