A Palm Sunday Devotional

by Barrett Wheeler

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.” This is the first and penultimate line in Psalm 118. The psalm discusses giving thanks and/or praising God seven separate times. How should we read the phrase “Give thanks to the Lord”? Is this a recommendation (i.e., “it is good to give thanks to the Lord”), or is it a command?

I read recently about research in positive psychology examining the effect of gratitude on happiness. While it is possible that feeling happy leads to feeling more grateful, these studies suggest a reverse effect such that the act of giving thanks can improve a person’s overall happiness. In one study, participants were randomly assigned into two groups. One group was asked on a weekly basis to write about things that they were grateful for, while the other was asked to write about things that irritated them that week. After 10 weeks, the “gratitude” group was scored as being more optimistic and feeling better about their lives...

[For complete devotional, click here.]


Commemorating the Last Supper with communion,

preaching by Chris Currie and singing by the Chancel Choir

April 6 | 7:30 p.m.


Commemorating Jesus' crucifixion through song and scripture

April 7 | 12:00 p.m.


Celebrating Christ's resurrection in morning worship with the adorned cross,

music by the Chancel Choir, brass quintet and organ

April 9 | 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. (identical services) | No Sunday School

All services will be held in the Sanctuary and all (except 8:30 Easter) will be livestreamed to our YouTube channel.


Please note that there will be no Sunday School this week.

New Class Next Week

On Sunday, April 16, we will begin “Jesus of the East: Reclaiming the Gospel for the Wounded” based on the book by Phuc Luu. This class will give us an opportunity to explore Christianity and justice from the Eastern Christianity perspective. The author examines his experiences as a Vietnamese immigrant, as well as others who live between pain and hope. Phuc Luu powerfully presents a Christian foresight of holistic healing communities for the traumatized, the unanswerably suffering, and the brokenhearted from sin, sickness, racism, impoverishment, and war. Class will meet at 9:30 a.m. in the Land Building Lakeside Room and via Zoom. Books are available at no cost on the table outside of the church office.

Special Class Recording: "He Descended Into Hell"

Last Sunday, Chris Currie led a special class entitled "He Descended Into Hell: Jesus Went There and Why it Matters". To hear the class recording, click here.

For the recording of last Thursday's Theology Reading Group led by Chris Currie on "Faith Seeking Understanding", click here.

Senior High Dinner at Reginelli's

All 9th-12th graders are invited to dinner and fellowship at Reginelli's Pizza on State Street this Thursday evening at 6 p.m. No need to bring money; it’s on us! Please let Chris Hazlaris know if you plan on attending. Friends welcome! The church’s Maundy Thursday service is at 7:30 p.m. so any students wishing to attend with Chris are invited and encouraged.

WNO on Break Until April 19

Please note that Wednesday Night Out activities (including YAF PINTS) will not meet tomorrow or next week and will resume on April 19 with Trivia Night. All upcoming programs can be found on the WNO webpage.

Easter Totes for Eden House Residents

Presbyterian Women are grateful for the overwhelming response to their request for items for Easter totes which they arranged and delivered to the residents of Eden House last week. Eden House is a movement to eradicate the trafficking and selling of human beings. To learn more about their mission and programs, click here.

YAF Crawfish Boil

YAF (Young Adults and Family) enjoyed a fun Crawfish Boil this past weekend with delicious crawfish from NOLA Boils!

Spring Day of Service

On Saturday, a host of SCAPC families turned out for the Spring Day of Service, undergoing work projects for Okra Abbey, New Orleans Mission, New Orleans Women and Children’s Shelter, Louisiana Just Recovery Network, Program of Hope, SCAPC Carrollton Camp, and RHINO! Pictured here from left are Thomas Currie, Jack Egan, and Cathy Franklin gardening at New Orleans Women and Children's Shelter.

Youth Sunday School

Each week our Youth engage in Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. in the Youth Room on the 3rd floor. All 6th-12th graders are welcome! Pictured here from left are Arden and Savannah Weiser, Eleanor Davies, Nick White, Turner Mazzanti, Corinne Currie, Vivian Kane, MaC Rich, adult volunteer Griff Thomas, and Harrison Currie.

Chancel Choir & Orchestra

On Sunday, the SCAPC Chancel Choir & Orchestra performed Maurice Duruflé's Requiem during the 10:30 worship service...a truly magnificent experience!

Palm Sunday Procession

Sunday's service was led off by a children's procession for Palm Sunday, while the Chancel Choir and Orchestra performed Karl Jenkins' "Benedictus" from his Mass for Peace.

Palm Sunday in Cuba

Our brothers and sisters at El Fuerte Presbyterian Church in Cardenas, Cuba sent us this beautiful photo from their Palm Sunday worship service.

Tornado Relief Donations

Over the last two days, SCAPC members hurried to donate supplies for communities in the Presbytery of Mississippi severely effected by Friday's tornadoes. SCAPC Presbyterian Women Moderator Harriet Riley and Mission Coordinator Jane Rasi designated an immediate response of in-kind items and gift card contributions. SCAPC members Lee and Kathy Randall are delivering these supplies, along with hygiene kits from Pineville Presbyterian Church (Pass Christian, MS), to Westminster PC in Hattiesburg and ultimately to Leland PC (Leland, MS). We thank all who contributed to these efforts and ask that you continue to keep all those effected in your prayers.

PW Easter Egg Hunt

Thank you to all who helped make the Presbyterian Women's Annual Easter Egg Hunt such a delightful event on Sunday! We are especially grateful to event co-chairs, Amanda Berger, Annie Wilson, and Katherine Granade, (pictured here) as well as hosts Louellen and Darryl Berger!

Easter Egg Hunt Photos


Please join us in welcoming new member Jennifer Keene, shown here with husband Chris and daughter Emilia who attends SCAPC Nursery School. Jennifer joined the church on Sunday, March 26.


Our sympathy is extended to the family and friends of Suzette Prechter who passed away on Saturday, April 1. We will communicate service details when they become available.

This Week's Prayer List
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