eNews + September 21, 2018
Can We Talk About Money???
-Pastor Craig Mueller
Sex, politics, and money: the three conversation taboos. But … earlier this month we heard sermons that celebrated the goodness of sexuality. And despite views that politics and religion shouldn’t mix, the Church moves beyond partisan divides by holding up an alternate way: advocating for the powerless in society. 

But what about money? More than a few people are turned off by churches that talk too much about money. I couldn’t agree more, especially if sermons are self-serving to benefit the congregation’s budget.

In a pre-marital inventory tool that all three pastors use at Holy Trinity, there is a helpful exercise in which each person reflects on the meaning of money in their lives: as status, as control, as security, and as entertainment. Jesus talked more about money than most other topics. There is no question that how we use and value money gets to the heart of our spiritual values. 

I am committed to balanced budgets—both in my personal finances and at Holy Trinity. I believe it is important to live within our means and to strive for financial wellness. Our financial contexts vary throughout our lives, but the 80-20 Rule (used in some churches) is a good guide. It’s simple: 80% for living expenses; 10% for savings; and 10% for the mission of the Church. 

Each year Ernest and I look at our financial projections for the coming year and try to move toward the goal of giving 10% to Holy Trinity and other organizations. Though WBEZ, for example, receives a small portion of our charitable giving, we predominantly support the Church as a sign of God’s grace and mercy for the world. We believe that these offerings form in us the spiritual values of gratitude and generosity.

Tomorrow is the autumnal equinox with equal hours of light and darkness. It is a day of balance and inspires us to seek balance in our own lives. Let it inspire you to talk about money and consider moving toward the 80-20 Rule in your household. And while you’re at it, take a look at carving out space each day and week for Sunday worship, meditation, and other spiritual practices. 

Email Craig with your comments or questions.
Coming This Weekend
September 22/23- Lectionary 25b | Readings here .
Saturday, September 22
5pm - Eucharist (HTLoop, 637 S. Dearborn, Chicago)

Sunday, September 23
9:30am - Eucharist (HTLakeview, 1218 W. Addison)
10:45am- Toward 100 Capital Campaign Update
Come hear what has been going on "behind the scenes" this summer as we prepare to launch our capital campaign in 2019. There will be updates on air-conditioning, access to the second floor, and initial designs and ideas for Passavant Hall from Studio Talo Architecture.

For Children:
Mission Impossible—  The Church is a body that moves together. We all have a part to play in the coming and going of sharing God’s love with the world. Today the kids will embark on a mission journey around the church seeing and learning about how we all work together!
News and Notes
More info here.
More info here.
More info here.
More info here.
More info here.
More info here.
Children age 4- 12 are invited to join us for Sunday school each week. On the first day you'll meet your teachers and have loads of fun getting ready for an exciting year. We'll begin promptly at 10am. Children age 4 through grade 2 meet upstairs in Passavant Hall. Children grades 3-6 meet in the Spiritual Life Center. Contact Pastor Sevig ( [email protected]) if you have any questions.  
Please make note of the date. Rehearsals are held in St. Mark's room right after Sunday School from 10:50 to 11:20. Exciting new pieces for this year's Advent/Christmas Festival will be on the agenda! For more information, please contact Lauren Haines Walerow at [email protected]. We have a great season ahead!
More info here.
More info here.
October 18-20 at Catholic Theological Union. More info here.

Super Sundays in September at HTLakeview
Worship at 9:30am
HTOnTopic Forum and Kids Activities Follow
The news is filled with stories about immigration and the southern border. Come hear Joel Cruz, theologian, and Ginger Devaney, immigration attorney, discuss what's real and what's rhetoric, their passion for the issue, and steps you can take to help.

For Children:
Love in a Ziploc.   A highlight for the kids each year is putting together Love in a Ziploc bags to give to people in need of a little extra love.   Sign up here   to donate items for the bags then bring in the items before September 30. 
Super Sundays Recap
Listen to the audio, view the slideshow, and read the script from the Holy Trinity 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering team's presentation on Sunday, September 9 here .
Saturdays 5pm
Grace Place
637 S. Dearborn
Free Parking
Recent Sermons
"She Needs No Introduction, Or Does She?"
Pastor Craig Mueller
Lectionary 24
September 16, 2018
Sophia is one of the major five characters in the Hebrew scriptures. Who is She? How can Lady Wisdom provide a balance to the patriarchy built into our ancient faith? And let me also introduce you to Nicole, a transgender woman who always felt like a girl in a boy’s body. Gender is more fluid than we thought, whether for human beings or God.

Read or listen to the full sermon here .
"Word on the Street"
Pastor Ben Adams
Lectionary 24
September 15, 2018
...when we place ourselves and our awareness in the overlooked, underappreciated, unremarkable places of the world, we hear the true word on the street. It’s a divinely feminine cry of wisdom calling to us from the streets, in the squares, and at the busiest corners. What will we hear as we share time and physical space with our suffering neighbors? Will it cause us to give up hope of the possibility of collectively changing anything of any substance, and resign us to droning away at the feet of the more powerful? Or will we hear what is ultimately the riskier word, that we are asked to let go of power distinctions and dare to let the Spirit lead us to true wisdom—that to “deny the self” is actually an incredible call to  be  what Christ and the cross have made us to be. God’s anointed children, God’s word on the street, going out, receiving wisdom’s cry, and echoing it until all creation experiences God’s love, peace, and grace.

Read or listen to the full sermon here .
Prayers and Celebrations
PRAYERS for those ill, or with special needs or circumstances:

  • Derrick Dawson
  • Copper Persephone (friend of Barbara Wahler)
  • Novi St. John (friend of Barbara Wahler)
  • Ronald and all who mourn the death of Catherine Sorenson
  • Carole Olson (Johanna Olson's mother)
  • Martha Moreno (friend of Tony and Geraldine Kruse)
  • The Shaffer Family
  • David Vigen, Aana Vigen's father

If you would like to be included on the prayer list please  contact the church office . Prayer requests remain on the list for four weeks before being removed, and requests can be renewed as often as needed.
Attendance For The Weekend of September 15/16, 2018
5pm HTLoop- 52
9:30am HTLakeview- 149
Weekend Total- 201
[773.248.1233]  [ [email protected]]  [ htchicago.org]
HOLY TRINITY eNews is the weekly electronic newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Chicago. To unsubscribe click on "safeUnsubscribe" below. E-newsletter submissions and prayer requests should be sent to [email protected]  by Tuesday at 3:00 p.m.

Office hours : Mon. - Thurs., 8:30am-3pm; Sun., 8am-1pm