Cathedral Bulletin | April 9, 2020
Important note about LIVESTREAM liturgies in the coming holy days!
Please note that liturgies with Archbishop Etienne will be streamed on the Archdiocese of Seattle
Facebook and
Vimeo pages. This includes the 8:30am daily Mass, the Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper, Good Friday of the Passion of the Lord, and the Easter Vigil.
Liturgies with Father Ryan will be livestreamed on the St. James Cathedral
Facebook and
Vimeo pages. These include Tenebrae on Wednesday evening, the office Morning Prayer during the Sacred Triduum, and the 10:30am Mass and Vespers on Easter Sunday.
Holy Week Livestream Schedule and Links
Thursday, April 9, 2020 | Holy Thursday
Office of Morning Prayer
Mass of the Lord's Supper
Streamed on the Archdiocese of Seattle Vimeo/Facebook pages
Please note: CRS Rice Bowls will be collected at a later date.
Friday, April 10, 2020 | Good Friday
Office of Morning Prayer
Good Friday of the Lord's Passion
Streamed on the Archdiocese of Seattle Vimeo/Facebook pages
Saturday, April 11, 2020 | Holy Saturday
Office of Morning Prayer
Easter Vigil in the Holy Night
Streamed on the Archdiocese of Seattle Vimeo/Facebook pages
Sunday, April 12, 2020 | Easter Sunday
MASS with Archbishop Etienne
Streamed on the Archdiocese of Seattle Vimeo/Facebook pages
Mass with Father Ryan
Solemn Vespers of Easter
The Cathedral remains open for prayer for a few hours each day during the pandemic. All are welcome. Please wear a mask/face covering while you are visiting and observe appropriate social distancing. Hand sanitizing stations are provided at several of the entrances of the Cathedral. During Holy Week, hours are:
- Thursday, April 9, 8am-12pm, 8pm-12am
- Friday, April 10, 8am-12pm
- Saturday, April 11, 8am-12pm
- Sunday, April 12, 12pm-2pm
Beginning Monday, April 13, open hours will be 8am-12pm Monday-Saturday, 12pm-2pm Sundays.
Because we cannot have our traditional Tre Ore service on Good Friday with homilies and meditations on the Seven Last Words of Christ, we have put together a collection of the "greatest hits" of Tre Ore services from past years.
Our scheduled preacher for this year, Father Michael Raschko, has already agreed to join us in 2021.
Sister Laurie Brink, OP reflections on the Seven Last Words
Sister Laurie preached the Tre Ore at St. James Cathedral in 2018. She has recorded the complete text from which she spoke and made the recording available free through April 30. She extends a special invitation to the Cathedral community to take advantage of this resource!
Tenebrae was livestreamed Wednesday, April 8, at 7:30pm. Watch here.
Father Tom Lucas, SJ, has created a meditation for Good Friday with music and images to help us enter into the mystery of the Man of Sorrows
Helping the hungry and homeless
Catholic Community Services/Catholic Housing Services (CCS/CHS) are inviting St. James Cathedral parishioners to help with meals for those in need.
CCS/CHS has asked the Cathedral to provide meals for a Federal Way drop-in center that welcomes 75 people each day.
Both hot casseroles and cold sandwiches are greatly appreciated. In addition, toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrushes, soaps and shampoos are also needed. Please coordinate with Patrick Barredo (
The St. Martin de Porres men’s shelter needs volunteers to prepare meals in their kitchen.
If you’re interested, contact Jeff Cathey, the Operations Supervisor at St. Martin de Porres (206.323.6341 or
As more meals are brought to CCS/CHS, they will need to be delivered.
If you can help transport food, contact CCS Network Builder Erin Maguire (
These are difficult times we live in. Any meal support you can provide for those experiencing homelessness is greatly appreciated.
However, please do observe our state’s directive to stay in your home, especially if you or anyone in your household is in a high-risk group.
Do you sew? You are invited to consider sewing protective masks to help those who are serving others during the coronavirus outbreak. Catholic Community Services is in immediate need of masks to protect both staff and clients in the weeks ahead, and the Cathedral Kitchen will have need of masks when the kitchen reopens (currently planned for May 4). Masks can be dropped off at the parish office on Tuesdays between 9am-11am.
Patrick Barredo.
Caring for yourself in stressful times
Stay connected
. Our relationships will see us through. Connect through phone calls, video chats, text messages, and social media.
Take care.
Think nourishing foods, lots of sleep, deep breaths, meditation, exercise.
Make time to focus on what brings you energy and joy.
Cook, garden, play games, sing, create, read, write.
Monitor media consumption
. Balance media consumption with other activities you enjoy.
Know when to call for help.
If you continue to feel overwhelmed and struggle to get through the day, set up a telehealth appointment with your provider, or call a helpline.
Crisis Connections 24-hour crisis line:
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Disaster Distress Helpline
: 800-985-5990
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
or text MHFA to 741741 to talk to a Crisis Text Line counselor.
Just need to talk to someone?
Nancy Granger
, our parish nurse, to arrange for a phone call.
Prayer to Our Lady of Seattle
At the moment, the Cathedral remains open for prayer from 8:00am-Noon daily. Because most of us cannot physically be at the Cathedral,
we have created a page to submit your prayer intentions online. These intentions will be placed at the foot of the image of Our Lady of Seattle in the Cathedral Chapel. A candle will also be lit at the shrine. Please join in praying for all the intentions of our parish community, especially those who are sick. In a special way, we are collecting the names of your family members who have died of coronavirus for a Book of the Dead.
St. James Cathedral
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104