January 19, 2023

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

"Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men."

From the desk of Father Joe

For the Future Campaign update

Beginning this week Kelsey Brunetti, who is now on staff, will be making calls to some of you seeking your help as ambassadors for the parish. What this means is that you would be asked to visit a few parish families, telling them about your experiences with the parish (your favorite activity, the friendly atmosphere, the depth of spirituality present, etc), get to know the family if you don't already and speak of the benefits coming from the success of the campaign. Then you would present the family with a sealed envelope from me asking them to pray about a contribution. Thats all. You will not be asking anyone for money. You're there to be an ambassador and to get to know someone who also worships here.  

When Kelsey calls, please answer and give consideration to being an ambassador for the campaign. Your name was given by other parishioners who felt you'd be a good choice for this ministry. May God bless you.

Fr. Joe Sharbel

For the Future Campaign Prayer

Ever-living, holy God, we praise you for your mighty works and the Spirit given to your beloved people. Through these gifts, strangers become companions on a pilgrim journey; barriers of mistrust are removed; reconciliation is possible; and we, as Church, begin to love as your Son commanded.

Empower our parish community to look to You for hope as we embark on our campaign “For the Future.” Let us be courageous in looking to be hands for the poor; a voice for the marginalized; hope for the desperate; a consoling hand for the grieving, and loving to all who come our way.

May Your Spirit guide us through the days of our campaign and bring us together as your faithful disciples.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

It's not too late to join our new women's bible study and book club, Sisters in the Spirit. To join, click here. For more information, contact Tracy Robinson.

The Knights of Columbus are holding a meat raffle. Tickets are on sale after all weekend masses. For more information, click here.

2022 contribution statements were mailed out last week. If you didn't receive one, please email the parish office.

Click here for the current ministry schedule (January-March, 2023)
Click here for ministry schedule call/email sheets
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Our featured sponsor this week is Matt Flax, Edward Jones financial advisor. Our advertisers pay the cost for our parish app, a large portion of our website expenses, and 100% of our printed Sunday bulletin costs. Please patronize them!