Our next practice is on stage in full costume!

See below for the Show Week schedule.

We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and can't wait to see you on stage!


Tickets are on sale at our front desk during office hours, Monday-Thursday, 4-8pm.

There is no longer a limit on how many tickets you can purchase.

Cost is $10 per ticket.


Click HERE for the full list of costumes.

Read through carefully! You will find listed at the end of this document, what your dancer will need for the finale/bows. It is also posted under each group what each assistant teacher will need as well.

Everyone should have received their Cast T-shirt at this past weekends practice.

Dancers should wear their FULL COSTUME from here on out.

Show Week Schedule:

Sunday, December 1st: 

Rehearsal on stage at the Carroll Rec Center in Full Costume!

  • 3-3:30pm: Group 1: Frosty the Snowman
  • 3:30-4pm: Group 2: Together this Christmas
  • 4-4:30pm: Group 3: Wonderful Christmastime
  • 4:30-5pm: Group 4: Santa Claus is Coming to Town
  • 5-5:30pm: Group 5: Most Wonderful Time of the Year
  • 5:30-6pm: Group 6: We Need a Little Christmas
  • 6-6:30pm: Group 7: Christmas Tree Farm
  • 6:30-7pm: Group 8: I'll Be Home
  • 7pm: Evelyn G'Sell: Mary Did You Know?

Monday, December 2nd: 

6pm: Full Dress Rehearsal (costume, hair and makeup) at the Rec Center Stage.

*We will first teach the finale (bows) and then do a full run through of the show TWICE.

Friday, December 6th: 

6pm: Full Dress Rehearsal (costume, hair and makeup) at the Rec Center Stage.

*We will do a full run through of the show TWICE.

Saturday, December 7th: 

1pm: Performance at the Rec Center Stage.

*Dancers should arrive dressed and ready (hair and makeup done) by 12:30pm.

*We will start lining up 10 minutes before show starts.

5pm: Performance at the Rec Center Stage.

*Dancers should arrive dressed and ready (hair and makeup done) by 4:30pm.

*We will start lining up 10 minutes before show starts.

Fusion Dance!