Summer Homeopathic First Aid Series

Remedy for Food Poisoning

Arsenicum album 30C aka Arsenious acid


Hi Everyone,


This summer is flying by. I hope that you are all enjoying your adventures. 


Are you starting to put together your homeopathic first aid kit? You will be amazed at the peace of mind that you experience when you know you have a tool in your toolbox to help with first aid situations. If you need help locating the homeopathic medicines that we are talking about in this series, you can find many of them on my online dispensary where I extend a 15% discount to everyone who uses it, click fullscript to place your order.


Today we are going to talk about the dreaded food poisoning scenario or other scenarios that mimic the terrible symptoms of food poisoning. If you find yourself somewhere where you cannot access health care, food poisoning can be life threatening. It is important to try and stop symptoms as soon as possible, so dehydration and collapse do not occur.


The homeopathic first aid medicine we are talking about today is:

Arsenicum album 30C aka Arsenious acid


Think of using homeopathic Arsenicum when there is any condition where there is food poisoning, particularly from bad meat. If the symptoms include burning in the digestive tract, copious diarrhea, vomiting, feeling cold all over, cold sweats, extreme fatigue, restlessness and anxiety, Arsenicum 30C is the remedy of choice. You don’t have to have all of the symptoms, but if the picture looks at all like this, Arsenicum is a good starting point.


If you will be traveling to Mexico or any place where water quality is questionable, I highly recommend you take some Arsenicum album 30C along with you. It is the premier remedy for dysentery or any water or food poisoning. 


At the first sign of distress, take a dose of Arsenicum album 30C every 2-3 hours. When there is improvement, take every 4-5 hours. When better, stop taking it completely. Each dose of Boiron brand is 5 pellets at one time. Each dose of OHM brand is 4 pellets at once. Frequency of dosing is not cut and dry. It always depends on the severity of the problem. The worse it is, the more frequent the dosing.  


For more information on how to handle and take these magnificent energy medicines, please click and read the article on How to handle homeopathic remedies.


Again, I highly encourage you to start to build your own homeopathic first aid kit. The faster you can get these medicines into your body, the less you will suffer and the faster you will recover. Usually, there is not time to order something online or go to the store when these first aid situations arise. Adding Arsenicum album 30C to your first aid kit is a very wise decision. Again, you can purchase the Arsenicum album 30CK by Boiron in my online dispensary found here.  If you are interested in the OHM brand, you can contact me and pick it up at the office. 


I hope you found this topic informative and are looking forward to learning our next homeopathic first aid medicine. I would love to hear any success stories if you find yourself using these valuable medicines.





Toni Eatros, Acupuncture Physician


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