Summer Homeopathic First Aid Series #8

Treatment for Broken and Fractured Bones

Arnica Montana 200C

Hypericum Perforatum 200C

Symphytum officinalis 200C

Calcarea phosphoricum 3X


Hi Everyone,


I was contemplating about what my next installment of the summer homeopathic first aid series would be about and someone reached out to me asking about homeopathic medicines for broken bones. Her great grandson had fallen off a slide today and broke his arm. Although, I wish this boy didn’t get hurt so badly, I am so happy to hear that he was outside playing instead of inside on a device. This is the information that I shared with his great grandmother.


When there is an injury that has caused trauma to the body, there is usually a multi-stepped approach that we take to address the different phases of the injury. This means, immediately after the fall, before she even knew there was a broken bone, Arnica Montana 200C is indicated for bruising, swelling and pain. We haven’t talked about Arnica yet, but we will. It is the most well-known and used homeopathic medicine. I will do a separate article going more in depth about Arnica in the future. For now, just know, the first step after a trauma with physical injury to the body, is to take one dose of Arnica. 


As always, the dosing depends on the severity of the injury. Immediately after the injury, you might take one dose every 30-60 minutes. In this case, taking it at the playground. Then taking it again when they reached the medical center. Then taking another dose as they leave the medical center. As the pain, bruising and swelling improves, the dosing of the Arnica Montana 200C can be spaced out and then stopped when those symptoms go away.


If after those three doses of the Arnica, it seems as though there is zero improvement in the pain, then try adding Hypericum perforatum 200C using the same dosing schedule as the Arnica. Hopefully, Hypericum seems familiar to you. Last week’s article was all about nerve pain and Hypericum. Stop the Hypericum when the pain goes away.


Now that we have dealt with the pain, bruising, swelling and nerve pain of the broken bone, we need to switch to the healing phase of treatment. We need to support the body in quickly healing the bone. There are two homeopathic medicines that are used to build bone. Symphytum officinalis 200C is the first one. Symphytum is made from the Comfrey plant and is also known as bone knit.  This is one situation where the herbal and homeopathic uses have some overlap. For a broken bone you will take one dose of Symphytum 200C twice daily until the x-ray shows the bone has completely healed. 


The second homeopathic medicine that is used to speed healing of bone is Calcarea phosphoricum 3X. Did you notice the 3X after the name Calcarea? This is a different potency from the other medicines we have been talking about this summer. This one is actually considered to be a tissue cell salt and has not been diluted to the extent of the other medicines discussed in this article. This homeopathic medicine is very valuable for bones and teeth. It aids the absorption and utilization of calcium. The Calcarea is taken the same way as the Symphytum, one dose twice daily until the bone has completely healed.


When taking two different homeopathic, it is important to stagger the dosing by about half an hour. If you take two medicines simultaneously, it sort of has a 1+1=3 effect, creating a completely new medicine. Therefore, it is best to stagger the medicines, so they have the anticipated and desired effect.


2024 seems like it is the year of broken bones. I have had several older women who fell and broke their leg and/or foot this year. It seems like many are not healing very quickly. Some even had to use a machine called a bone stimulator and it still took a very long time to heal. They had to wear a “boot” for months and months. Once these women added in the Symphytum and Calcarea, the bone quickly kicked into fast healing gear, and they came out of their “boots” and were back into regular shoes.


Remember, each dose of Boiron brand is 5 pellets at one time. Each dose of OHM brand is 4 pellets at once. Frequency of dosing is not cut and dry with the Arnica and the Hypericum. It depends on the severity of the problem. The worse it is, the more frequent the dosing.  The dosing of the Symphytum and the Calcarea is fixed at one dose twice daily. 


For a reminder on how to handle and take these magnificent energy medicines, please read the article on How to handle homeopathic remedies.


I highly encourage you to start to build your own homeopathic first aid kit. I have been getting requests to sell homeopathic first aid kits with the remedies we discussed this summer. I will look into facilitating that for you. If this seems like something you are interested in, please drop me an email letting me know you are interested. 


The faster you can get these medicines into your body after an injury, the less you will suffer and the faster you will recover. In the case of a broken bone, you must seek medical care. However, the protocol I laid out above will greatly speed your healing and diminish your discomfort. If you want to purchase these remedies online, you can use my online dispensary found fullscript. If you are interested in the OHM brand, you can contact me and pick it up at the office. (Note: to purchase Calcarea phosphoricum 3X, you can contact me and pick it up at the office).


The more I use these medicines and watch how magnificent they work without side effects, the more and more of a believer I become. I have truly been astounded watching the sometimes seemingly miraculous healing that can be attained with these medicines.  


Toni Eatros, Acupuncture Physician


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