eNews + December 7, 2018
Wait a minute...
-Pr. Michelle Sevig
“Wait a minute!” I say that a lot. Usually when someone interrupts me and I want to finish what I’m doing, even if it’s not that important. But waiting a minute can be pretty difficult.

I get impatient when waiting in line. I don’t like it when I have to wait for someone to slowly cross the street. Waiting for a teenager to come home safely is a new experience for me and that has its own challenges too. Yesterday, at the children’s hospital where I work, a mom told me that waiting for the child’s test results to come back was the hardest part, as they wait to find out why the child is sick.

Waiting. We’re not very good at that anymore. Maybe we never were. But in this instant-everything modern age, we get frustrated if we have to wait for any length of time for the insignificant stuff and for the the things that really matter.

But the advent season is all about waiting. During advent, we’re reminded of all those centuries when God’s people awaited the fulfillment of God’s promises, the years of uncertainty, the time of doubt.

And God’s people continue to wait with longing, hope and wonder .

Waiting with wonder is a new side of waiting I’ve been introduced to recently. Instead of impatience and worry, I’m leaning in to wonder this advent season and I invite you to do the same.

Draw Near to Wonder by Sara Are

I wonder if the earth is waiting for a Messiah like I am--
Trees bending toward love,
fireflies keeping a promise to be light,
the moon returning over and over again
with hope that the world will look differently this time.

I wonder if I’ll ever really know when it happens--
Those moments when God is in my midst.
Those all the time,
rare kind of moments that I’m terrible at
trusting, but know like a rainstorm.

I wonder, because I am human.
I wonder, because not wondering leaves me stuck.
And I cannot be stuck in a world
that separates children from parents,
women from their bodies,
and men from their emotions.

So I wonder.
Will the stars ever fall?
Will I see you face to face, and you see me?
Will the moon come back tonight and sigh, saying,
“Ah yes. I can see that God is here.
This is what I’ve been waiting for.”
Prayers by Sarah Are | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org

Email Michelle with your comments or questions.
Coming This Weekend
December 8/9 | Second Sunday of Advent | Readings here .
Saturday, December 8
5pm - Eucharist (HTLoop. 637 S. Dearborn)

Sunday, December 9 (HTLakeview, unless otherwise indicated)
9am - Eucharist (with cantor and organ)
10am - Antiracism Team Meeting (kitchen)
10am - Sunday School (Passavant Hall and Spiritual Life Center)
10am - Confirmation (St. Mark Room, Upstairs)
11am - Eucharist (with cantor and organ)
4pm- A Festival of Music for Advent and Christmas (Sanctuary)
followed by lasagna dinner (Passavant Hall)
Lasagna Dinner to Follow
Fundraiser for Youth Ministries
Suggested Donation: $10 or $25 per family.
News and Notes
Drop in anytime for some meditative, quiet reflection on your Advent journey.
The giving tree is back and this year the goal that Holy Trinity has set is to purchase one hundred and fifty $25 Target gift cards to benefit the guests of the South Loop Community Table! We will have 150 tags on the tree, so please take as many as you are able to purchase. Just be sure to let us know how many tags you take on the form next to the tree. These cards will need to be back to church by the morning of December 23.

You can also make a donation online at  giving.htchicago.org  and we'll buy the gift card(s) for you!
Sign-up here to bring something for the Cookies and Carols potluck and to help with setup/cleanup.
Eat, Drink, Read. Our annual festive Christmas dinner will be Monday, December 17 at 6:30 PM at Tutto Fresco, 2901 N Ashland. We'll be discussing Agatha Christie's classic mystery, Murder on the Orient Express. Please join us, even if you don't have time to read the book!
Sponsor the greens and poinsettias that will decorate our church at Christmas in honor or in memory of a friend or relative. Please donate online or make a check or envelope earmarked “Christmas Greens” in the amount of $20 - $100. All donations must be received by Sunday, December 16 in order to publish names and dedications in Christmas bulletins.
More info here.
Click here to read or here (scroll down) to sign up for daily emails.
Consider a special year-end gift  to Holy Trinity.
It has been a wonderful year and we are  grateful for vibrant ministries  of worship, music, service, children's programs, spiritual formation, and outreach.
Holy Trinity depends on strong December offerings.
Your gift will help assure a strong start to 2019.
Most people  give online ( giving.htchicago.org) but we still have an offering basket available! Either way, THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY!
2018 Mission Endowment Fund Grant Reports and 2019 Grant Applications Read more here.

View worship assistant schedules here.
Fair Trade Holiday Pop-Up Shop sponsored by LakeView Lutheran Church. More info here .

Bending Towards the Light: A JAZZ NATIVITY + Saturday, December 8, 4pm at Saint Luke Church. More info here .

Coffee, Cocoa, and Christmas Carols + Saturday, December 15 at Resurrection Lutheran CHurch, 3309 N. Seminary Ave., More info here.
Recent Sermons
"What Will Become of Us?"
Pr. Craig Mueller
First Sunday of Advent
December 2, 2018
What will become of us? Are you worried about the future? Researchers note what sets us apart from animals is that we contemplate and imagine our futures. Advent is a spiritual gift for times such as ours.

Read or listen to the full sermon here .
"A Shoot from the Stump"
Pr. Ben Adams
First Sunday of Advent
December 1, 2018
If you are feeling cut down, made low, or reduced to just a stump, know that one we wait for this Advent sprouted as a sapling from a stump of a place like Bethlehem in a stump of a place like in a manger to an unwed, teenage mother and it was in that place that the savior of our world took root to resurrect our stump-ridden world and to give life to everyone who has been chopped by the death-dealing, ax-wielding forces of this world, God finds their home in you and we wait now for that shoot to spring forth once again.

Read or listen to the full sermon here.
Prayers and Celebrations
PRAYERS for those ill, or with special needs or circumstances:

  • Sarah Hanson, mourning the death of her father Harold
  • Nora Leonard and family (friend of Barbara Wahler)
  • Sabrina Ladd (former student of Barbara Wahler)
  • James McCarthy (friend of Martin and Lauren Modahl) 
  • Mark and Kathy Lund
  • Amy Vegter (daughter of Terri and Terry Vegter)
  • The Shaffer Family
  • David Vigen (Aana Vigen's father)

If you would like to be included on the prayer list please  contact the church office . Prayer requests remain on the list for four weeks before being removed, and requests can be renewed as often as needed.
Attendance For The Weekend of December 1/2, 2018
Josh Evans Ordination- 85
5pm HTLoop- 31
9am HTLakeview- 114
11am HTLakeview- 64
Weekend Total- 294
[773.248.1233]  [ [email protected]]  [ htchicago.org]
HOLY TRINITY eNews is the weekly electronic newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Chicago. To unsubscribe click on "safeUnsubscribe" below. E-newsletter submissions and prayer requests should be sent to [email protected]  by Tuesday at 3:00 p.m.

Office hours : Mon. - Thurs., 8:30am-3pm; Sun., 8am-1pm