Volume 5 Issue 11 | May 2022

At the final Home & School Club meeting of 2021/22, HSC President Susan Smith presented gifts to Principal Butler on behalf of all Leigh parents. The gifts included a bouquet of flowers, a Longhorn frame filled with succulents, and a daily calendar with 365 photos of all things Leigh from the past six years.

It was an emotional evening as we bid farewell, with several longtime Leigh parents speaking to Mrs. Butler's deep level of commitment in caring for all of our students and their families throughout her tenure. We will miss Mrs. Butler so much, and are incredibly grateful for everything she has done for our community during these past six years. We wish her all the best as she moves into her new role as Director of Pupil Services in the District Office, overseeing the special education programs in our district.

This month marked our final HSC meeting of the 2021/2022 school year. Minutes from past meetings this year can be found here. The next HSC meeting is Monday, August 15th, at 7pm. An email will be sent prior to that meeting with more details. Email us any time with questions or suggestions: president@leighhsc.org.

At our final Home & School Club meeting, Mrs. Butler shared the Leigh Volunteer of the Year and the Leigh Teacher of the Year. Congratulations from the Home & School Club!

Join us in congratulating our Volunteer of the Year: Amy Gardner! Amy has held positions within the Performing Arts Parent Association (PAPA) and Adults Championing Theater Arts (ACTS), and acted as the PAPA liaison to the Home and School Club.
This Fall, after taking the lead on creating the carnival area for the annual Haunted House and subsequently seeing it all collapse in a freak windstorm, she rallied the community to help rebuild the entire structure in three days, getting local news coverage from three separate news stations.
Amy has been active in the Home and School Club for four years, writing the monthly newsletter, helping manage the website, and lending her graphics talents to the new Wellness Center, Grad Night, the Longhorn Stampede, and the College and Career Center. Most notable are Amy's incredible optimism, energy and positivity.

We are pleased to recognize Gina Bui-Le as the Teacher of the Year! Gina came to teaching after a successful engineering career. She has been the faculty face of Leigh's Project Lead the Way pathway and without her, the pathway would not exist. Her students all describe her as passionate about her subject and her students.
Ms. Bui-Le has drawn upon her real-world experience and industry connections to create projects where students are identifying real world problems, developing products to address those issues, and pitching their ideas to a panel of industry experts. Her students leave PLTW with the tools to become engineers and the passion to change the world.

As we wrap up the 2021/2022 school year, we want to thank every parent and guardian who helped make this a successful year!

Over 500 volunteers worked together through our various Home & School Club programs this past year. THANK YOU for being part of what makes Leigh High School amazing.

AND MORE! There are too many volunteers to list who helped with all of our committees and projects, with hundreds of parents and guardians volunteering for multiple areas. We had people help on short notice with one-off tasks like cap & gown distribution, and many many more supporting our committees with projects throughout the year such as...

  • Textbook distribution
  • Staff Appreciation
  • Stampede 5K Run/Walk
  • Club Support
  • Grad Night
  • Campus Beautification
  • Career Fair
  • College & Career Center
  • and so much more!

THANK YOU so much to all of our families for your very generous donations this year. These donations continue to make an enormous impact and ensure we can support important programs that benefit all of our students. We are incredibly grateful to you all. Thank you for making a difference at Leigh!

In the 2021/2022 school year, we raised the following funds:

  • Annual Giving Drive ($54K)
  • Corporate Matching ($19K)
  • Individual Donation ($23K)

Your donations allowed us to fund the following (note: this is a high level overview — more details are available on our website).

  • Wellness Center - $35.5K
  • Physics Lab Sensor kit & Misc Science Supplies - $9K
  • Classroom/teacher resources - $8K ($100/teacher)
  • Staff grants - $5.7K
  • Visitor side speakers for the bowl & wireless mic for the gym - $5.5K
  • Community Liaison Support - $5K
  • Math department - Graphing Calculators - $4K
  • Campus Beautification - $3.5K
  • Lunch time lawn activities/games - $2.5K
  • Staff Appreciation - $2K
  • Misc: CCC, communications, tax prep, etc.

