Good morning! Confirmation classes began yesterday with our first class of Year 1. It was so great to see everyone! If your child was unable to attend please email me to let me know. Every Monday after class I will send out this "Home Faith Discussion" to give parents a little insight into our topic of discussion and few questions that can be asked at home. Please see below for this week's recap and discussion. I hope these will bless your home with some good conversations.

On Sunday we welcomed everyone to the journey towards the Sacrament of Confirmation. The goal of this opening Confirmation class was to examine/understand the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the Sacrament of Confirmation. We then invited everyone to examine their desires, specifically the root of those desires, how they connect to our innate human desires, and where these desires truly point (toward God). 


  • Did you go through Confirmation as a high school student? Share with your child what you remember about beginning that journey of faith. Do you remember anything? How was it different than the Confirmation classes they are currently doing?

  • Share a time with your son/daughter where you knew the spirit of God was with you. Maybe a time of prayer, a beautiful sunset, a feeling of overwhelming peace in a stressful situation, or simply when your heart swelled with immense gratefulness. Every believer has experienced a moment when they just knew God was present. This is a question that can be shared on a regular basis – maybe during the ride home from school, a discussion before bed or during breakfast. If we share when we experience God, we share in Christ’s love for us.

  • Ask your child about the "Five Whys" activity and perhaps try it yourself!


John 1: 35-39
John 7: 37-39
Acts 2: 1-12

Every Wednesday from 7:00pm to 8:30pm we have a Bible Study in the Youth Room for all high school students. This is the perfect opportunity to pause in the middle of the week, hang out with friend, enjoy some snacks, and reflect on God’s word and what He is doing in our lives. It offers everyone a safe, relaxed and friendly environment to grow in faith and fellowship. All high school students are welcome.