Volume 6 Issue 3 | September/October 2022


Minutes from past meetings and dates of upcoming meetings can be found on the HSC website.  

The next HSC Community Meeting is Monday, October 24th @7pm. This meeting will be held in the Leigh Library. All are welcome!

Email us any time with questions or suggestions: president@leighhsc.org.

Highlights from Principal Joe Ianora

  • Intervention Tutorial has begun. Intervention Tutorial is a way to provide support to students with D’s and F’s. Each day of the week a specific subject is open only to students who had a D or F on their report card. Students not in this category will go to any other subject on their schedule except for the one that is closed. More info on the Leigh website Tutoring/Intervention page. This webpage also includes information on Homework Center.

  • The Wellness Center has additional therapists available for students (from CASSY and Pacific Clinics). 

  • Homecoming: activities were enjoyed by all! There were some complaints from neighbors about the fireworks. Communication will be better in the future. 

  • The teacher luncheon provided by Home & School Club was enjoyed by all!

Highlights from Teacher Representative, Celeste Smiley

Ms. Smiley shares a Teacher's Report every month. The September Teacher's Report is loaded with information and updates, including:

  • Video of teacher's Lip Synch for Homecoming

  • Say Something training

  • Class news: World History, Social Science, Art, Sociology, AP Government

  • Club News: Bring Change To Mind, Science Olympiad

Highlights from Student Representatives (ASB Board) & Activities Director, Erika Marcuccillo

  • Students participated in a Blood Drive on campus

Highlights from College & Career Specialist, Nathalie Goricanec

  • College Night for Junior and Senior Families was very well attended.

  • The District College Fair (held at Westmont HS) had 915 attendees from across the district. 25% of these were Leigh students. There were 40 colleges represented. In a survey, 96% of attendees reported that the fair was helpful. 

  • College Visits are happening at tutorial and lunch, up until Thanksgiving break. Please encourage your students to attend these visits. View college visit schedule.  

  • College essay support is available to seniors on Tuesdays and Thursdays at tutorial. Thank you to the parent volunteers who help with this program.

  • Mrs. Goricanec is doing a lot of one-on-ones with students. If your student would like an appointment with Mrs. G, please encourage them to email her at ngoricanec@cuhsd.org.

  • Parents are invited to "Coffee & Cookies with Mrs G" every Friday from 1-2pm in the College & Career Center (room 28). This is an open office hours session, come with your questions!

  • View the CCC Announcements page to learn about upcoming events, engineering conferences, college tours, scholarship opportunities and more.


Thank you to everyone who has already donated to our Annual Giving Drive! To date we have raised $26,470 of our $30,000 goal! We need to raise an additional $3,530 in order to support the programs we have committed to funding this year. Donate to the Home & School Club today and make a difference at Leigh. This is our primary fundraiser for the 2022-23 school year and we are deeply grateful for your continued support.

Donate online or mail a check: make payable to Leigh Home & School Club; mail to: Leigh Home & School Club, 5210 Leigh Ave, San Jose, CA 95124.


Any questions, contact Pam Reynolds, Leigh HSC Treasurer, at treasurer@leighhsc.org.

Thank you for making a difference!

Your support matters and is greatly appreciated!

See the programs and items that were funded in the 2021/2022 school year

Leigh High School Home and School Club is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID # is 77-0199809. All donations are tax-deductible.


We are excited to share that we have recently received two large donations from Leigh families:


Donation from an anonymous donor, via Stock Donator


Donation ($5,000) + corporate match ($5,000) from the Gabriel Family

Our Leigh community would like to say a very sincere thank you to both of these families for their incredibly generous donations. We are truly grateful for your support. The Home & School Club will work closely with our Leigh Admin to ensure the funds will be used in the most impactful way. Details will be shared in upcoming newsletters regarding how the funds will be allocated. Thank you to these families for making such a difference for our students and our staff at Leigh!



Classroom/Teacher Resources ($150 for each of our 80 teachers)


Mental Health/Wellness center (notebooks, anxiety rings, fidget rings, snacks, pens, origami paper, and pens)

The following staff grants were approved for funding at our September HSC Meeting. Funding will be via Staff Grants in our budget:


Science Olympiad - Academic Club - registration fee for two teams to compete at regionals


Three power centers/grommets for the library study couches to provide power to student Chromebooks while students are working in the library


Subscription to an online library for listening comprehension activities (Spanish 1 & 2)


Computer speakers to help student's comprehension of native Spanish speakers (Spanish/Modern Languages)


Class set of Aesop fables illustrated books (Special Education English and History)


Set of ribbons en español as an incentive and in recognition of the effort and dedication that students put into the class (Spanish 1 & 2)


Flinn Scientific Scale and Flinn Scientific digital thermometer (Special Education Science)

The following staff grants were approved for funding at our September HSC Meeting. Funding will be via the $10,000 large donation:


Adjustable wire shelving (20 units) for Mr. Gallagher's classroom to store projects for the Project Lead The Way (Engineering) elective.


Supplementary text: "They Called Us Enemy" by George Takei. This text provides a first hand narrative of Japanese internment during WWII and will be used in American Experience, a course that seeks to draw explicit connections between the philosophies that manifest in the literary arts and actual historical events.


The HSC Hospitality Team and parent volunteers provided the first in-person Staff Appreciation Lunch of the school year: a salad and dessert buffet. In October there will be a treat for staff, and then another lunch in November. Thank you to all the hospitality volunteers!


