Summer Homeopathic First Aid Series #7

Remedy for Nerve Injury and Pain

Hypericum perforatum 200C

aka St. John’s wort

aka millepertuis.


Hi Everyone,


I cannot believe how quickly this summer is passing by. We are moving right through our homeopathic first aid series. I have heard from several of you that are very much enjoying this series and finding it informative. Thank you for letting me know. Sometimes I wonder if anyone is reading and benefitting from these installments. 


Today we are talking about nerve pain and injuries and will be using Hypericum perforatum 200C aka St. John’s wort aka millepertuis.


Now I know some of you are saying, “St John’s wort? Isn’t that for depression?” Hypericum perforatum is the perfect example of the difference between using the herbal preparation of a plant versus the homeopathic preparation of a plant. The uses are completely different. Always keep that in mind when googling homeopathic medicines. It is important that you are looking at homeopathic information and not herbal information. They are NOT the same thing. Herbal St John’s Wort is used for depression. The homeopathic Hypericum is used for nerve pain.


Homeopathic Hypericum perforatum is used when you have nerve pain or have injured a nerve rich area. This can be from a crushing injury or a penetrating wound that involves nerve rich areas. These areas include the spine, fingers and toes, dental pain or a fall on your elbow or tailbone. Shingles is another condition where the Hypericum can be useful. It can be used during the acute phase of Shingles or during the post shingles neuralgia phase. 


Although Hypericum is not for wounds, specifically, it can be used if there is an infected wound with accompanying pain that shoots down the nerve. Nerve pain is usually very intense and radiates or shoots to other parts of the body. 


When the pain is extreme and exceedingly sensitive to the touch or when both the pain and sensitivity seem out of proportion to the injury, Hypericum can provide much needed relief. Abscesses and swelling, especially of the hands, can be reduced by using Hypericum. 


After dental work, if the pain is sharp, electric, tearing and/or pulling, Hypericum will be very helpful. Facial nerve pain, also known as trigeminal neuralgia, especially when it is right sided also calls for Hypericum. 


After injury to the back, when the smallest movement of the neck or limbs causes extreme pain and causes the person to cry out in pain, Hypericum is indicated. Injuries to the tailbone, which may result from giving birth or falling down and landing on the tailbone respond well to Hypericum perforatum. For many, Hypericum can provide more relief nerve pain than Morphine. 


Hypericum perforatum 200C is one of my favorite homeopathic medicines and I use this one on a regular basis. Many of you know that I was involved in two car accidents, neither my fault, and had to have back surgery. As a result of these accidents and the surgery, I have chronic nerve pain in my legs that worsens as the day goes on. So, by the end of the day, the pain in my legs is to the point that I cannot sleep. Most nights I take one dose of Hypericum (4 or 5 pellets depending on the brand) right before I go to bed. The Hypericum takes the edge off the nerve pain and allows me to fall asleep. There have been a handful of times, usually after a day filled with physical labor, where after about 30 minutes my legs are still bothering me and I cannot sleep. In those cases, I take one more dose of the Hypericum and that has allowed me to drift off to sleep within about 20 minutes of taking the second dose. This has never failed me. 95% of the time, one dose is all I need. 


As always, the dosing depends on the severity of the injury. Immediately after the injury, take a dose of Hypericum perforatum 200C every 20 minutes to 6 hours. When there is improvement, take it every 6-12 hours. When better, stop taking it completely. Each dose of Boiron brand is 5 pellets at one time. Each dose of OHM brand is 4 pellets at once. Frequency of dosing is not cut and dry. It always depends on the severity of the problem. The worse it is, the more frequent the dosing.  


For a reminder on how to handle and take these magnificent energy medicines, please read the article on How to handle homeopathic remedies.


I highly encourage you to start to build your own homeopathic first aid kit. The faster you can get these medicines into your body, the less you will suffer and the faster you will recover, often without medical center intervention. Usually, there is not time to order something online or go to the store when these first aid situations arise. Adding Hypericum perforatum 200C to your first aid kit is a very wise decision. Again, you can purchase the Hypericum 200CK by Boiron from my online dispensary found fullscript. If you are interested in the OHM brand, you can contact me and pick it up at the office. 


I hope you found this topic informative and are looking forward to learning our next homeopathic first aid medicine. I would love to hear any success stories if you find yourself using these valuable medicines.


Toni Eatros, Acupuncture Physician


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