Daily Prayer
Holy Mary, today creation echoes the silence of God. In the most intense silence the Word was made flesh. In the silence of the grave the love of the Father and the life of the Son came together and a new creation was born.
Holy Mother, virgin of silence and peaceful mystery, sorrowful, strong, faithful, you stand at the tomb where the Word is silent and the Holy One of God lies.
Today, we keep watch with you.
With you we believe that from darkness comes light and from the earth, life. We wait for the dawn of that endless day when a new humanity is born. We wait to see in your Risen Son the new face of humanity redeemed. We wait to hear the new greeting of peace and to sing the new song of glory.
Mary, Virgin of the Spirit, image of the Church, pray that we may have your faith in the Word your hope in the Kingdom, and your love for God and humanity which is stronger than death.