Summer Homeopathic First Aid Series
Remedy for Burns
Hi Everyone,
Many of you are off having your summer adventures. Sometimes, adventures include unexpected injuries, and it can be very useful to have a small homeopathic first aid kit with you. Homeopathic medicines can be lifesaving. If you are going somewhere remote, where you cannot access immediate health care, I highly recommend taking a homeopathic first aid kit along.
You can build your own kit over the summer while we go through some of the most beneficial first aid homeopathic medicines. I have an online dispensary where I extend a 15% discount to everyone who uses it, click fullscript to place your order.
I love homeopathy for many reasons. First, there are no drug interactions. So, if you take prescription medicine, the homeopathic medicines will not interfere like some herbs can. Second, they are relatively inexpensive. Third, although they have to have an expiration date according to the FDA, truly, they never expire if kept out of extreme conditions. Fourth, they are small, like a chap stick tube, and it is easy to pack a homeopathic travel kit. Lastly, if you choose the correct remedy, healing time is greatly reduced.
Homeopathy is something that everyone should have some knowledge about. It is a great way to treat many acute and chronic conditions without harmful side effects and potentially without having to go to the medical doctor.
Just for clarification, homeopathy is NOT the same as herbal medicine. Arnica herbal tincture is NOT the same as homeopathic arnica, although they do start out the same, as an Arnica Montana plant.
A homeopathic medicine made from a plant starts as an herbal tincture. Then, 1 drop of the herbal tincture is added to 99 drops of water or alcohol. Then the substance is succussed (vigorously shaken). Next, one drop of the new mixture is added to another 99 drops of water or alcohol and succussed again. This procedure is repeated hundreds or even thousands of times until the desired homeopathic potency is reached. This process is called potentization. The more dilute the substance, the stronger the effect on the body, which seems completely contra-intuitive.
The diluting and success of the initial herbal tincture helps to eliminate the toxicity of the raw plant and amplifies the healing properties. Ultimately, we are left with an energetic imprint of the original substance in the water or alcohol. When taken, our body recognizes this imprint as instructions to heal.
In essence, herbal medicine has a chemical effect on the body and homeopathy has an energetic effect. This is a broader topic than this article, so I will not go into more depth here.
Another thing to be aware of is that if you google arnica, most of the time you see herbal arnica information. You have to specify homeopathic arnica when doing internet searches. The herbal and homeopathic products sometimes have similar uses and sometimes different uses. The contraindications are definitely different.
For our purposes, we will mostly be using the 30C or the 200C potency. The 200C is more dilute but considered stronger acting. If you go to the health food store you usually see the Boiron brand. The 30C potency is in blue tubes and the 200C potency is in purple tubes.
I also sell the OHM brand in my office, which are all in white tubes. I have seen some amazon products have a false second label added to them, so it is best to get the homeopathic medicines from a reputable health food store, my office or my online dispensary link : Fullscript. If you order through the online dispensary, Fullscript, you get a 15% discount and you will be supporting me instead of the big corporations.
So, if you are ready, let us dive in together and learn about our first, first aid homeopathic medicine that everyone should have on hand.
The first remedy we will discuss is: Cantharis aka Spanish fly aka cantharidin
Think of using homeopathic Cantharis when there is any condition that has the primary symptom of burning. Burning pains are necessary for cantharis to be considered. If there is no burning, then Cantharis is not the correct choice.
Cantharis is a powerful remedy for all types of burns. Whether the burn is from steam, exposure to the sun, chemicals, electricity or direct exposure to radiation, cantharis can speed the recovery, minimize the chance of infection, and reduce the pain and swelling, significantly.
I burned by finger cooking a while back and took Cantharis 200C, and I am not kidding you, within ten minutes the pain was significantly reduced, and the burn was gone within a day. Usually, I am the biggest baby when it comes to burns and I was amazed at how much the Cantharis helped to reduce the pain.
Keep this remedy on hand during those beach vacations to help treat sunburns.
Cantharis is an appropriate remedy for burns to the skin and eyes; in fact, it’s a top remedy for chemical burns. If the burn is raw and the pain is shooting in character, Cantharis can bring relief and can be used in conjunction with regular medical treatments. If the burn is serious, seek medical help immediately and give Cantharis 200C, as soon as possible, while you are heading to the medical center.
Cantharis is particularly useful for disorders involving the mucous membranes and especially of the urinary tract. It functions well with the gastrointestinal and respiratory systems as well.
The burns that require cantharis may not come from external sources. They may come from inflamed tissue or an organ reaction. Diarrhea, accompanied by burning rectal pain, a burning sensation in the stomach and esophagus, and burning pain associated with urination are all examples of internal inflammation’s calling for the use of cantharis. Urination can burn before, during and after passing through the urethra.
Cantharis is very helpful with bladder issues that have burning as a symptom. It can provide relief in both urinary tract infections as well as cystitis.
It is my suggestion that you purchase the 200C potency of cantharis for your first aid kit. 30C will work, but when talking about burns, the 200C is a bit more indicated. Each dose of Boiron brand is 5 pellets at once. Each dose of OHM brand is 4 pellets at once.
If you find you need to take the Cantharis, the dosing is dependent on the severity of the burning. If you have 3rd degree burns and are going to the hospital, then take 5 pellets every 15 minutes until you arrive.
If it is a milder burn, then the dosage depends on severity. Start with 5 pellets, you should start to feel a bit better. If there is improvement, then the pain starts to worsen again, that is when you take another dose of 5 pellets. In the beginning, dosing might be every 15 minutes or every hour. As time progresses and you start to improve, then the dosing is spread out further to four times per day. After a day or two and improvement is continuing, now it might be five pellets twice per day until resolved.
Frequency of dosing is not cut and dry. It always depends on the severity of the problem. The worse it is, the higher the potency used and the more frequent the dosing.
For more information on how to handle and take these magnificent energy medicines, please click the link to read the file on How-to-Handle-Homeopathic-Medicines.
I hope you found this topic informative and are looking forward to learning our next homeopathic first aid medicine. I highly encourage you to start to build your own homeopathic first aid kit. The faster you can get these medicines into your body, the faster you will recover. Usually, there is not time to order something online or go to the store when these first aid situations arise. Having this next to your first aid kit with bandages and Neosporin is a very wise decision. Again, you can purchase the Cantharis 200CK by Boiron in my online dispensary found here: Fullscript.
Toni Eatros, Acupuncture Physician