Volume 6 Issue 5 | December 2022


Minutes from past meetings and dates of upcoming meetings can be found on the HSC website.  

The next Community/HSC Meeting is Monday, January 23rd in the Leigh library @7pm. All are welcome!

Email us any time with questions or suggestions: president@leighhsc.org.

Highlights from Principal Joe Ianora

  • Principal Ianora spoke about class selection and reminded parents to ask open ended questions now in preparation for class selection next year. For example: What did you like about your classes this year? What do you think looks interesting?
  • Incoming Freshman Parent Night is Jan 11th - this will allow families with rising 8th graders to see the school and learn more about high school and Leigh. More information on Leigh website.
  • Stress Dogs will be brought on campus during finals to help with student stress.
  • Bell Schedule Committee meetings are continuing to determine the bell schedule for school year 2023-24.

Highlights from College & Career Specialist, Nathalie Goricanec

  • Volunteers needed for the Leigh Career Fair: Leigh High School will host our 3rd annual Career Fair at Leigh on Thursday, February 16th from 12:30pm to - 2:30pm. The College & Career Center is looking for parents, relatives and community members who would be willing to hold a booth/table to present their career to the Leigh students. ANY career is of interest, whether a clear path from high school to college to work OR one which took some sharp turns and unexpected leaps. No formal presentation required, just be willing to share with students, in a small setting, what you do and how you got there. Popular, common and unusual careers are all welcome. If you are interested, please sign up and please feel free to forward the sign up link to your colleagues, neighbors, friends and extended family members!

  • The Campbell Union High School District Career Fair will be hosted by Prospect High School, and they plan to have some employers who will be interviewing on the spot.

  • View the CCC Calendar for events. View the CCC Announcements page to learn about upcoming events, engineering conferences, college tours, scholarship opportunities and more.

Highlights from CUHSD Board of Trustees, Aine O'Donovan (representing Leigh Board Liaison, Linda Goytia)

  • Measure O Passed! This measure was on the Nov 8th ballot, and its passing means the expiring school parcel tax will be renewed at the current rate of $85 per parcel. This will continue the $5,000,000 in annual school funding for 10 years - a critical need for the schools in our district. A huge thank you to everyone in our community for your support! This measure could not have passed without you! Thank you to everyone who voted yes, encouraged friends and neighbors to vote yes, put up yard signs, donated to the campaign, and volunteered. We are truly grateful.

  • Three new board members were elected in the Nov 8th election: James Kim (Trustee Area 1), Elisabeth Halliday (Trustee Area 2), and Jason Baker (Trustee Area 3).  These newly elected Board members will join Linda Goytia and Aine O'Donovan on the CUHSD Board of Trustees. The Oath of Office ceremony for the new members will be held at the next Board meeting on Thursday, Dec 15th, at 5pm. Per the agenda, the Board will then adjourn to Closed Session with the Board reconvening to Open Session at 6pm or thereafter. All Board meetings are held in the Board Room at the Campbell Union High School District Office, 3235 Union Avenue, San Jose, CA 95124. Meetings can also be viewed on livestream. Learn more about the Board of Trustees.


Thank you to everyone who donated to our Annual Giving Drive for the 2022-23 school year. At our Nov 28th meeting, it was shared that we have raised $32,344 to date and, therefore, exceeded our goal of $30,000! We truly appreciate your generosity. We have also received $19,091 in corporate matching. Thank you so much for your support!

Your donations are making an impact and ensure that we can support important programs for our students. It takes a Village… this is YOUR Village! Thank you for making a difference at Leigh!

If you would still like to donate, you can donate online or mail a check: make payable to Leigh Home & School Club; mail to: Leigh Home & School Club, 5210 Leigh Ave, San Jose, CA 95124. You can also donate stock to the HSC. If you have already donated to the Home & School Club, check out our Double the Donation online tool to quickly and easily see if your employer will match your donation.

Any questions, contact Pam Reynolds, Leigh HSC Treasurer, at treasurer@leighhsc.org.


The following programs/activities were funded in the past month:


Wellness Center - HAERT Parent & Student Presentation on

Mental Health & Wellness


Improvements to teacher copy room - cabinet and organization bins


Admin Grant (Principal Ianora) - Staff Fall BBQ


Measure O (Parcel Tax) Campaign Committee


Admin Grant (Principal Ianora) - new teacher lunch


College & Career Center - College application Scholarship


Staff Appreciation Team - Staff Luncheon

The following admin and staff grants were approved for funding at our November HSC Meeting:


Registration fee for the Mock Trial Club to compete in the Santa Clara County Mock Trial Tournament (Academic Club)


Materials for Robotics Club - Field Elements, Cameras, Linear Rails, Linear Motion Kit (Academic Club)


Please join us as we spread a little holiday cheer in appreciation of everything our teachers and staff do for our Leigh community!

You can send treats/gifts to school with your student, drop off gift cards in the front office, or email an e-gift card using a teacher/staff school email address. Would you like some ideas? Our HSC asked our teachers and staff to share with us their favorite treats, stores, and restaurants. We have compiled a list with the responses received to date...

