Summer Homeopathic First Aid Series #6

Remedy for Combatting Illness from the Heat

Glonoinum 30C, Veratrum album 30C,

Cuprum metallicum 30C & Belladonna 30C 


Hi Everyone,


It sure has been one hot summer, all over the world. I heard a staggering statistic that at least 1,300 people died during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage as temperatures were as high as 120 degrees Fahrenheit. My heart goes out to all of the families that have lost loved ones. This sad statistic brings me to this week’s summer homeopathic first aid article, remedies for beating the heat. 


Up to this point, we have been focusing on one homeopathic medicine per issue. However, today, we are going to talk about four important remedies for different phases of illness from prolonged exposure to the heat. 


Obviously, staying inside during these really hot days is the wisest thing to do, but isn’t always possible. As you know, hurricane season is upon us. If you have been a Florida resident for any length of time, you know we can lose power after a big storm, sometimes for a week or more. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are real issues in these situations. Being prepared and having these remedies on hand can save a life during these times. 


Typically, we do not use homeopathic medicines as prevention, but there are always those rare exceptions. If you know that you will be out in the heat for an extended period of time, it is wise to take Glonoinum 30C to prevent heat stroke. Taking one dose every three hours can provide some protection against the heat and humidity. For example, after a storm, there is no electricity and the outside cleanup needs to be attended to. Before I go out and start cleaning up the yard, I would take four pellets of the Glonoinum 30C and, of course, I would stay hydrated and take breaks.


Now, if Glonoinum was not taken in advance and someone succumbed to heat exhaustion, another remedy, Veratrum album 30C is taken. This remedy is for someone who has lost a lot of water and salt from profuse sweating. Usually, symptoms include extreme weakness, dizziness, fast heart rate and feelings of fainting. The person may have a cold sweat, a pale face and nausea, as well. Oddly, this person may sometimes feel cold or have cold hands and feet at this stage. If someone is exhibiting some or most of the above symptoms, but especially weaknesses or collapse, Veratrum album 30C is the remedy of choice.


Another commonly used homeopathic for heat exhaustion is Cuprum metallicum 30C. The keynote for using Cuprum is there has to be muscle cramping and jerking. If the fluid and salt loss was extreme, there could even be seizures or convulsions. There may be other symptoms present like fast heart rate, cold sweat or light headedness, like in the scenario above, but the important thing to remember is there must be some kind of muscle spasm in the symptom picture to use Cuprum. If there was no muscle spasm, then the Veratrum would be a better choice. 


If action is not taken in the beginning phases of heat exhaustion, the person can start to have heat stroke. This happens when the body temperature has been too high for too long and the body can no longer regulate the body’s temperature. The key symptoms of heat stroke are red face, throbbing headache, fever, delirium and/ or loss of consciousness. This is a serious condition and medical attention should be sought out.


While you are finding medical care, two homeopathic medicines should come to mind for this situation. These homeopathics are Glonoinum 30C and Belladonna 30C. How do you know which one to use? There is a subtle difference in how the person wants to hold their head. The person who needs the Glonoinum 30C cannot stand to have his/her head laid backwards. This person also feels better in the open air and would not want to be confined to a small space with little air flow. Another possible keynote is if a cold compress is applied, the person may start to twitch or have muscle contractions. 


The person who would benefit more from the Belladonna 30C is someone who feels more comfortable with their head laid backward and sitting quietly. Belladonna is only used in these extreme circumstances. This person is very ill. There is always a red face, terrible headache and high fever, over 102 degrees Fahrenheit. 


In this extreme heat stroke situation, the person would be given one dose of the Glonoinum 30C or Belladonna 30C (4 pellets of OHM or 5 pellets of Boiron brands) every 10-20 minutes and spreading out the doses as the person begins to recover. In between doses, hydrating and reintroducing electrolytes to the person is extremely important.


I can remember a time when I wish I knew about homeopathy. When I was young, my mom, dad, sister and I went on winter vacation from Minnesota to Grand Cayman. We were there for about five days. Since it was below zero in Minnesota, my family spent a lot of time in the hot sundown at the beach. My father had a Grizzly Adams style beard at the time. He got sunburned and overheated and by the time we were to fly home, he was extremely sick. 


Truly, he probably should have been admitted to the hospital, but instead we flew back home to Minnesota. When we arrived, there was a huge blizzard and we had to leave our car blocks away from our house and walk to the house in the blizzard. By the time we got home, my father had a high fever, was delirious and vomiting. We could not get him medical attention at this point, because there was no driving in the storm. 


Oh, how I wish I knew about these magical remedies back then. At the hotel, at the first signs of him not doing well, I would have administered the Veratrum album 30C. Catching it in the early stages probably would have stopped the progression of my father’s illness. At the point he was at when we arrived home, he would have needed either the Glonoinum or the Belladonna. I do not recall how he wanted his head. We ended up putting him into an ice bath to bring his temperature down and he eventually came around. These emergency types of scenarios are the perfect time to use the first aid homeopathic medicines that you have on hand.


I highly encourage you start to build your own homeopathic first aid kit. The faster you can get these medicines into your body, the less you will suffer and the faster you will recover, often without medical center intervention. Usually, there is not time to order something online or go to the store when these first aid situations arise. Adding Veratrum album 30C, Cuprum metallicum 30C, Glonoinum 30C and Belladonna 30C to your first aid kit is a very wise decision, especially if you live in Florida. Again, you can purchase these homeopathics by Boiron in my online dispensary found here. If you are interested in the OHM brand, you can contact me and pick it up at the office. 


For a reminder on how to handle and take these magnificent energy medicines, please read the article on How to handle homeopathic remedies.


I hope you found this topic informative and are looking forward to learning our next homeopathic first aid medicine. I would love to hear any success stories if you find yourself using these valuable medicines.



Toni Eatros, Acupuncture Physician


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