What's new at Holy Family?

* 19 new families

* 35 new students

* 1 new teacher

* 2 Kindergarten classes

Upcoming Events at Holy Family

2023-24 Event Calendar

2023-24 2023-24 Comet Calendar

2023-24 GRACE Academic Calendar

August 28 Back to School Night

August 29 First Day of School

September 1 Back To School Prayer Service

September 4 No School - Labor Day

September 10 SAC Tailgate Experience at Tic's

September 11 STAR Testing

September 14 Exaltation of the Holy Cross Procession

September 15 SAC Fall Fundraiser

September 16 Holy Family Fall Fest

September 19 New Family Meeting & SAC Meeting

September 19 HFS Spirit Night @ Chipotle

September 21Grandparents Day

September 22 No School - Teacher In-Service

September 28 Mass @ S.E.A.S.

A Fond Farewell to Ms. Kasia and Ms. Wagner

Holy Family wishes Ms. Kasia and Ms. Wagner the best of luck in their future endeavors. We are grateful for their service to our students and families.

Sr. Marla Clercx Retires

St. Elizabeth Seton's beloved Pastoral Leader, Sister Marla Clercx, retired from parish ministry on June 30. Holy Family is thrilled to report that Sister Marla will be gracing the halls of our school this fall as a substitute teacher as her schedule permits.

The Compass article

Uniform Updates

Solid color, collared shirts (blouses, shirts, turtlenecks, polos) are required for students in Kindergarten through eighth grade. Acceptable colors include navy blue, white, or purple. For 2023-24, the colors red, green, and light blue will still be permitted but will be phased out and no longer acceptable in 2024-25. No logos/emblems unless it is the Holy Family logo. Shirts should be tucked in.

Pullover or cardigan sweaters in the following colors are permitted: navy blue or white. For 2023-24, the colors red, green, and light blue will still be permitted but will be phased out and no longer acceptable in 2024-25. A uniform-style shirt must be visible under the sweater. Holy Family sweatshirts in purple or white are permitted. Hooded sweaters are not allowed.

As always, Fridays will continue to be Comet Spirit Days at Holy Family. Students can wear Holy Family spirit tops with uniform bottoms. Tops from Notre Dame Academy and St. Norbert College, Catholic Link partners, are acceptable.

More information, including a link to the online uniform store, will be forthcoming.

School Supplies

Lists * Order online

Holy Family has partnered again this year with Bright SchoolKitz®. Order your child’s school supplies with the click of a button. Kits are filled with brand names (Crayola, Elmer’s, etc.) and quality products that are competitively priced with local and large retailers. Kits will ship directly to your home. Plan to bring your child’s supplies at Back to School Night on Monday, August 28. Contact info@schoolkitz.com or call 1-844-937-5489 with questions.

Online School Supply Order

Parish Updates

Holy Family is grateful to the parishes that support our students, staff, and school. By supporting these parishes, you’re supporting our school.


St. Agnes

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Quad Parishes

Contact Us



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