Dear High School Families,

Two of DC’s most loved traditions are Spirit Week and Homecoming. The week is filled with fun events designed to build class unity and school spirit. This year, Spirit Week will be held October 2-6, and will culminate with the DC Homecoming Football game on Friday night and the dance on Saturday night, October 7.

During the week, students are encouraged to attend a variety of athletic events to support the teams and bring school spirit. At school, classes will compete through dress-up days, hallway decorating, and a Spirit Day filled with competitions and an opportunity to showcase student talent through lip-sync battles, class videos, and class T-shirts. All these efforts are in an attempt to win the coveted DC Spirit Stick. 

Student Government plans and organizes these events, but the whole class participation is needed to make it a success. This is a great opportunity for all students to get involved, build new friendships, and create memories. Student Government is finalizing plans for the themes of the week, and they will be posted as soon as they are available, along with the athletic schedule.  

The goal of Spirit Week is to create unity amongst students in each grade level. As they work toward a common goal, may they be united in the mindset of Christ. 

“So, if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

Philippians 2:1-4 

The information below will assist you in successfully preparing for the Homecoming Dance. Please read the following information carefully to ensure your student meets expectations. 

2023 DCHS Homecoming Dance Registration

Students should pre-register and purchase a $10 ticket to attend the 2023 Homecoming Dance. Students will find two registration forms in their DC Connect Accounts on Friday, September 8.  They will need to select which registration they prefer.

Ticket Prices

  1. Single ticket: $10  
  2. Ticket with a guest/date: $20  
  3. Single ticket at-the-door: $20 (non-DC students not admitted without pre-registration)

Registration Deadlines

  1. DC Student registration with or without a DC date must be completed by Friday, October 6th at 11:59pm.  
  2. DC Student registration with a guest/date enrolled at another school must be completed by Friday, September 30th at 3pm.
  3. DC students who do not pre-register may register at the door for $20/ticket (cash only).

Non-DC Guest Expectations

DC Students who wish to invite a non-DC guest must provide a completed and signed DCHS Guest Request Form to the high school office by Sept. 30th at 3pm. Please note additional expectations that are listed on the DCHS Guest Request Form. Non-DC students may not attend if not registered prior to September 30th at 3pm.

Parent Partnership

While parents are not signing dance registration forms, the expectations have been communicated in multiple areas and will be upheld without dispute. If you have a student who is too young to drive themselves, we ask that you stay on the campus until they have received confirmation from your student that they have been admitted into the dance. We appreciate you partnering with us as we serve the students and families of Dayton Christian. 

2023 Semiformal Attire Expectations 

Attire will not be checked/approved prior to the dance. Instead, attire will be checked for compliance at the door. Individuals who do not meet the dress code at the door will be denied admittance to the dance. Female students will be checked in by a female administrator and male students will be checked in by a male administrator.

Please Note: Unlike in the past, alterations will not be offered this year. We will not permit the use of a cardigan, safety pins, leggings or other items to bring an attire into compliance.

All individuals - including non-DC guests - need to comply with the expectations explained below. All expectations have been made with modesty and a desire for unity in mind.

Dress Code for Female Students and Guests:

  • Length of the dress must be no shorter than the long side of a credit card from the top of the kneecap. Ladies that find their dresses do not meet this length may have permanent alterations made to lengthen the dress. Ladies may also consider purchasing a long dress and having it hemmed to the appropriate length.
  • Slits should not be any higher than the long side of a credit card from the top of the knee.  
  • Dresses with spaghetti straps must have two straps over the shoulders.
  • One-shoulder dresses must have at least a 1-inch strap that goes over the shoulder.
  • Off-the-shoulder dresses must have two built-in straps that go over the shoulders.

Features that will not be permitted:


  • Transparent or skin-toned fabric that gives the impression that there is no fabric
  • Backs lower than the natural line of the bra strap  
  • Visible cleavage (Permanent alterations should be made for appropriate coverage) 
  • Cutouts below the neckline  
  • Styles that are so tight that they cling to the body  

Please refer to this resource for examples of dresses that fit our expectations for female students.

Dress Code for Male Students and Guests:

  • Slacks and button-down shirt
  • Dress shoes or nice sneakers
  • Bowtie or regular tie - optional, but preferred
  • Vest or jacket - optional, but preferred

Features that will not be permitted:

  • Jeans or sweatpants
  • T-shirts or tanks
  • Muscle shirts or graphic tees
  • Dress shirts that expose the chest
  • Make-up or earrings other than studs

Please refer to this resource for examples of attire that fit our expectations for male students.

Thank you for working with us to lay a foundation of unity for our students.

Darren Gentry

DC High School Principal

Jacqueline Petty

DC High School Assistant Principal