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2023-24 GRACE Academic Calendar

2024-25 GRACE Academic Calendar

Thursday, February 22 All School Mass at St. Agnes Parish at 9AM

Friday, February 23 Early Dismissal

11:20 AM; Teacher Work Day; End of Trimester 2

February 24 Father Daughter Dance

February 26 - March 1 Read Across America Week

February 27 Report Cards/Winter Star Reports sent home today

February 29 Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences from 4 PM - 7 PM

March 1 - Early Dismissal 11:20 AM

12 PM -4 PM Afternoon Parent-Teacher Conferences

March 4-8 No School – Spring Break

March 10 Order your Yearbook by today!

Use online order code HFYB2324

March 11 Stations of the Cross

St. Agnes Parish at 8:30 AM

March 17 SAC Meat Raffle

Tic's Harbor Lights at 1 PM

March 19 Catholic Link Middle School Leadership Conference

March 29 No School - Good Friday

April 1 No School - Easter Monday

April 5 NDA Seventh/Eighth Grade Dance

Studies have shown reading helps expand vocabulary, improve memory, enhance imagination and creativity among many other benefits. Since reading is essential for a student’s growth, we will be celebrating Reading Across America from February 26th through March 1st. Your child will receive a reading BINGO card that challenges them to read different genres than they typically do as well as practice reading in various spaces and different modes of reading. BINGO cards do not have to be turned in but let’s see how many boxes your child can check off! 

If your child would like to bring their completed card to the library March 15th, he or she will get to check out an additional book. Mrs. Calnin invites students to bring their favorite book to the libary to show her!

Vouchers have been donated to support Read Across American Week by Marcus Theaters, Urban Air, and Ashwaubenon Bowling Alley.

Click here for a master list of all upcoming St. Norbert College and Notre Dame Academy athletics camps. GRACE is proud to partner with our CatholicLink schools to provide these opportunities.

Online Payments for Lunch Accounts are Available Now

(Desktop version ONLY) 

You can now use PowerSchool (desktop version) to deposit money into your child's account! The process is simple and allows you to designate how much should go to each child in your family.

**This is NOT available in the app. When using a phone browser, click the arrow on the upper left to expand/view the menu and select "Balance".

Wisconsin Tax Deduction for Tuition Expense

Tax legislation signed into law gives Wisconsin taxpayers the opportunity to deduct private school tuition expenses from their taxable income. A subtraction from income is allowed for tuition expenses that are paid for any of the GRACE schools. Parents/guardians are eligible for a maximum deduction of $4,000 per child in grades K-8 and $10,000 per child in grades 9-12. Students transitioning from eighth to ninth grade are eligible for both deductions. Per state guidance, any amount spent on tuition and book fees are eligible for the deduction. Book fees include digital books, such as laptops or tablet fees issued by the school.

Tuition information for tax preparation is available to GRACE families online via GRACE’s enrollment management system, TADS

  • The TADS Household Paid Tuition Tax Report will provide a breakdown of payments made for the specified household’s tuition account during the tax year. 
  • When gathering information for tax preparation, GRACE families are to access their TADS account | select Billing | Billing Account Number | Reports | Household Paid Tuition Tax Report | enter the tax year (i.e. 2023) and submit. 
  • A quick link to this Report also appears at the TADS Billing Account – Tuition & Fees screen to access the Household Paid Tuition Tax Report.
  • If you have questions or require assistance, please call TADS Family Support at (800) 477-8237 or GRACE at (920) 499-7330, option 2.

A Message from Love Life Ministries

Love Life Ministry would like to thank everyone who contributed to the Catholic Schools Week fundraiser.  With your help we are able to follow Jesus when He directed us to feed, clothe, and care for those in our community who are in need.  You have shown this love through your donation. Love Life Ministry has been able to help children for 30 years because of the support of people like you.  Thank you.

Pat Erdmann and all our team 

Love Life Ministry

As we journey through this blessed academic year, I am humbled by the grace that guides us, and the profound connections that enrich our school community. Our upcoming conferences are not simply appointments; they are opportunities for us to come together in the spirit of unity, growth, and collaboration.

Each conference serves as a sacred gathering, a moment where we can align our intentions and aspirations for your child's education with the divine purpose that guides us all. Your presence is not just welcomed; it is a cherished part of our shared journey.

I invite you to embrace this time to share your insights, hopes, and dreams for your child's academic, social, and spiritual growth. Together, let us nurture the seeds of potential that God has planted within each of our students.

To facilitate our connection, I am offering times within my schedule to meet with families as well. Please reach out to hfsoffice@gracesystem.org find a time available.

May these conferences be blessed with the spirit of understanding, compassion, and wisdom. Let us walk this path together, guided by the heavenly light that illuminates our way.

With heartfelt blessings,

Sarah Sharkey


In-Person Parent Teacher Conferences

Conferences will be in-person here at Holy Family. Registration closes on Tuesday, February 27.

