Irrigation is currently down until the pond begins to re-fill with water. We understand this is frustrating, and are working with the irrigation district and water users around us to make adjustments during heavy use times. We anticipate starting to see water come in tonight, and will monitor and restart the system as soon as possible.
Turning Around
With mail centrally located in the community, it creates a place everyone has to visit. If you happen to drive over to the mailboxes, please do not use neighboring driveways for turning around. Follow the road and loop around or turn around in the street. Those near the mailboxes will greatly appreciate your care in not marking up their driveways.
Food Truck Rally
We greatly enjoyed meeting folks at the food truck rally and thank all who were able to come out and get to know neighbors.
We are continuing to receive complaints about people walking their pets off-leash and not cleaning up after them. Please be responsible pet owners and neighbors and use a leash and pickup after your pet. We all greatly appreciate it!