Executive Board
  • President - Susan Smith
  • Vice President - Kerry Haywood
  • Treasurer - Pam Reynolds
  • Auditor - Rama Nemani
  • Recording Secretary - Mary Ellen Poirier
  • Parliamentarian - Gretchen Gabriel
  • Technology/Google Drive Support - Eugene Priadka
  • Co-Past Presidents - Aine O’Donovan & Tamara Strachman

Committee Positions
  • Communications - Aine O’Donovan, Angie Lu, Erin Nokes, Brian Holloman-Kincaid
  • Stampede 5K - TBD
  • Staff Appreciation - Amanda Bierly and Alexis Hoekstra
  • Campus Beautification - Kelly Massini, Ashleigh Coffeng, Lara Blom
  • Mental Health & Wellbeing - Kristin Welter
  • Volunteer Coordinator - Angie Lu

Booster Club Liaisons 
  • Sports - Jennifer Lipscomb
  • Spirit - Christy Dennington
  • PAPA - TBD

We continue to add people to our team and invite you to join us next year!
June 2nd, 9:00pm - 3:00am

Parents of 9th/10th/11th Graders are needed to accompany our Seniors on the buses to the Santa Cruz Boardwalk and be available to provide support if needed at the boardwalk. This is a fun evening evening for everyone and a great way to see what Grad Night will entail when your student is a Senior. If you can help, please sign up...

Attention Class of 2022 Families! Get ready for Graduation by winning your very own reserved seating and or parking spaces. The Auction will close at noon on Wednesday, June 1 to allow ample time for the Grad Night committee to contact the winners. All proceeds from the auction go towards the cost of the buses as well as scholarships for Grad Night. Good Luck and Happy Bidding!

Auction website: https://www.32auctions.com/LHS2022

Our Wellness Team coordinated two parent workshops in May: "Stress, Anxiety, and the Teenage Brain" and "Understanding and Supporting Anxiety in your Teen". If you didn't get a chance to attend, the Wellness Team put together a list of resources referenced during these workshops. Please go the Wellness Center Events webpage to access.

The Wellness Team is planning some wonderful programs for the new school year and looks forward to sharing details in the Fall. As summer approaches, we encourage you to take some time to take a look at the Wellness Center website where you can find lots of online and community resources. Take some time also to check out the Virtual Wellness Center where you can explore links and resources to help you and your student(s) relax, unwind, get connected, and find new strategies and tools for managing stress and emotions.  

Thanks to everyone who participated in May's Staff Appreciation Week. Every email, card, or gift card meant the world to our teachers and staff.

This month the staff appreciation committee provided a bagel breakfast and wrote notes of appreciation on candy and placed them in each teacher's mailboxes on campus. On June 3rd, the day after school is out for the summer, our teachers and staff will be wrapping up their classrooms and the HSC will provide a catered breakfast.

The 6th Annual Longhorn Stampede was so much fun! Thank you to everyone who participated - runners, walkers, volunteers, sponsors, guests of honor, and our incredible neighborhood who came out in force to cheer on the participants. We truly have an amazing community!

Check out photos and highlights on our Stampede Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LeighStampede/. More photos coming soon!

Thank you to the 502 runners and walkers who participated. A special shout out to Leigh Alum Ben Geil who was overall male winner (and who also broke a course record with a time of 16:25!) and to Leigh Sophomore Karly Page who was the overall female winner.

A huge thank you to all our parents, students, and staff who helped make the Stampede happen! The Stampede is an entirely volunteer-run event and we had approximately 230 volunteers total ... from those who spent months in the planning process to those who volunteered in the days before and at the event. The Stampede could not have happened without each and every one of you! Thank you all for making a difference in our community!

Thank you to our guests of honor: Dr. Dewan - Superintendent of Santa Clara County Schools, Stacey Brown - CUHSD Board Trustee, Pam Foley - City of San Jose Councilmember, and Rob Moore - Candidate for Los Gatos City Council.

Thank you to our sponsors - we are so grateful for your generous support!
All proceeds from the Stampede go towards our four booster clubs (Home & School Club, PAPA, Spirit Boosters, and Sports Boosters) supporting academic, social/emotional, and extra-curricular programs for our students.

On Saturday, April 23 we weeded, planted, and cleaned up the Leigh High School campus. Volunteers brought their tools and enthusiasm and made short work of the tasks at hand. Thank you to everyone who came to help! A very special thank you to Tamiko House who has been on the Home & School Club Campus Beautification team for 11 years! This is Tamiko's last year at Leigh and she was presented with a golden shovel and a plant. Thank you Tamiko for your dedication and your support.
Are you shopping on Amazon? Yes? Great! Use Amazon Smile and a % of your purchase automatically comes back to Leigh HSC. Shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/77-0199809 or with AmazonSmile ON in the app. This is free money for Leigh HSC - to date we have received $974 through this program. Thank you for your support!
Leigh High School Home and School Club is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Tax ID # is 77-0199809. All donations are tax-deductible.