All You Need to Know for Homecoming
Join us - virtually or in person - on Sunday, September 19!
Dear Friends,

It’s been a long, long time since we’ve worshipped together in person in our sacred spaces at King’s Chapel and the Little Chapel.  

We need these sacred spaces, and we need one another. It’s part of being human, our desire, to gather together, to smile and catch up and hug – it’s what our Homecoming Sundays have always meant. It’s what I’ve been longing for. Many of you feel the same.  

So we rejoice that we will be open physically on Homecoming Sunday, September 19 to worship together, both at our 11:00 AM Morning Prayer service at the church (58 Tremont St), and at our 9:00 AM Morning Light service in the Little Chapel (64 Beacon St). Our musicians will make a joyful noise unto God -- Music Director Heinrich Christensen and our choir at Morning Prayer, and Skip Lewan at Morning Light. Your ministers, David Waters and I, will lead prayers and preach the word. And together we’ll learn and grow, preparing to return to our needy world strengthened and sustained. 

We also will be open a second way on Homecoming Sunday – for worship together virtually, through our ongoing Zoom service at the 9:00 AM Morning Light and through live-streaming on YouTube at 11:00 AM Morning Prayer. What we’ve learned in the last 18 months is that we can have meaningful worship together even if we are not physically present. It’s new for some, uncomfortable for others, but wonderful and valuable for many. For me, worship together online is nothing short of a miracle, perhaps the best miracle the modern church has known. It's let us continue to be an open church, and to welcome warmly and fully those from a distance, or those whose physical attendance is not easy for many reasons. Jesus would be thrilled – he reached out all the times, in many unorthodox ways.  

Which way of worship is best for you? You individually will know best. We all are different, with different needs and abilities to take risks, all of which God knows and which this church honors completely. Since 1787, King’s Chapel never required us all to march to the beat of the same Creed, and now we respect your march to the beat of different considerations for loving worship. 

What we promise is complete transparency – for King’s Chapel also is committed to gather “in the love of truth,” as we say in our Covenant. We promise to let you know what to expect if you come physically or worship virtually; what we have planned so far in order to keep everyone as safe as possible; and how we could adjust later. We promise to follow the science, because we love you.
All of our planning has been done in the context of our faith – it is the foundation of our spiritual and community life together. That’s why we are committed to be inclusive of everyone and insist on providing continued virtual worship alongside in person church. I join you in prayerful consideration as you discern whether or when to return to in person worship. David and I are always free to talk with you, if you’d like, as are our Wardens and other leaders. 

Whatever way you choose on worship with us at Homecoming, we hope to see you!

With blessings always,

Homecoming Services at a Glance

Morning Light Service
9:00 AM at the Little Chapel

Come join us for an intimate service of contemporary music and prayer at the Little Chapel, 64 Beacon Street. This will be a hybrid service - members can choose to either attend in-person or join us on Zoom.

Morning Prayer Service
11:00 AM at the Main Chapel

Celebrate gathering together again - in person or virtually - and the official reopening of our historic Chapel! Our Homecoming service will look like our traditional Morning Prayer service with some modifications to keep our clergy, ushers, and attendees safe. The entire service will also be live-streamed on YouTube for those who are more comfortable worshiping with us from home.

COVID-19 Information | Keeping Our Beloved Community Safe

Check Your Health
If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, we kindly ask that you stay at home and enjoy one of our virtual worship options. 
Masks will be required for all persons attending, including clergy, staff, choir, members, and visitors. For the safety of others and themselves, we will be monitoring mask-wearing throughout the service. Disposable masks will be available.
Signing In and Contact Tracing 
All attendees will be required to sign in with an usher prior to entering the sanctuary for contact tracing purposes. Ushers will write down the names and contact info (email and/or phone number) of all individuals at a station located in the chapel vestibule. To protect the privacy of attendees, this information will not be shared or distributed unless contact tracing is required.
Social Distancing
At Morning Prayer, under the ushers’ and verger’s discretion, a limited number of individuals will be allowed in the vestibule while signing in. Please be prepared to wait outside should there be a long line to prevent crowding in the vestibule and maintain a distance of three feet. After signing in upon entry, ushers will take attendees to pews to ensure proper distancing. A “minister’s zone” at the front of the chapel (reading desk, pulpit, and chancel area) will be created to ensure adequate distancing from attendees should the ministers have to take off their masks during portions of the service. 

At Morning Light, social distancing and spacing will also be monitored.

Post-Service Receiving Line and Reception 
For the safety of all, there will not be a receiving line or formal reception following the service. However, all are encouraged to socialize outside “on the bricks” directly after the service. Please note that masks will still be required, even outside, following the service due to the limited space.
The congregation is encouraged to listen and enjoy our glorious choir, singing hymns and chants as so moved while remaining masked and socially distanced. 
Sanitation Stations
There will be at least one sanitation station in the vestibule and one in the sanctuary. Ushers will be regularly using hand sanitizer and attendees are encouraged to use hand sanitizer upon entering. 
For the safety of our ushers and attendees, there will be no formal taking of the offering during the service. In a spirit of thanksgiving to help us through this challenging time, please consider a stewardship offering before or after the service. Attendees will be able to give online and a plate will be available at the back of the chapel. 
Vaccination Status
As a faith community committed to the welfare of all, King’s Chapel urges everyone to become fully vaccinated as soon as possible for their own safety and the safety of others. However, please be aware there may be unvaccinated individuals attending the service. 

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