  • Thursday, February 29 from 4 PM - 7 PM
  • Friday, March 1 from 12 PM - 4 PM

Use the links below to schedule your appointments. Contact the office at (920) 494-1931 or hfsoffice@gracesystem.org for assistance.

Mrs. Lehr


Mrs. Francois


Miss Beckes


Mrs. Rabas


Mrs. Wedan

First Grade

Mrs. Krcma

Second Grade

Sister Elena Gonzales

Third Grade

Ms. Halbach

Fourth Grade

Mrs. Kiefert

Fifth Grade

Deacon Dan Gray

MS Religion

Mrs. Belongia

MS Social Studies

Mrs. Kottwitz

MS Science

Mrs. Glantz

MS English Language

Mr. Thill

MS Math

Mrs. Barington

MS Health/PE

Miss Hanna


Mrs. Heim


Mrs. Zirbel


Mrs. Barthels

Supportive Consultant

Winter Star Reports, Report Cards

Second trimester report cards will be sent home with your child on February 27, 2024. Included in this envelope for K-8 students will be the Winter Star Student Report(s). Students in first throgh eighth grades will receive reports for both reading and math. Kindergarten families may receive reading and math reports or a single early literacy report depending on their child’s current Star scaled score. You are encouraged to bring these along to conferences to discuss further with your child’s teacher.

Now that we have completed two sessions of Star testing, we can access growth reports as a comparison of fall to winter. We believe that sharing this growth data is the most useful tool for you as a parent. These reports will look different than the report you received in the fall. 

The Star Student reports will include the following information:

  • Current Scaled Score and Percentile Rank (based on national norms)
  • Level of growth from fall to winter
  • Chart with the student scaled score compared to the grade level benchmark score
  • Fall and winter scaled scores and percentile ranks
  • Domain scores for the various strands of each test. The domain scores represent how much of the grade-level content has been mastered. It is possible that some domains haven’t been instructed on yet, especially in the area of math. Geometry tends to be one of these domains in certain grade levels.

HASA-related questions can be directed to Courtney Peirce at courtneypeirce@gmail.com.

Father Daughter Dance - this Saturday!

Are you ready for it? Our 22nd annual Father Daughter Dance is Saturday night! We are finalizing the details so be sure to send in your RSVP! If your plans are up in the air, you're more than welcome to join us for $10/person at the door.

If you would like to spuport the Father Daughter Dance wtih a donation or your time, click the links below. Questions about the dance can be directed to Michelle Boland at michelle.boland@ymail.com.


Volunteer (Boy moms only, please. It's part of the tradition!)

Click to Order


Site Advisory Council meetings are scheduled for 5:30 PM in the

Holy Family Social Hall. Earn volunteer hours by attending meetings! All parents are invited to join us on the following dates:

March 19

April 1

May 21

Contact Melissa Parker at sachfs@gracesystem.org  with questions.

Click to Volunteer


Opportunities to Volunteer

Create a great

Holy Family School Site Advisory Council invites you to take a survey to see if working Packer home game concessions could be an option for fundraising and volunteer hour fulfillment. It would be a 6-8 hour commitmnet, and it would fulfill all of your family's volunteer hours.

Volunteer Hours

Contact Scrip Coordinator Katy Reynders at HFSScrip@gracesystem.org with any questions.

RaiseRight App

Buying Scrip has never been easier! Click the logos below to download the RaiseRight app in the App Store or get it on Google Play.

Need to Enroll: Join Holy Family Scrip

Enrollment Code: 14566664762

Volunteering at Holy Family

Every adult who volunteers at Holy Family is required to have a current background check on file, complete a VIRTUS training course, and sign a volunteer agreement each year.

Volunteer requirements are mandated by the Diocese of Green Bay, and there are no exceptions.

We strongly encourage all parents to go through this process because opportunities to volunteer will come up quickly, and your name must be on our approved list.

The Diocese of Green Bay requires all volunteers to meet safe environment requirements. All volunteers must complete and have an approved background check every 4 years and complete online safe environment training and sign a Code of Conduct yearly. The Diocese of Green Bay is contracted with VIRTUS to comply with the USCCB Charter for the Protection of Children and Youth requirements in providing safe environments for all children and individuals at risk. 

Please click on the link below to complete the requirements. Parents who are already VIRTUS trained and have a current background check need to log into their VIRTUS account to sign the annual Code of Conduct.


Click to Register

Calling all GRACE dads! Join Esto Vir at the upcoming men's conference to grow in your faith and meet other Catholic men from the Diocese. LINK

NDA News

NDA Boys Basketball Youth Night Friday February 16th at NDA

Click Here for More Info

Parish Updates

Holy Family is grateful to the parishes that support our students, staff, and school. By supporting these parishes, you’re supporting our school.


St. Agnes

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

SEAS Lenten Offerings

Quad Parishes

Fish Bake

Contact Us



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