The rock painting event organized by the Wellness Center staff and volunteers was very well attended. Inspired by Project 99, students filled our campus with rocks painted with inspirational messages of support, love, and compassion. Many of the rocks included the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline number (988).

Data update: During the 16 days of August that students were in school, 79 students visited the Wellness Center (across all grades).

How can parents support the Wellness Center?

Visit the Wellness Center Website

Talk to your student about the Wellness Center

  • Ask them if they have stopped by – this may open up healthy and insightful conversations (the Wellness Center is located right off the quad in Room 29, next door to the College & Career Center).

Buy books for our Lending Library

  • Local San Jose bookstore Hicklebee’s has helped us create a wishlist for Leigh HS supporters to buy books and supplies for the Wellness Center. Purchase books on the wishlist created on the Hicklebee's website. No need to pay for shipping - the bookstore will deliver them directly to Leigh.

We have an immediate need for a Parliamentarian! If you would like. to learn more about this role, please reach out to HSC President, Susan Smith, at president@leighhsc.org

Thank you to everyone who signed up to volunteer on our Home & School Club. We currently have 28 parents on our HSC Board & Committees and an additional 75 parents signed up to help support our committees and various activities. Our committee leads are in the process of reaching out to all volunteers. Thank you for being a part of this wonderful community! Learn more about our volunteer opportunities.

Please join us at future HSC meetings:

  • Monday, October 24, 2022 (Leigh Library)
  • Monday, November 28, 2022 (Zoom)
  • Monday, January 23, 2023
  • Monday, February 27, 2023
  • Monday, March 27, 2023
  • Monday, April 24, 2023
  • Monday, May 22, 2023

Questions/suggestions? Contact us at president@leighhsc.org


The Home & School Club supports the academic and social-emotional well being of all students at Leigh. There are three additional booster clubs at Leigh that support extra-curricular activities. All four boosters operate independently of each other.

  • Sports Boosters at Leigh include parents, coaches, and community members dedicated to supporting the athletic program at Leigh High School. Follow Sports Boosters on social media to see pictures of athletes and results from games. The next meeting is November 7 at 7PM in Room 92. Volunteers are needed to fill Board positions for 2023-24. Annual Donation Drive currently under way. http://leighsportsboosters.org/

  • Spirit Boosters at Leigh includes all parents, coaches and community members dedicated to supporting our cheer program at Leigh High School. Deadline to submit ads for Senior Night Program is October 24th. Leigh swag available at all home football games: http://sites.google.com/site/leighhighschoolspiritbooster

  • PAPA is the Performing Arts Parents Association supporting all theater and music programs at Leigh. The next meeting is November 14 at 7PM on Zoom. Fundraisers: Annual Haunt now-Oct 30; mattress sale Nov 10; Crab Feed Feb 4; holiday wreath pre-orders at football games; purchase a first aid kit online: http://leighpapa.org/

PAPA Fundraiser: 13th Annual Haunt! 

"Swamped" is here to bring you more scares than before. Come to the Leigh Parking Lot and explore the swamp and bayous as pirates maraud, hicks play into the night, and voodoo descends. Learn more. Show Runs from now - Oct 30 from 7:00 - 10:00pm (last admittance at 9:45pm). Family-friendly nights for younger audiences will be Oct. 20 & 27 from 6:00 - 8:30pm and Oct 23rd from 6 - 7pm. Students $13; Adults $15. Purchase tickets.


Our Leigh Home & School Club supports the campaign to VOTE YES on Measure O which will be on the November 8th, 2022 ballot. 

VOTE YES on Measure O to protect the outstanding education students receive at Leigh and our other Campbell Union High School District (CUHSD) schools. 

Measure O does not increase tax rates, it simply extends our already existing modest parcel tax.

Our high schools are a key part of what makes the CUHSD community unique. Great teachers and a rigorous math, science, engineering, technology, and arts curriculum have prepared generations of students to succeed in college and careers. Unfortunately, inadequate State funding and the expiration of our existing community-supported parcel tax are threatening the quality of local education.

Without renewing this funding, our district will have to make drastic cuts to academic programs, increase class sizes, and layoff teachers, counselors, and support staff.


8 Simple Things You Can Do To Help Pass Measure O

  1. Commit to voting YES on O!
  2. Endorse Measure O. Let us use your name publicly as a Measure O supporter. Endorse online.
  3. Help educate voters on the many reasons to vote for Measure O. Sign up to phone bank from the comfort of your own home for one night a week or more until Election Day.
  4. Request a lawn sign.
  5. Write a Letter to the Editor. The more voters who see YES on O letters in print and online media, the better. Write a letter stating why YOU will be voting YES on Measure O. Email us for a template letter at: yesonocuhsd@gmail.com 
  6. Make a financial contribution. Any amount—large or small—will help educate nearly 125,000 voters who are eligible to vote in November. Financial resources will help us get our message out to voters who vote.
  7. Spread the YES on Measure O message in your circles on social media. Ask your online friends to join you in VOTING YES on Measure O.
  8. Most importantly, DON’T FORGET TO VOTE And VOTE YES on Measure O!

Are you shopping on Amazon? Yes? Great! Use Amazon Smile and a % of your purchase automatically comes back to Leigh HSC. Shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/77-0199809 or with AmazonSmile ON in the app. This is free money for Leigh HSC. For the 2021-22 school year we received $974 through this program. Thank you for your support!

Leigh High School Home and School Club is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID # is 77-0199809. All donations are tax-deductible.

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