Dear Homes RI Supporters,

We are in challenging times. People, and social systems, are strained. At the center of this public health emergency is the necessity for people to take care of themselves in a safe, healthy and affordable home. Too many Rhode Islanders are currently unable to do this because they are housing insecure.

We are asking our state leaders to take the following actions to stop the spread of the virus and promote housing stability now, and to prepare for the aftermath of this unprecedented pandemic:

  • Protect Rhode Islanders from evictions, foreclosures, and utility shut-offs: We request a statewide directive that would protect tenants and homeowners from eviction and foreclosures and extend protections from utility shut offs for a minimum of 120 days after the emergency is declared over. 

  • Ensure financial support for tenants and property owners:  We ask that available federal resources be fast-tracked for rent, mortgage, and operations assistance for tenants and property owners and that the State consider its own financial package to supplement available federal funds for housing. 
  • Support for people experiencing homelessness: We request emergency funding be made available to ensure that people who are homeless are able to safely isolate and quarantine, and that critical amenities such as toilets, hand washing, and charging stations are made publicly accessible. We also request a state directive to municipalities to suspend enforcement of ordinances which impact people experiencing homelessness and to designate safe parking zones for people living in their cars.
  • Sustained support for affordable homes: We urge the Administration and General Assembly to work together to preserve the proposed housing bond and dedicated annual funding stream to build safe, healthy long-term affordable homes. We call on lawmakers to take action to eliminate unnecessary barriers to accessing secure housing, including, but not limited to, an end to housing discrimination based on a tenant's source of income or eviction history.

Ensuring sustained investments in housing, particularly for low and no-income Rhode Islanders, will only strengthen our ability to recover from this public health crisis, and ensure resiliency for the next emergency that hits us. Click here to support our long-term policy priorities .
Funding for Homelessness and Housing
On Friday March 27, a $2 trillion direct spending bill, also known as the CARES Act , was passed by Congress and signed into law by the President. The bill provides more than $12 billion in funding for HUD programs, as well as about $300 billion for cash payments and $260 billion in enhanced unemployment benefits that are designed to help people to receive close to their full income for the next four months.

Housing advocates are now beginning to push federal agencies to release funding as soon as possible, and more work remains to be done to ensure that future relief packages include even broader protections from evictions and foreclosures and emergency rental assistance.
Rhode Island COVID 19
Rhode Island
The 2020 Census is here! The Census is important to determine distribution of federal funds, including funding for important housing programs! The Census also helps determine representation in Congress, fair representation at the state and local level, and drives decision-making for our State's future.
Rhode Island
Tomorrow is 401Gives Day! Many nonprofit members of Homes RI and across Rhode Island are participating in this statewide day of giving, including the Housing Network , which serves as the backbone organization for Homes RI.

Homes RI is a collaborative effort of local nonprofits, housing organizations, and
community stakeholders, created to shine a spotlight on the need for increased
investments in community development and affordable homes across Rhode Island.

Homes RI is managed by the Housing Network of Rhode Island.

For questions about Homes RI, contact Katie West .
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