November 30, 2023

The 1st Sunday of Advent

"Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved ."

Dear Parishioners of Holy Spirit,


I want to thank you for your generosity in so many ways around the parish, in our diocese, and beyond our small piece of God's kingdom. During this time of the year so many worthy causes come before you seeking your help, both with your time and money. I hope you support those causes that are close to your heart and will do the most good. As far as the parish goes, I will let you know that we have been doing well reducing our debt because of your generous support of the "For the Future" Campaign. We are now under $3,000,000 owed to the bank. If you find it in your heart to add to that, it would be a great sign of support and help us at the end of the year. Similarly, the Annual Catholic Appeal is doing well here in support of diocesan missions. To date we are at 50% of our goal of $48,000. If you have contributed, thank you so much. If you are still waiting until the end of the year, well, it’s almost here. Your gift to the diocese will help continue the many ministries that we benefit from.


To each of you, I thank you for your generosity in praying for those in need. Prayer is central to our faith and should be the first pillar of who we are as a Church. Thank you for feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, and reaching out to those seeking a better way of life. Thank you for always being there when someone needs a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on. Thank you for the ways in which you ensure we have beautiful liturgies with song and spoken words, with art and a welcome to newcomers. Thank you for supporting the work of our staff by saying "yes" when asked to participate in a new procedure or ministry. For all of this and so much more, I give thanks to you and to God for bringing us together.


May God bless you all,

Fr. Joe Sharbel

Rite of Welcome

Please plan to join us at 8:30 am mass this week Sunday as we welcome the candidates and catechumens.

The second collection for the Capital Campaign will be this weekend due to the Diocesan Religious Retirement collection next weekend. You can donate online or place your envelope in the second collection this weekend.

Join us for Adoration tomorrow morning, Dec 1

Christmas Giving Trees


Stars are now available in the narthex. Take a star, buy the item listed, and

return to church unwrapped.

If you can’t find the exact item, feel free to substitute for something similar.

Gifts are for the Christmas Store at Lee’s Summit Social Services.


Remembrance Table pictures

If you brought in a picture to place on the Remembrance Table for the month of November, please stop by the office to pick up your picture. Thank you!

ACA Update

Consider your gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal, Giving in Love”  during these holidays. 

Your gift goes a long way to support the many ministries in our diocese. Pledges can be made online or by using the envelopes found in the narthex. We are 57% of the way to our goal!



Come Join the Fun at Appletree Academy!

Located on the lower level of

Holy Spirit  

Call Jan at 816-863-5283 or email

[email protected]

Find us online:

Youth Group calendars available online

Click here for the Catalyst calendar

Click here for the IMPACT calendar

Click here for the current ministry schedule (December 2-February 11, 2024)
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Our featured sponsor this week is Summit Lakes Dental Care. Our advertisers pay the cost for our parish app, a large portion of our website expenses, and 100% of our printed Sunday bulletin costs. Please patronize them!