View Teacher & Staff Favorites List
Locate Teacher & Staff Email Addresses


The Wellness Center team publishes a monthly newsletter with information on events, book recommendations, and a "topic of the month" (for December this is stress and anxiety).

View Wellness Center Newsletter

UPCOMING WEBINAR:  January 10, 2023 - Parent webinar titled "Divorce and Changing Family Structures". Save the date!

RECENT WEBINARS: Learn how to manage stress and anxiety before and during Finals Week

The HAERT team led parent and student webinars in recent weeks focused on managing stress and anxiety before and during finals. Links to webinar recordings are below. Listen to these webinars to learn:

  • The two main types of anxiety and how to manage them
  • Skills for managing high anxiety and emotional overwhelm at home or during a test
  • How to handle procrastination and perfectionism
Recording of PARENT Webinar #1
Recording of PARENT Webinar #2
Recording of STUDENT Webinar


The HSC Hospitality Team provide a baked potato bar for lunch in November and holiday treats in December. Thank you to all the hospitality volunteers!


The Home & School Club supports the academic and social-emotional well being of all students at Leigh. There are three additional booster clubs at Leigh that support extra-curricular activities. All four boosters operate independently of each other.

PAPA is the Performing Arts Parents Association supporting all theater and music programs at Leigh: http://leighpapa.org/

  • Marching band is not participating in the Los Gatos Parade this year.
  • Fall Play was Dec 1-10.
  • Mattress Fundraiser was Dec 10.
  • Music Winter Concert is 1/12/23 at Venture Church.
  • Winter Percussion and Winter Guard starting.

Spirit Boosters at Leigh includes all parents, coaches and community members dedicated to supporting our cheer program at Leigh High School: http://sites.google.com/site/leighhighschoolspiritbooster

  • Congratulations to the Leigh Competition Cheer team for once again executing an amazing performance and earning a record high score of 98 at the USA Northern CA Regional ll on December 10 in Union City.

Sports Boosters at Leigh includes parents, coaches, and community members dedicated to supporting the athletic program at Leigh High School: http://leighsportsboosters.org/

  • The Fall season has wrapped up and winter sports are beginning.
  • The Donation Drive is continuing, and Sports Boosters has a lot of Leigh Swag for sale.
  • All Sports Boosters Board positions will be OPEN in 2023-24, volunteers are needed to keep the group going. A Snack Shack Chair is needed!
  • Follow Sports Boosters on social media to see pictures of athletes and results from games.


We are so excited to have this year’s Grad Night at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk! This is a Safe, Sober event for the entire class of 2023. It will be the Ultimate Grad Party! This event is organized by the Home & School Club Grad Night Committee (thank you to all our parent volunteers!).

Purchase Grad Night TIckets


  • Graduation Night - Thursday, June 1st
  • Plan your family celebrations accordingly.
  • Students must take luxury coach buses to and from the Boardwalk! This is a Safe and Sober event and no students will be allowed to drive on their own and meet the group.
  • The Boardwalk is open from 10pm-2am. Seniors will check in at 8:30pm @Leigh to board the buses for a 9:00 pm departure.
  • The current plan is for Leigh seniors to leave at 1 am to load the buses and depart the Boardwalk based on feedback from previous participants that staying until 2 am was too long after the rides close at midnight (due to city ordinances).


  • Tickets are $150 and can be purchased through the Home and School Website at www.leighhsc.org/gradnight. Each ticket must be purchased individually so that we can get the contact information for each student as well as the required waivers.


  • Through March 31st you can buy an individual ticket for $150. April 1st prices GO UP! So get your tickets early!

What’s Included:

  • The Grad Night will include Unlimited rides on PIrate’s Ship, Undertow Roller Coaster, Bumper Cars, Double Shot and Shockwave (rides close at midnight due to city ordinances), Laser tag, Mini-golf, Arcade games, and Table games. There will also be an awesome DJ Dance Party and Karaoke. Plus a Henna Artist, Air Brush Tattoos and a Caricaturist for take-home memories. There will be Pizza and unlimited soft drinks, plus each student will get $20 in Boardwalk Food bucks that they can use at Boardwalk concession stands.

Fundraising: We have several fundraisers planned:

  • We will have an Online Auction for reserved parking and seating at graduation.
  • Selling Custom Lawn signs for Leigh Graduates
  • Soliciting Donations-- We are asking for donations when purchasing your ticket. Consider donating the price or partial price of a ticket as a scholarship for other Leigh seniors who may need our help to enjoy this celebration.

Thank you for your support in providing a Safe and Sober event for our soon to be Graduates. For any questions email gradnight@leighhsc.org.

Are you shopping on Amazon? Yes? Great! Use Amazon Smile and a % of your purchase automatically comes back to Leigh HSC. Shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/77-0199809 or with AmazonSmile ON in the app. This is free money for Leigh HSC. For the 2021-22 school year we received $974 through this program. Thank you for your support!

Leigh High School Home and School Club is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID # is 77-0199809. All donations are tax-deductible.

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