Summer Homeopathic First Aid Series

Sepsis, Fever and Infection

Pyrogenium 200C


Hi Everyone,


Welcome back to part three of our summer homeopathic first aid series. Today, we are going to discuss an issue that I hope you are never faced with, however, having a tool in your toolbox to combat it will bring great peace of mind. Our topic today is sepsis.

Unfortunately, in our modern world of antibiotic resistant bacteria, hurricanes and flooding, sepsis is on the rise. Here, on our Naples beaches, many people are contracting severe bacterial infections that are life changing and life threatening. 

So, let’s dive in and check out our next first aid homeopathic medicine: Pyrogenium 200C


Pyrogenium is used for the very serious condition of sepsis. It is valuable for many conditions that would normally be treated with Penicillin or other antibiotics.  I have, fortunately, not ever needed to use this medicine, but my teacher has. She describes the effect of Pyrogenium as “amazing”. 

Think of using Pyrogenium for any kind of septic fever, including blood poisoning. This medicine eases symptoms of high fever, cold sweats, restlessness and irregular heart rate.  Use it in any situation where there is a high fever that is not responding to other homeopathic medicines or antibiotics. 

Sepsis of the skin as a result of surgery, ulcers or bacterial infections benefits from using Pyrogenium. When there is an infected wound or cut that will not heal, use this medicine.

Since homeopathics do not require good blood flow to work, Pyrogenium can be used to treat infections of the bone aka osteomyelitis. 

Pyrogenium can also be used in the obstetrics world. Women who get a puerperal fever after giving birth can benefit greatly from using homeopathic Pyrogenium. This medicine can also be helpful after a miscarriage.

If you are traveling and contract typhoid, diphtheria or malaria, Pyrogenium can be useful.

If you find the occasion arises and you need to use Pyrogenium 200C, the dosing, again, is based on the severity of the issue. Usually, you would take 4-5 pellets (depending on the brand) every 15 minutes to six hours. As the infection starts to improve, the dosing becomes less frequent. Usually, toward the end of recovery, this medicine is taken twice daily until the infection is gone. You can definitely take the Pyrogenium along with any other medications that your doctor prescribes. That is the beauty of homeopathy, no drug interactions. 

Pyrogenium 200C is one of the homeopathic medicines that everyone should have in their first aid kit, but it is also one that I hope you never have to use. Just a reminder, although the FDA requires homeopathic manufacturers to put expiration dates on the products, the pellets truly never expire if you keep them out of extreme conditions. 

Now, just to clarify, I am NOT telling you to not seek out medical care. However, while you are seeking out that care, use Pyrogenium 200C to start combatting the illness, immediately. If you are somewhere where there are no medical services, waiting hours or days to start treatment could mean the difference between life and death. Even with medical care, many people still do not respond to the antibiotics given. Pyrogenium could be the missing link. 

Toni Eatros, Acupuncture Physician


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