Summer Homeopathic First Aid Series

Shock and Sudden Onset

Aconitum Napellus 200C


Hi Everyone,


Today we are continuing our summer homeopathic first aid series. I hope you enjoyed the first installment.


The very nature of an emergency is that it is unexpected and cannot be planned for. The exact what, where and when of an emergency can never be known, but we do know that at some point in life we will encounter a sudden, emergency event. Someone will get stung by a bee, someone will get food poisoning, someone will sprain a knee. We can, however, plan in advance for potential emergencies and first aid events. 


It is very wise to have a homeopathic medicine kit that has the appropriate medicines in the appropriate potencies to handle these events when they arise. There is a certain peace of mind that comes with knowing you have a way to handle the unexpected when it does arise. 


Everyone has different circumstances and may need to put together a custom homeopathic first aid kit for their particular situation. For example, someone who is hiking, camping, skiing, and spending a lot of time outdoors is going to need a different kit from someone who is in a retirement living situation and does not leave the property very often. Someone spending time in the ocean will need different remedies from someone spending time on the mountain slopes.


As we go through these medicines this summer, take note on which situations could potentially apply to your family’s situation.


The second remedy we will discuss is:

Aconitum napellus 200C aka Monk’s Hood aka Aconite


Think of Aconitum at the beginning of any emergency or sudden traumatic event. It is a great medicine to treat shock. When something comes on hard and fast. When one minute you are fine and the next minute you are not fine, this calls for Aconitum. 


In The Desktop Guide Materia Medica by Roger Morrison, he states, “Anytime that a violent or frightening event occurs (such as a tornado or car accident) we often must give Aconite first, even if we will need other specific acute remedies later.”


In the case of shock, Aconitum stops the uncontrollable, fearful shaking experienced right after a trauma and brings the person back to normal.


This does not have to be a physical trauma; it can be psychological as well. The famous line said by someone in need of Aconitum is, “I am dying.” If someone says those words to you, give them a dose of Aconitum napellus 200C.


Aconitum is also a great choice for eye injuries. Of course, it will help with the shock of having an eye injury, but it will also address the eye injury itself. Aconitum is Arnica for the eye. Now we haven’t discussed Arnica yet, but it is coming soon. For now, just remember if there is an eye injury, think about using Aconitum 200C. 


Another use for Aconitum is for sudden onset fever or flu. If you or your child was fine when they went to bed but suddenly awakes in a panic and has a dry, croupy like cough, try Aconitum first. 


Panic attacks, especially if there has been some sort of traumatic event that happened in the past. This event is not necessarily being thought about during the panic attack, but there was some extreme event in the past that made the person feel fear or panic similar to the panic currently being experienced. 


Roger Morrison wrote, “Aconite can release a shock or fright that has been held in the body or mind for a lifetime.” This is very exciting. This means that aconitum can relieve so many people from panic attacks, insomnia, deep seated anxiety, or worrying about things that really shouldn’t be a big concern. 


Remember, when a traumatic event happens, initially give the Aconitum. Then watch carefully for other symptoms and add other appropriate homeopathic medicines that fit the symptom picture. 


I used Aconitum 200C just a few weeks ago on my dog. When I got home from work, she was panting and just not acting right. I turned on the fan to make sure she was not overheated, and she continued to pant, so I knew it was not a temperature thing. I looked her over and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. We have a large yard and I didn’t know if she got bitten by something or ate something she shouldn’t have. I truly had no idea of the cause of the extreme panting. 


I waited about an hour and just observed her and tried to get her to drink. When there was no change, I decided I needed to give her homeopathic medicine. But which one? Since I had no idea what the actual problem was and she couldn’t tell me if she was having any other symptoms, I decided to give her a dose of Aconitum napellus 200C. 


Each dose is 4 pellets of the OHM brand. I put one pellet at a time on the couch next to her and let her eat them. Literally, within 5 minutes she stopped panting and fell asleep. This is the magnificence of this medicine if the correct one is chosen. 


The reason I decided to try the Aconitum is because she was fine when I went to work and not fine when I returned. There was a sudden onset. Another benefit of homeopathic medicine is that it can be given to people and animals. My dog gobbles up the pellets with no hesitation. She chews and swallows them immediately, yet they still are strong acting. 


We typically utilize Aconitum in the 200C potency. Often only one or two doses are needed. Many people who have experienced or witnessed a shocking event take one dose and say they feel back to their normal self. In this case, no more doses are required.


Other people take one dose, feel better, but later that day or the next day, those feelings of shock and/or panic come back. In this case, another dose of Aconitum is indicated. Typically, this is homeopathic medicine is NOT taken long term.


Dosing of homeopathic medicines for first aid or acute conditions is based on the need. The more severe the condition, usually the more frequently the homeopathic medicine is dosed. Once symptoms disappear, the medicine is discontinued. 


Homeopathy is generally not used for prevention. Just as you wouldn’t put a Band-Aid on normal skin, you do not take homeopathic medicines unless there are symptoms present. 

These medicines should not be used willy-nilly. They are indeed medicines; they are not supplements or vitamins or essential oils. They need to be used properly and with great respect. We stop when the symptoms disappear and start again if the symptoms reappear. Each time the medicine is taken, a deeper level of healing is achieved, and illness is uprooted. 


If you need a refresher on how to handle homeopathic medicines, please click to read this file on How-to-Handle-Homeopathic-Medicines.



The beauty of learning and utilizing homeopathic medicines is that it greatly reduces the fear of the unexpected. You are acquiring tools in your toolbox to be able to act when an emergency arises. Homeopathy is Nature’s medicine, and we are wise to know why, how, when and where to use it. 


Stay tuned for our next homeopathic medicine in our summer first aid series.



Toni Eatros, Acupuncture Physician


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